Sentences with phrase «false comforts of»

What the school is trying to do is give us some sort of basis, so that when we have a time of sadness or grief, we can deal with it constructively rather than turn to false comforts of drugs and alcohol.
The story reveals our susceptibility to the seductiveness of food and to the false comfort of being full.
Claiming to address people's acute anxiety about the modern world, it provides nothing but the false comfort of grievance.
I would suggest to you that like denial — not the dishonest denial of the fake «skeptics», but the psychological denial of a problem to painful or frightening to face — defeatism offers false comfort, the false comfort of throwing up your hands, declaring «everything is lost, nothing can be done, nothing will be done, nobody cares, nobody will act, time to give up» and retreating into bitter, morose passivity.

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«So his comfort level in this medium paired with the lack of possible damages at home, may provide a false sense of comfort
The Staff Room is located behind a false bookcase inside Union 613 restaurant (already worth a visit for chef Chris Lord's menu of southern comfort fare).
There was a «false of comfort of agreement» among the homogeneous male leaders, she told CBS.
While interesting and instructive, the case should not provide any false sense of comfort to lenders and distressed debt participants in the burgeoning world of middle - market financing using unitranche structures.
Commissioner Kara Stein said it could «provide investors a false sense of comfort that we, at the Commission, have done something more than we have».
So much capital has been thrust at maintaining the status quo in Egypt that many financial analysts have been lulled into a pre-Minsky complacency: Stability breeds a false sense of comfort.
Those who preach faith as the cessation of pain, suffering, poverty, restless nights and turbulent days are offering false comfort.
I am sure that there are blogs and websites that give comfort to your disbelief, but as I said before, no belief or disbelief of a fact makes it true or false.
Religion serves no purpose except to provide a false sense of hope, comfort, and security for the weak and misguided.
Emotional chains of group identlty, of hate, of false comfort, of having no ability to think for themselves because they were born into this slavery.
But religion almost always has negative components of exclusiveness or false comforting.
it does nothing positive except provide a false sense of hope and comfort.
It is like large chunks of the human race engage in mass denial in exchange for some comforting false belief.
One's emotions, such as unwillingness to be wrong, the comfort of old beliefs, the fear of stepping out from the familiar into the unknown, keep Christians and Athiests alike from seeing what might be true in the other side's beliefs, or what might be false in their own.
Instead of challenging each other to do better and change, we have tended to soothe ourselves with false statistics, false logic and comforting ideas and support.
Class 4: The Onset of Labor: Your «Guess Date» and Normal Length of Pregnancy; Preparing for your Birthing Day; Signs of Birthing Beginning; Amniotic Membranes Breaking — Your Safe Choices; True vs. «False» Labor; How to Time Your Birthing Waves (contractions); Your Birth Log; When to go to the Birth Place; Automatic Comfort and Relaxation on «The Drive» and Arrival at Your Place of Birth (if out of your home; Hypno - Guardians; Nurses — the Unsung Heroes; Using Hypnosis for Comfort During Internal Exams; Dilation, Effacement, Position and Station of Baby; The Beautiful Progress of Labor, Including Fast, Average and Slow or Stalled Labor; Artificial Induction and Natural Induction Techniques; Creating a Safe and Serene Birthing Environment; Nausea Elimination; Optimum Fetal Positioning.
True or False: If your baby launches into a crying fit while your vehicle is moving, it's better to take her out of her car seat for a minute or two to comfort her than to risk having her distract the driver.
However, if their tone is conversational, these tools may lull users into a false sense of comfort, they add.
Don't let your common connections give you a false sense of comfort and trust.
Running time: 106 minutes Distributor: Warner Home Video Blu - ray / DVD Combo Pack Extras: Digital download; False Comfort Zone: The Reality of Contagion; The Contagion Detectives; and Contagion: How a Virus Changes the World.
Gook is similar in structure and tone to Spike Lee's masterpiece Do the Right Thing, in that both films use their first two acts to give the audience a false sense of comfort, only to let racial tension slowly boil beneath the surface before exploding in tragedy at the end of the film.
Its stakeholders may take comfort in turn by spreading false claims of success or in excusing its ineffectiveness by lowering expectations.
My last article suggested six ways in which retired and retiring investors may be lulling themselves into a false sense of comfort.
This is completely false, and in fact, a dog will actually find a crate to be a secure and safe sanctuary in the same manner as a wolf enjoys the comfort of a den for resting and eating.
The seven superior rooms offer the additional comforts of uninterrupted views of False Bay (ideal for whale watching), extra-length beds, and spacious rooms allowing for cot or roll - away bed.
It's lack of value lies in a false picture of how comfortable it can be, with comfort here meaning modern, global 1 % - style comfort.
Yes, Jimbo, people are aware of the WUWT site, and of the fact that people like you and Anthony take false comfort in the fact that during a significant chunk of the Holocene it was warmer than today, leading to a lot of ice melting, not just in the Arctic basin but on land, as well, causing sea levels to rise dramatically.
Climate - change enlightenment can be discomfiting JA... yet the false - comfort alternative of lazy selfish shortsighted willful ignorance is beneath most citizens» dignity, eh?
The lower rate of warming may in fact be false comfort given the nonlinearity demonstrated in the papers.
It's time to let go of the comfort blanket of false hope and instead make our way, with great reluctance and resolve, towards the lifeboats, while there is still some time, and while relative calm still prevails.
That's not the same as waiving intellectual property rights, Northcote explained, but could encourage «a false sense of comfort that he won't mind.»
But their seeming similarity can lull unsuspecting, out - of - state employers into a false sense of comfort.
It's a false assumption, I believe, that choice among people in such situations is a matter of measurable, agreed - upon qualities enabling us to compare apples with comfort.
Sadly, too many people are comforted by a false sense of security.
The new research shows that increased variability in blood pressure, a high maximum blood pressure and episodic hypertension are associated with high risks of stroke and other vascular events, and emphasize that any comfort taken from the fact blood pressure is sometimes normal is false.
Assuming that adult children are old enough to see their parents» divorce coming may be to provide a false sense of comfort.
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