Sentences with phrase «fairy circle patterns»

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In the simulation, they found that over decades colonies would appear and disappear (much like observations of actual fairy circles) and that they would eventually self - organize into regularly spaced honeycomb patterns, with each colony surrounded by six others.
In contrast to several other hypotheses, self - organization is expected to create mathematically definable patterns whose scale and intensity differ under different conditions, as has been shown for fairy circles.
The highest potential for a causal mechanism of fairy circles probably lies in some form of landscape scale, self - organizing process similar to those proposed by Rietkerk et al., Couteron and LeJeune, and Tlidi et al. [11]--[16] as patterning vegetation in a range of landscapes, especially arid ones.
Under some conditions, patterns similar to fairy circles were formed.
As there is not enough water in areas between desert and grassland — where fairy circles occur — for plants to form a continuous cover, individual plants organize themselves in this beehive pattern in order to maximize the little water that they receive.
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