Sentences with phrase «fairly obvious place»

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While all of this sounds fairly obvious, it takes decades of experience to actually put the strategies, systems and discipline in place to truly be effective (and deploy it) at scale.
There is the obvious stuff of course; keeping all the parts of our breast pump (for those who use one) sterile and stored in a clean place and changing the breastfeeding pillow cover regularly is fairly standard practice (though I do admit to letting that task slide when nursing my second kid).
Many of the laws governing battle are fairly obvious: It is illegal to misuse a white flag, a symbol of surrender or truce (Hague IV); it is illegal to kill or injure a person who has surrendered; it is illegal to attack a defenseless person or place; it is illegal to attack a building that is being used as a hospital.
The method is fairly obvious: fill, place the sticks (or straws), garnish (try mint leaves, citrus zest or slices, low carb dark chocolate chips, crumbled peppermint, berries) and freeze.
That'd definitely buy me as I'm usually not one for the AAA monsters the industry is fairly obsessed with nowadays (with obvious exceptions here and there, but you get the point) and indie stuff alone usually doesn't cut it either (where quality is all over the place anyways).
To anyone who was observing the TCs as they were organizing (or attempting to organize), it was fairly obvious that the development was being hindered by strong westerly winds aloft — this is reasonably attributable to the substantial incipient El Nino conditions that were in place last fall.
See the research and articles at So, given that there are just not all that many options to choose from in deciding upon a child custody arrangement, and given that those options overwhelmingly will be constrained or even dictated by fairly obvious facts about the parties» circumstances such as work and school schedules, or how far apart they live from each other, and similar considerations, one really has to query what all the painstaking attention to detail and «science» (or pretext to science) is all about if, when all is said and done, the decision will boil down to the application of a default personal preference, and pragmatic ways of arranging custody and visitation schedules to accomplish this while avoiding liability for placing children into situations in which detriment too obviously or easily can be proved to be the direct result of the arrangement.
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