Sentences with phrase «false certainty»

Well, yeah, but as investors, we have to guard against false certainty.
The Call seeks to strip away false certainties and hopes, allowing for glimpses of real hope in which, as one song declares, «the language of the heart takes hold.»
There are also beautiful, timely messages of truth in here, indeed the world WAS blown up, we must now live in colour, broaden horizons, forget false certainties and brand / industry proselytising, etcetera..
Romano Guardini commented in this regard on the false certainty of modern exegesis, which he said «has produced very significant individual results, but has lost sight of its own particular object and generally has ceased being theology.»
The main thing I would say again to the students is to ignore the academic models with their false certainty, and try to understand the qualitative aspects of the business, out of which the quantitative modeling will grow.
Many advisors would rather follow a false certainty, than have to think for themselves, and have to deal with the complexity of the markets.
When models of the world are imperfect, a false certainty can do a lot of damage.
People would rather have false certainty than live in the reality that choosing good investments is difficult.
Nor is that kind of false certainty an asset to you.
Don't believe the charlatans that try to sell you false certainty.
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