Sentences with phrase «fake it until»

The 35 - year - old online marketing expert is one of a growing number of entrepreneurs in the pressure - cooker tech world to admit that, no, they're not killing it and, no, they can't fake it until they make it.
So instead of «faking until you make it», her advice is:
In other words, you need to «fake it until you make it»...
Now, can one «fake it until you make it» as Pascal suggests?
the Flying Spaghetti Monster is fake until you can prove that he is real 2.
There may only be 140 master sommeliers in the world, but you can fake it until you make it with Delectable, a wine tasting app that has been steadily climbing the charts since it was first released in 2012.
Even if you don't really feel something good, fake it until you really do feel it.
Even if you're a little nervous about the idea of pumping in public, try to fake it until you make it.
DO N'T fake it until you make it.
To transform yourself into a confident speaker you should try to fake it until you finally become it.
Self - love action step: Fake it until you make it and feed your system with nourishing thoughts like, «My heart is always in the right place»; «I can give myself a pass on this one»; «I have something unique and special to offer the world»; or, my personal favorite, «I deserve the best!»
Here are six ways to fake it until you make it.
It's not that we don't want to pull it together or fake it until we make it... it's that we sometimes literally CA N'T because Hashimoto's is messing with our brain chemistry.
My tip: Quietly order a seltzer and cranberry — it looks just like a vodka and cranberry and you can at least fake it until you make it.»
Fake it until you make it!
Monday — I Will Wear What I Like Hello Monday with More Pieces of Me & Sincerely Jenna Marie, Creative Mondays, Start the Week Stylish, Pink Sole, Modest Monday, Visible Monday, Mix - it Mondays, Shoe & Tell Fashion Link - Up, On Monday's We Linkup, Beauty by Miss L, B Loved Boston, Fake it Until You Make It, Ginger Photog
and Shoe and Tell, Visible Monday, Fake It Until You Make It, Brilliant Blog Posts, Fun Fashion Friday, Passion for Fashion Friday, Saturday Share Link Up
Also a tan would probably be good — or you can fake it until you make it with Lime Light's bronzing lotion.
Here's a tip — Fake it until you make it.
Why not fake it until you make it with a vintage rhinestone necklace.
Glass Of Glam / Creative Mondays Link Up / Beauty By Miss L / Color & Grace / Hello Monday / Fake It Until You Make It Link Up /
But until then, sometimes faking it until you make it doesn't quite cut it.
You know that old expression «fake it until you make it»?
Creative Mondays Link Up / / Hello Monday Link Up / / Fake It Until You Make It Link Up / / Link Up Party / / Mix It Mondays / / Ginger's Linkup / / Style With a Smile Link Up / / On Trend Tuesdays / /
I laughed at your «fake it until we make it» comment.
WE northerners have to «fake it until we make it» when it comes to spring decor, don't we?
A part of being confident is faking it until you make it.
I've been going along with the whole «fake it until you make it» mantra by injecting some spring into my everyday routine and working hard to achieve a post winter glow.
Fake it until you make it.
If you have to fake it until you make it, that's okay — it does get easier.
I recently listened to an episode of the Writing Excuses podcast from a few years ago titled «Fake it until you make it.»
In other words, you need to «fake it until you make it»...
Don't believe the hype that you should fake it until you make it, at least with regards to spending money on material goods.
Then, as they say, fake it until you figure the rest of it out.
I just faked it until they realized I was faking it.
If there's something you're unsure of smile, nod and research it later — fake it until you make it.»
I faked it until I could do it myself.
With new smartwatches on the way, why not fake it until you make it by sprucing up the look of your Huawei Watch.
While he was a successful businessman before hooking himself up with an internal nuclear reactor to power a super powered suit, Tony Stark's fake it until you make it personality, backed up with a healthy dose of dedication and perseverance, skyrocketed him to personal and crime fighting stardom.
If you feel a little nervous, the «fake it until you make it» tactic does work.
And when in doubt — fake it until you make it.
Instead, fake it until you make it.
Fake it until you really mean it.
In essence they fake it until they make it.
Sometimes you really do have to «fake it until you make it.»
I'm also going to embrace the «fake it until you make it» attitude towards winter, and see if I can find ways to «warm» up to this dark, cold season.
I hate it when people forget me so I fake it until I'm forced to faint like Basil Fawlty.
I bought one for my 86 year old dad, and he could not believe it was fake until I handed it to him!

Not exact matches

Instead of wearing out those cheeks with a permanent (and fake) smile on your face, try on a more neutral but friendly expression until you make eye contact with or meet someone.
Until a few moments ago, it was closely trailed by a bogus fake sequel app called Minecraft: Pocket Edition 2.
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