Sentences with phrase «false alarms when»

All systems allow you to adjust the sensitivity of the motion detection and it's worth playing with these to avoid getting false alarms when the cat walk past.
Help reduce the burden placed on police departments responding to false alarms when real crimes are being committed elsewhere.
The mainstream media, by combining highly refined foods, such as sugars and processed flours, and natural carbs, such as vegetables, starches, and fruits together, is creating false alarms when they cover some new study.
The Washington Post reported that new, high - tech scanners search for organic compounds in explosives, which sometimes leads to false alarms when scanning food items.

Not exact matches

It was probably 30 minutes between the alert and when we knew it was a false alarm
Leave a comment on the article and share with us what you might have noted about your baby's sleep cycles and the times when you had a false alarm about your baby experiencing sleep regression.
Other types of non-hospital grade monitors rely on movement to measure the baby's breathing, which can cause false alarms since newborns do not breathe in regular, steady patterns, even when they are breathing normally.
False alarms may happen when:
When the then opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) raised issues about the propriety of Aerovote's contractual obligations, the Communications Director at the EC, Eric Kofi Dzakpasu, issued a statement condemning the NPP for raising what he deemed «false» alarm.
Because a quake's strength isn't clear at first rupture, emergency response managers face a choice when issuing warnings: Issue alerts early and often (left), which could provide as much as 48 seconds of warning that light shaking might occur but risk false alarms; or wait to issue alerts until the size of the quake is better known (right) but risk the warnings arriving too late — providing an 8 - second warning in this hypothetical case.
There have been false alarms in the past, when people have thought they were seeing missing energy.
Whereas technically the potential threats detected by the system in the past were not false positives — they did accurately pick up tiny, background amounts of DNA from organisms naturally present in the environment — in effect, they were false alarms because they signaled the potential occurrence of a terrorist attack when none had occurred.
However, when you have lumpy breasts, it can be trickier to differentiate normal tissue from cancerous tissue, so you may experience false alarms.
According to a University of Pennsylvania study, a breast cancer scare — even when it turns out to be a false alarm — can cause women to put off future screenings.
One of the most frustrating parts is not knowing when labor changes from prodromal to active and many women have more than one false alarm during these extended early contractions.
However, when you have lumpy breasts, it it can be trickier to differentiate normal tissue from cancerous tissue, so you may experience false alarms.
It definitely hit me even more when we had a bit of a false alarm this Monday.
Zev's journey includes a few false alarms, and things take a perilous turn when he meets a hateful Neo-Nazi (Dean Norris), but nothing can prepare him for what's in store when he finally finds his man.
The festival had already weathered one false alarm on Friday, when a «suspicious object» that had been left behind in one of the screening rooms triggered a bomb scare.
Many people attribute false alarms to equipment malfunction when, in reality, a lot of them are about premises management.
Predictive Forward Collision Warning goes off a couple of times when cars abruptly slow and never for false alarms.
I've had a rare «false» low tire pressure alarm, but guys at Discount Tire say that's not unusual for any TPMS during times of temp swings, which is when they've happened.
Are you the type of person who cringes when no one in your office stands up when the fire alarm goes off, even when it's very likely a false alarm?
A false alarm is when an alarm triggers by mistake.
To reduce the number of false alarms though, I do like to put my dogs on a differential reinforcement that is contingent on what they do when outside.
If forecasters were to achieve their goals, it would mean that they could issue hurricane watches and warnings with greater lead time, provide emergency management officials with greater specificity regarding where a storm is going to go and how strong it will be when it gets there, and help avoid false alarms and needless evacuations, which cost millions in lost revenue for coastal communities.
There there's Ralph B. Alexander, who thanks Hayden for advice when doing his own book (of course one would ask a retired atomic physicist): «Global Warming FALSE ALARM - The bad science behind the United Nation's Assertion that man - made CO2 causes global warming.»
Although Kraken's situation turned out to be a false alarm, this might keep newer cryptocurrency traders a bit cautious when dealing with centralized exchanges considering general track records.
Decisional bias (false alarm rate) when judging the guilt / innocence of a suspect is offered as an implicit measure of moral judgment.
Abstract: Decisional bias (false alarm rate) when judging the guilt / innocence of a suspect is offered as an implicit measure of moral judgment.
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