Sentences with phrase «fake news reports»

The 77 % who believe fake news reporting happens at least occasionally has increased significantly from 63 % of the public who felt that way last year.
Here's a GREAT example of a defrocking job in the face of viral fake news report on a sniper taking down three intruders assaulting his neighbor's home:
The campaign followed the same pattern of fake news reports and videos, this time under the hashtag #EbolaInAtlanta, which briefly trended in Atlanta.
Trump blasted the news media ahead of his return to Washington yesterday after a 17 - day working vacation, tweeting: «Heading back to Washington after working hard and watching some of the worst and most dishonest Fake News reporting I have ever seen!»
«Beware the receiver of any message» could easily be a modern battle cry for those inundated with advertisements, mass marketing, internet memes, deliberately deceptive fake news reports, the growing practice of social manipulation through push polling, and similar forms of agenda promotion via online discussion and sharing communities.
Climate campaigners seem to think they have a winner with this takedown of elected officials who reject global warming science, in which fake news reports talk of the turmoil and tragedy created by Hurricane Marco Rubio, Hurricane James Inhofe, Hurricane John Boehner and more.
These fake news reports could show «state leaders seeming to make inflammatory comments they never actually made.»
The report's authors suggest that people could create «fake news reports» with fabricated video and audio.
Out of the 11 «fake news reports» listed on the award, CNN won four, New York Times clinched two, while TIME magazine, ABC News, Newsweek and Washington Post won an award each.
, a fake news report (21 mins.)
Let's see if the Fake News reports on it!
«Basically, what you've seen is a commoditization of the news, where many people can't tell the difference between real news and fake news reports,» Boyle told the E-Commerce Times.
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