Sentences with phrase «fallow deer»

Their disappearance coincided with the emergence of leaner hunters, Barkai has posited, and he argues it would have forced people to turn to leaner meals, such as fallow deer.
Lucky wildlife spotters may catch a glimpse of the resident muntjacs or fallow deer herds through the trees.
Unsurprisingly, given the restaurant's name, British game will also feature, with dishes such as Roast grouse, bread sauce and game chips; Rhug estate fallow deer tartar, quail egg, Worcester sauce, and charcoal mayonnaise and Wood pigeon pot au feu; as well as Game pie with port and short crust pastry.
But the strap was made from a larger deer species, either native red deer or fallow deer introduced from continental Europe, possibly by the Normans after their invasion in 1066.
The team of scientists from Weimar links the described objects to a series of thefts between 2002 and 2012 at the fossil site — this assumption is primarily based on a fossil fallow deer bone, which found its way into the Senckenberg Research Station's collection by way of an anonymous mailing via the Natural History Museum «Schloss Bertholdsburg Schleusingen.»
Untermassfeld research excavation: Top (a)-- Exposed skeleton parts of various large mammal species, with a completely preserved metacarpal bone (rectangle) of an early fallow deer (Dama nestii vallonnetensis) on the day prior to the theft.
A herd of fallow deer helps to keep the land open, and there are also barn owls, buzzards, mature oak trees and many bluebells.
The Comox Valley has many acres of fertile farm land and both locals and visitor can enjoy locally made chocolate, bison sausages, apple juice, organic produce, wild caught seafood and venison from Vancouver Island's largest fallow deer farm.
They include fallow deer, blesbuck, black wildebeest, mountain reedbuck, barbra sheep, and Cape mountain zebra.
«Now we can say they also ate tortoises, which were collected, butchered and roasted, even though they don't provide as many calories as fallow deer, for example.»
In different places, and under other circumstances, the victim may be a fine fat buck, a fallow deer, a sheep, or other animal.
We will offer pre-cut and cut - your - own trees on our picturesque farm complete with our fallow deer.
It emerged that the fallow deer is the closest living relative of the giant deer.
Moreover, the finding enables to confirm that Haploidoceros mediterraneus co-lived with other cervids, such as the fallow deer or the red deer, and that it became extinct due to the climate changes produced at the beginning of the last ice period.
According to the study, Qesem inhabitants hunted mainly medium and large game such as wild horses, fallow deer and cattle.
The east wild, sad, silent, As the fallow deer the wood is shy... The child himself, in crowd of children Always as morning cheerful, As the life of the poet is ingenuous, As the love kiss is lovely You will understand that the person an angel, only, when it to you will turn a back and you will see...
It is special for its rare green hellebores and also for sightings of hobby, woodcock, nightingales and buzzards, glow - worms, great crested newts, lampreys, dormouse, badgers and fallow deer.
This reserve offers a host of wildlife, such as black eagle; klipspringer; duiker; fallow deer; lynx, aardwolf, dassie, porcupine, baboon, the rare Cape eagle - owl and the leopard.
Here are some deer species currently exhibited at the zoo: axis deer, sambar deer, brow - antlered deer, fallow deer, Pere David deer.
In autumn the fallow deer are particularly active as the bucks are busy trying to attract during the rut.
The antlers themselves are naturally shed each year by Scottish Red and Fallow deer.
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