Sentences with phrase «fall under the authority»

The Memorandum allows for the exchange of safety, coercion and retaliation allegations, when received by one agency, that fall under the authority of the other.
Stray animals fall under the authority of the municipality, and the Animals for Research Act (ARA) is used to govern Municipal Animal Control practices.
If the Government wants to change the law in areas which currently fall under the authority of EU as, just to give one example, it has said it intends to do on immigration, it should do so via primary legislation which is subject to full Parliamentary scrutiny.
Personal injury lawsuits usually fall under the authority (or «jurisdiction») of state courts in the county where the injury occurred, or where those involved (the «parties») in the incident are located.
IUL is an insurance product and does not meet the definition of a security, so it does not fall under the authority of the SEC or FINRA.
However, FinCEN's Maloney also stressed that «ICO arrangements vary» and that certain participants involved in an ICO could fall under the authority of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), depending on whether or not the sale involved securities or derivatives.

Not exact matches

Policy on exchanges: Legal, may fall under regulatory purview of the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
He argues that the DFS does not have the authority to define virtual currency, but rather that it falls under the state legislature's jurisdiction.
Version 10 of Digital Safe, a hosted archiving service that Micro Focus gained via software assets that originally belonged to Hewlett - Packard Enterprise (HPE), has been updated to make it easier to identify data that falls under the scope of regulations such as GDPR and MiFID II, a revamp of an existing Markets in Financial Instruments Directive put in place by the European Securities and Markets Authorities.
Under rules imposed last fall, all Crimean religious groups had to re-register with Russian authorities.
All four provinces in southern Iraq previously under British control are now run by Iraqi authorities, with UK troop numbers due to fall to 2,500 within the next two months.
Brodsky added that he thinks a number of the larger corruption cases were prosecuted by the federal authorities simply because they fell under federal jurisdiction.
But after days of requests, the administration has only identified a total of three boards that it said fall under the order's purview: the Albany Convention Center Authority, the Capital Program Review Board at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the Occupational Safety and Health Hazard Abatement Board.
Since the IDA is a state authority, it falls under state reporting rules that use the initial signing statement as conclusive, or so said IDA Chairman Dave O'Halloran in explaining the board's actions.
Our water department, for instance, is one of the few that doesn't fall under OCWA (Onondaga County Water Authority).
This comprehensive policy will establish clearer lines around when these regenerative medicine products have sufficient complexity to fall under the agency's current authority, and then define an efficient process for how these products should be evaluated for safety and effectiveness.
The law, known as the Gun - Free School Zones Act, was struck down last fall by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, which said that Congress exceeded its authority under the commerce clause of the Constitution when it made gun possession near public or private schools a federal offense.
Edison Schools Inc., already pummeled by falling stock prices and opposition to its work, is being booted out of school districts in Texas and Georgia, and has come under investigation by state and federal authorities who want to know how it secured two contracts in Pennsylvania.
This fall, tens of thousands of students are returning to schools that have been placed under state authority.
The financial industry in the Netherlands falls under the jurisdiction of the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets or AFM as it is often known.
The hermits were expelled from the convent, and the Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Conceição fell under the vigilance of the local authority of the parish of Nossa Senhora dos Anjos of Água de Pau.
But clearly, not everyone agrees with that position and the Belgian authorities may decide that any game with randomized boxes of items falls under the definition of «gambling».
Just recently, Australian and Belgium authorities are now questioning whether loot boxes fall under gambling legislation.
At 88, Ms. Goodman carries herself with a quiet, unassailable authority that makes you think she could be a retired banker or New York City schools chancellor or a high - level diplomat, a job she aspired to before falling under art's spell as a young, Upper West Side mother in the early»60s.
The only plausible objection to the PNAS paper, logically speaking, is that this entire issue falls under the «appeal to authority» fallacy.
However, the liability under the Act would fall on the fiduciaries and not on the service providers, so if the fiduciaries are comfortable proceeding, the service providers are not opposing a state law that would give them the authority.
The question the Court needed to answer here was, firstly, whether housing benefits fall under the concept of social security and social protection, and secondly, whether the Italian authorities could limit the principle of equal treatment to «core benefits» of the social security system in such a way that it would exclude housing benefits.
Section 5 provides for the extension of FIA 2000's provisions (by order) to bodies not falling within the class of core public authorities, if they appear to the secretary of state either to: exercise functions of a public nature; or provide under contract with a public authority any service the provision of which is a function of that authority.
However, I would argue that the most desirable way in which the Luxembourg Court could exercise this authority would be to decide that the question of revoking notification falls under the constitutional requirements of the Member State.
Jordan said the authority granted to lawyers to act as commissioners for affidavits happened to fall under the Evidence Act, and at the time that act did not extend the authority to act as a commissioner of affidavits to articled students.
The definition of public authorities is therefore quite important, as the Directive applies as soon as a body falls under that definition.
According to the Court, ministries do not fall under the definition of public authority to the extent that they participate in the legislative process.
If the alleged misconduct falls under Rule 37 (e), counsel should determine whether their jurisdiction has addressed the courts» ability to invoke inherent authority when the alleged misconduct also falls under Rule 37 (e).
But it is LSIA 1854 that is now under the spotlight, as a result of present day austerity measures and the plans of many local authorities to sell off long established museums and libraries to make ends meet (see the Financial Times 29 March 2011 «Councils in a bind as library sell - off falls foul of Victorian law»).
Civil Authority / Prohibited Access coverage falls under Additional Living Expense Coverage (ALE).
A firm (falling under guidelines of section 44AB), Cooperative Society, BOI, AOP, Artificial Juridical Person, and Local Authority (ITR 5).
«But ICOs Only Under Regulatory Authority» The state of Massachusetts» top securities regulator, William Galvin, has put a stop to five companies» Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), under the claim that such offerings fall into the category of «unregistered securities.&rUnder Regulatory Authority» The state of Massachusetts» top securities regulator, William Galvin, has put a stop to five companies» Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), under the claim that such offerings fall into the category of «unregistered securities.&runder the claim that such offerings fall into the category of «unregistered securities.»
In a statement, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) clarified that tokens would fall under its jurisdiction if they «constitute products regulated under the Securities and Futures Act.»
I consider myself a soft - skills and people - minded manager who is very aware of the common traps that «management» has often fallen into; micromanagement, constant status checks, false deadlines, abused authority, throwing people under the bus... etc..
It seems to me that the Competition Bureau of Canada used CREA to gain access to the back door of an area of domain, whose jurisdiction falls under provincial authority.
The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling to preserve the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate says the penalty for individuals who fail to purchase health insurance falls under the federal government's authority to levy taxes.
Enacted in 1987, the Clean Water Act continues to be a source of confusion for both regulators and those subject to regulation — and just what land should fall under federal, as opposed to state or local, permitting authority.
Authority for these raises come under the payroll tax cut extension agreed to last fall.
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