Sentences with phrase «fake butter»

The only thing to make them healthier would be swap the chemical laden fake butter with real organic butter.
Margarine and fake butter spreads like Smart Balance are ironically the culprits that contribute to heart disease!
A Massachusetts man has reached a settlement in a legal battle with Dunkin' Donuts franchises over the bakery's use of fake butter on his bagels.
We found fake butter without soy, and decided rice milk was the best substitute for the real thing (later, I'd prefer the fattier coconut milk).
Many fake butters contain trans fats (aka, hydrogenated fats), which are difficult for the body to metabolise.
The dietician I worked with (to lose weight) specifically said to stay away from fake butter and just use real butter in moderation.
Even if you've successfully cut out all vegetable oils and fake butter spreads in favor of grass - fed meat and real fats, there are still a couple reasons — other than for cardiovascular health — for you to supplement with fish oil: the EPA and DHA fatty acids it contains.
We might watch a movie, but we get to watch it in pajamas without the smell of fake butter and MSG.
It's just as convenient as unwrapping the plastic off a bag of pre-packaged microwave popcorn, but no need for the fake butter and other chemicals.
I'm new to the vegan world and one thing that I find off - putting is the «vegan butter» that is in so many recipes (truthfully, any sort of fake substitute grates one me: fake butter, fake meat, etc).
The best thing to do is sneak your own freshly popped snack into the movies so you don't have to be so concerned about the fake butter and excessive salt they use.
Fake butters have water and oil, and don't function like butter when cooked.
You definitely want to avoid the fake butter bags on this recipe.
The chemical diacetyl, used for adding the fake butter flavor to microwave popcorn has been found to cause a life - threatening and irreversible lung disease known as «popcorn lung» in workers who inhaled the substance.
And for goodness sake, chuck the fake butter spreads like I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.
Any nutritionist that would suggest we eat spray butter which is FAKE butter, you better watch out for!
You wouldnt be able to have that fake butter without knowing about the real thing in the first place!
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