Sentences with phrase «faith in a government»

There can be no faith in government if our highest offices are excused from scrutiny - they should be setting the example of transparency.»
As they lost faith in their government's ability to manage the situation, unemployed and low - income Germans became more likely to turn to the Communist Party.
People hear the same ideas about the same problems and appear to be losing faith in the government to be able to solve problems.
The distrust that Trump voters feel for the media is matched by their lack of faith in government, according to the Edelman poll.
Anyone wondering why Canadians sometimes lose faith in government's ability to get anything done should read a report that the country's auditors general released at the end of March.
A substantial % of «their people» have no faith in their government.
Fiat currencies have value simply because of faith in the governments that issue them.
He NEVER said to put your faith in the government and lean on it.
If not then your not supporting a man of faith in a government position, rather you are promoting YOUR faith as a governing factor.
Lyndon Johnson's overly ambitious Great Society program, especially its failed War on Poverty, did much to diminish the faith in government that FDR's New Deal had generated.
Faith in government is a faith that a group larger than yourself or your immediate family, tribe, or cult can do something for you.
Mary Gordon on faith in government, Nation, February 1, 1993.
The bottom line here is that the Republicans» fascination with an unfettered free market and their lack of faith in the government's ability to provide any benefits to our common life (except to assist business in making money) is no more consistent with Catholic teaching than the Democrats» emphasis on individual freedom in social questions and their faith in human perfectibility through government action.
He asks us to believe that the U.S. bishops issued a statement called «Political Responsibility» during a U.S. election year that merely rediscovers nineteenth - century German social thought, which by chance offers a political platform that, by sheer coincidence, parallels the U.S. Democratic platform program by program, yet these very bishops are completely immune from influence by the current political constellation in their headquarters» host city of Washington, D.C. Further, this very professor tells us that the problem with Republicans» the party of Ford, Bush, and Dole» is that they are excessively committed to the «unfettered free market» and lack «faith in the government's ability to provide» social benefits, a position he claims is completely contrary to the Catholic faith.
One has faith in government, faith in the general goodness of man, faith in the safety of foods and medicines... there is much in the world that we do not understand, and much that's too complex for us all to grasp.
I have to laugh at the Lutheran from the Family Council who says it is a question of faith in God vs faith in government, and then says that he has more faith in the market than in government.
IF you don't live in almost every single place in the in US, and if you have complete faith in the government to take care of you in a situation like Katrina.
When there are allegations of this kind it makes it difficult for everyone to have faith in their government
Corruption wastes precious tax dollars and erodes the people's faith in their government.
«New Yorkers work hard every day and deserve to have trust and faith in their government,» Kaminsky said in a statement.
The pair have an uncanny ability to prompt less faith in the government every relaunch they do.
«The Senate is committed to restoring faith in government, and pension forfeiture has been a priority for us because those who violate the public trust need to be held responsible,» said Senate Finance Committee Chair Cathy Young.
«People need a restoration of their faith in government.
The judge went through the charges and explained that ultimately the casualty here was people's faith in the government, of which the judge said Silver took advantage.
People feel it represents them (generally speaking), at a time when there's not much faith in government.
«There's been a steep decline in the public's faith in government, and the willingness of Congressional candidates to sign this pledge would show an understanding of the need to take real steps to bring reform and restore public faith in government,» Koch said in a press release.
They remove citizens from the public process and — worst of all — take away our faith in our government, disabling the essential system of civic participation which ensures the representation of the people, and not the self - interested.
«In a time defined by vitriolic hyper partisanship and when people have lost faith in their government's fundamental ability to address the critical challenges of our time — in particular, the growing income inequality in our country, New York State has once again come together to get things done.
«But we need to restore faith in our government.
Martins also wants to reform the county's troubled property tax assessment system and restore faith in government after the indictments of several elected officials, including GOP County Executive Edward Mangano.
«Today, people have lost faith in their government in Albany, not just in the policies, but also in the honest, character and competency of its leadership,» Molinaro, 42, said at a second campaign event later in the day in Albany.
«As we consider more than a hundred and fifty billion dollars in spending, it's critical we start to restore people's faith in our government by closing the LLC Loophole.
«In this climate of corruption and climate of people feeling that public officials are using their tax dollars to line their own pockets, and this feeling of complete distrust of government, it's imperative that the law is followed and people have faith in government,» she said.
«I am running to restore their faith in government and I am running to win... Unlike Senator Gillibrand, I will never forget that the first job of a United States senator is to represent the needs of their state.»
In its report An End to Sofa Government, the taskforce argues Tony Blair's off the cuff «sofa» style of politics has damaged public faith in government.
The ITUC says the results of the poll point to widespread anti-austerity sentiment, a lack of faith in government and support for strong labour laws.
In such times, faith in our government, our institutions and even our country can erode,» he said.
The public's loss of faith in the government's honesty is even worse than the loss of faith in its competence.
Martins, a former state senator, called Lavine's exit a «backroom deal» and said he is «focused on restoring our faith in government, protecting our families, and putting Nassau County back on the right track.»
From the bench, Caproni said that while Silver had done numerous good works over the course of his career, they failed to counterbalance the damage his crimes had done to citizens» faith in their government.
«The devastation caused by oil spillage has destroyed many lives and livelihoods and is clearly one of the reasons why many people in that region lost faith in Government and resorted to the many criminal activities we are seeing in the region today.
Mario was an F.D.R. liberal (and child of immigrants) with an unyielding faith in the government's power to improve people's lives; Andrew is a product of the Nixon era, when that faith was tested and the government again had to prove its competence.
«We have to restore faith in our government again,» Mr. Donovan said.
«My campaign has always been about achieving tax relief for overburdened Long Island families, fair funding for struggling school districts, and real ethics reforms to restore public faith in government
«We have to restore the public's faith in government,» he said.
«New York is taking aggressive action to restore the people's faith in government and increase accountability and transparency in the electoral process,» Cuomo said in a statement.
«I think it is extraordinarily important that people have faith in their government and I want to work to the largest extent possible to effectuate that,» he said.
«At a time when [people are] losing faith in government and the national government is failing them, I would love to be able to say to the people of this state — which has long had a reputation as a high tax state — your taxes are actually going down,» Cuomo said.
The judge noted Skelos's good works in office, but also the damage done to New Yorkers» faith in government.
At the sentencing hearing, U.S. Attorney Carrie Cohen told Caproni that Silver «caused unprecedented damage to our political system» and «massive harm to people's faith in government
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