Sentences with phrase «fairness there»

So I thought it was a basic issue of fairness there.
In fairness there have been some polarised views across the industry with scores ranging from 90 to 25; maybe it's literally an acquired taste.
She's also strangely willing to let things slide and doesn't react as strongly as you might think to certain revelations, although in fairness there are narrative reasons for this so I can't be annoyed too much at this.
In all fairness there's something odd about a partisan political hack hired to oversee a «fair election.»
Cornwall council's elections project manager, Paul Hamill, said despite fears over fairness there was very little that could be done.
In all fairness there is no scintilla of a premiership competition at the top for arsenal.
In all fairness there's no shame losing to either of those teams (although the manner in how we lost to Bayern last time out was embarrassing for everyone associated with the club).

Not exact matches

And there is a deeper fairness concern about the hyper - focus on workarounds.
«One of the conversations that keeps coming up at these G7 and G20 meetings is the idea of how to help workers transition (to jobs or retirement) and that there is some fairness and equity in that transition.
Although this arrangement makes sense in many cases, as it can be more efficient, there are many networks where a centralized source of power poses significant threats to the health and fairness of the system.
Since they have no right to legal residency, there can not be an issue about fairness toward their interests.
I get a lot of questions about fairness regarding stocks, as if there were some formulas recorded somewhere.
To be fair is to give to others their due, and there are several ways in which a leader's commitment to fairness is tested.
There are, likewise, certainly values that brook no compromise, and I would count among them integrity, fairness and the avoidance of cruelty.
But there is genuine fear the EC fine could be the opening salvo in a grisly shoot - out, as regulators in Europe and elsewhere grow emboldened to punish American tech firms, and even meddle in their decision - making, in the name of fairness, privacy, or security.
In all fairness, there's definitely demand for improved investor service among financial professionals.
I have already addressed the tax fairness issue, but there is also an underlying assumption here that Canadian tariffs on Chinese goods are wholly or mostly paid for by Chinese companies.
The Report, which follows 9 months of investigation, finds that the banks do not prioritize financial consumer protection, fairness and product suitability and as a result there is an increased risk of mis - selling to consumers and of bank employees breaching market conduct obligations.
There seem to be three main pillars that provide effective solutions: progressive taxation, a robust safety net, and ensuring fairness in the workplace.
There are fairness questions and risk questions.»
I don't think I'm that much against link buying personally but if it's against the «rules» set out by those who regulate (and their rules are there for fairness) I can not do it myself.
Finally, there is the question of fairness.
And I guess I think if there is a God, he is smart enough to know us and our motivations, etc. and we can trust him to deal with us in love and fairness when all is said and done.
Politicians and the interests behind them, in contrast, use the ideas of virtue and fairness to move decisions away from the market toward the government, where there is no direct accountability.
There are even studies with pre-verbal children (haven't been socialized to religion yet) and other but non-human social animals that show that morality, if you accept that a sense of fairness and preferring «nice» over the opposite are proto - morals, then indeed it is evolution that makes it so.
In the state of all fairness, the cross shouldn't be there either.
Everytime religious people post something about God or something out of their belief, there comes the Atheists storming it with their typical (hateful, profane, disrespectful but in - fairness articulate, itellect, scientific and logical) replies and name callings such as; «2000 years religious numbnuts», «oxymorons who keep asking of sky daddy's help», «idiots who was fooled by a magical being in the sky» and so on and so forth.
There are many variants of this school of thought, one of the best known being John Rawls's conception of justice as fairness: every person has the maximum freedoms consistent with others» enjoyment of the same liberties; and inequalities are permitted only to the extent that such disparities benefit the most disadvantaged.
Yet it must be said in fairness that there is probably as much paternalism in the liberal's all-wise insistence on «appropriate technology» in the face of a new nation's determination to have its own steel plants as in the conservative's all-wise insistence on monogamous marriage in the face of tribal insistence on polygamy.
There are no reasonable liberals to whom Christians might appeal in the name of fairness and free speech.
De Waal recently published a book called «The Bonobo and the Atheist: In Search of Humanism Among the Primates,» which synthesizes evidence that there are biological roots in human fairness, and explores what that means for the role of religion in human societies.
«There has been a shift from rightness to fairness,» Kinnaman said.
There are also genuine palliative care specialists who think that some press coverage has been sensationalist, so here, in the interest of fairness and balance is Heather Richardson, of the organisation Help the Hospices.
Even though I'm delighted by stories here and there of women here and there experiencing fairness here and there, I'm not pacified by them.
In fairness, however, there have been some characters posting here who attack Christians in very much the same way, labeling all of them evil.
It must in fairness be noted that there is ample historical precedent of holy men and women who were unjustly treated by church authorities.
There are treasures of immense joy waiting for you in marriage when you let go of your expectations of fairness.
But in fairness to Ely it must be recognized that there is ambiguity in Whitehead on this point.
And there can be no community without some consensus about fairness and justice, whether these terms are used or others.
There needs to be an explicit acknowledgment of universal values such as fairness, altruism, empathy and solidarity if economics is to work for the common good.
We all have sinned against our Creator and we all deserve punishment, and there is none higher than God to appeal for «fairness».
Though, in fairness, there's also a danger in cynicism toward mission work and projects that are legitimately making an difference in the world.
Other panelists pointed out that there were several factors in play here, not just gender, so the full matter could in fairness only be determined by a more rigorous statistical approach that assigned weights to each variable.
This has, in turn, other consequences: freedom, tolerance, and fairness are necessary if we recognize that there is a common truth to which both sides of a dispute are loyal.
In the name of fairness, all religious items must be place on the INSIIDE... or else I will move there and put y Batman collection all over the place.
In human society, we boast about equality and fairness while living lives of extreme inequality, thinking that those who are at the top deserve to be there.
Even if the oligopolist would demonstrate quality, fairness, diversity, critical debate, objectivity, investigative reporting, resistance to external pressures in his offerings to the market place, there would still be reason to provide regulatory correction as the market place would effectively be closed for newcomers and thus not constitute a free market.
nw i feel cheated d way ppl feel after getting duped.If fairness is all that is true why is it there so much discrepancy out there.
Of course, there would have to be some rules of the game that would require intellectual responsibility, civility, and fairness to traditions with which one disagreed.
Now, in fairness, there has been 2000 years of indoctrination going on, and someone who is raised in that closed system simply accepts that as «reality».
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