Sentences with phrase «fair solution»

The only fair solution was to impose a fixed and automatic penalty for each offence.
The collaborative family law process works when it is more important for you to solve problems and work privately towards fair solutions rather than arguing publicly in court.
- A law and mediation practice devoted to helping people who seek peaceable, workable, fair solutions for complex...
Collaborative divorce presents a progressive and practical alternative to traditional divorce litigation and focuses on finding fair solutions that accommodate the wishes of both parties without going to court.
Collaborative family law is a powerful and effective way for people who are divorcing to reach fair solutions and resolve differences, using highly trained and skilled professionals, while avoiding the cost and uncertainties of litigation.
She is commercial in her approach and has, with us, ensured fair solutions in situations which have arisen, whilst protecting the company from vexatious claims.
Then they decide, «now we want to go into fair solutions
There is no mention of effective and fair solutions such as respecting the land rights of forest peoples, promoting clean democratic energy or ensuring food sovereignty for communities and small farmers, all of which would keep carbon safely locked up underground and in trees and soils.
It's more about orchestrating and managing a conversation where people discuss their larger needs and goals and find their own fair solutions within a reasonable legal framework.
Success Academy Rejects DOE's Partial «Solution» To Space Requests, Demands Permanent Space For All Six Schools In A Letter To Mayor Bill de Blasio, Eva Moskowitz Urges DOE To Find Practical And Fair Solution For All Success Academy Scholars New -LSB-...]
With the help of a fair counselor, it is possible to develop basic conflict resolution skills, making it easier for you to identify the core issues, reduce tension, and find fair solutions.
«Obviously the only fair solution is for every author to post their DNA report on the back cover of every book.»
The «pit bull problem» is vast, currently unmanageable, and I don't see an effective or fair solution in sight.
Eventually, we'll figure out a better way to do this but this seems like a fair solution for now.
This article offers a fair solution which does not require any sale of assets using some insights from economic theory and Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act of 1966.
He said the company remains willing to reach a «reasonable and fair solution» to past ethics issues.
The fairest solution given a status quo that isn't going to go away is to allow gays the same right to marry that non-gays have.
The fairest solution is for government to fund all successful providers of desired public goods such as education and health care whether or not a particular provider is religious or not.
NOTHING is the fairest solution, which means I have to keep my flaming pentagram above my sons bed, and not in the public hall
The fair solution is the one of our founders came up with... to separate church and state.
That's a fair solution for a team with budget constraints.
The teams and manufacturers are also in a difficult position, with major manufacturers looking for reason to justify their involvement, whilst some of the independently - run teams just after a simple a fair solution (Red Bull have already issued a quit - threat).
How would that be a fairer solution than dropping a driver down a few places from their qualifying position?
Challenge kids to come up with a fair solution together.
He said: «While no set of proposals will ever be perfect, we believe that ours would provide a fair solution, which could prove sustainable for as long as this remains an appointed chamber.»
«The fair solution is to abolish tuition fees and ensure that graduate contributions are based on actual earnings in the real world, rather than sticker prices in prospectuses, which are based on guesswork.»
«This would provide a fair solution to the problem,» says molecular biologist Matthias Hentze, who was one of the original complainants before the ILO.
Still, this sacrifice of personal time by teachers isn't a fair solution.
I don't know what a fair solution is.
It's really the only fair solution.
Despite this, the lawyers for the Department of Education claim that the revised guidelines provide a fair solution.
Mac Thornberry supported this bill in the hope that it would lift government influence on student loans; he commented, «This bill is a good and fair solution to fixing interest rates.»
Removing reverse mortgages from the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund is the obvious and fairest solution to this problem.
The TIO can help you and your provider to sort out the problem, and can then investigate and decide on a fair solution for your problem.
The term Bankruptcy has developed a very bad reputation, but honestly, it is a very reasonable and fair solution to a dire financial situation.
The FSA Ombudsman will research your problem in an impartial and objective manner and will try to develop a fair solution.
We have investigated many possible options for all the people who deserve entries (those who volunteer a lot, those who have been wait listed many times, those with older dogs, those who can't travel, etc, etc) and the unfortunate situation at this time is that many, many people deserve entries and there isn't an easy way to address the situation given our current resources, so the fairest solution is a random draw.
There are better and fairer solutions to combat Green House Gases.
Do you consider crediting rooftop solar owners a wholesale rate (rather than full - retail rate) to be a fair solution?
At least 74 are Global Warmists (including a page three girl, two rock singers, a restauranteur, and an ex-busker who persuaded Angelica Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy that equal carbon footprints for all were «the fairest solution to global warming» — you couldn't make it up).
With the debt load of students being so high, this doesn't appear to be a practical or fair solution.
As such, I aim for the most practical, cost effective and fair solution.
You need a legal professional to clarify and enforce your rights and help you arrive at a fair solution.
Because you decide the fairest solution for your family, you remain in control of the entire process.
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