Sentences with phrase «false image»

Its really easy to make mistakes and advertise false images to.
But it would have to be pretty carefully cultivated to present a truly false image.
By promoting such distortions, these writers were creating false images of the human situation in both past and present, which could have the disastrous effect of depriving «the people themselves of the power of modifying their condition,» thereby encouraging a kind of fatalism and paralysis of will, and a steady contraction of the human prospect.
Many took to social media to criticize the KKW Beauty founder for her blank facial expression in the photo, shaming her for not looking «happy» and trying to create a «perfectly posed false image
i think it is an equal statement to say that evil green knee high beings rule the planet from behind a vail of foggy false images that can only be seen with special gl@sses... «I CAME HERE TO KICK @SS AND CHEW BUBBLE GUM, AND I»M ALL OUT OF BUBBLE GUM!»
James also has his theatrical Toussaint character take part in a voodoo ceremony during which the houngan symbolically rips a crucifix from a chain around his neck and throws it away, the most false image of any in the play since the real Louverture was renowned for his Catholic piety.
Charles doesn't have any proof his beliefs are correct, he just believes in the mirages and false images floating in his brain dead head and thus he believes, LOL, like all FOOLS.
Brown's work was included in several exhibitions at HPAC, including False Image (1968).
Prior to this, Hanson showed with the Chicago Imagists in exhibitions such as the seminal False Image at the Hyde Park Art Center (1968), as well as the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (1969 and 1972); the Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia (1969); and the Sao Paulo Biennale (1973).
Every few months, a film arrives that is the new best - in - class example of the technical form of creating false images; right now, and for the next few weeks or months or maybe even the rest of the year, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is the most technically impressive fantasy picture ever made.
From the many prejudices and false images that rise like walls in front of our doors, blocking the way to anyone passing in or out.
Your position is the classic straw - man argument in which a false image of a subject is propped up and then attacked.
look at the false image presented in most white churches and stations like tbn and honestly tell me that's not from the devil.
According to Bonhoeffer, to believe in the God of Western theism is to rely upon a false image of God.
false Christians create the false image of Christianity and are responsible for more harm in general to all Christians and their enemies also
Gods Mirror had become his Looking Glass helping to correct his false images, false assumptions, beliefs and helping him to avoid making poor choices when sorting his life out.
yeah but Christianity has been here too long to have not corrected the false images of Christianity...
At times in history some churchmen have played into the hands of this false image, but far from the Church being suspicious of cultural and political globalisation, she actually holds the key to the future of humanity.
These false images and stereotypes are powerfully and subtly projected through the global communications media.
I quickly realized that as a token Catholic at CURE (there are more of us now), I was not in the best position to correct the false images they had of Catholics.
I have six children and after the third, I gave up on the moms groups, and play dates, etc. because it just seemed like so much work to be superficial to try to be positive, and do my hair, and try to match my clothes (let alone put on a bra) to try to keep up with some false image.
This false image of a feckless Britain, perpetuated every day by the tabloid press, betrays its citizens.
«Weak and incoherent responses to provocations from other parts of the country around the imperatives of re-visiting the foundations and structures of the Nigerian state have created the false image of a North without its own positions beyond survival as the parasite of Nigeria.
As it happens, I prefer classical music and I wouldn't want to start my premiership by projecting a false image, trying to attract the «yoof» vote by pretending I liked one of their bands.
The sooner we eradicate this false image of «perfection» the better.
And don't wait for too long as you don't want to build a false image of someone.
It will prevent you from building a false image of them.
They aren't interested in dating pics that present a false image with high tech lighting trickery or over the top hair and make - up styles that they would never normally choose to wear.
While it might seem like a smart idea to try and be flexible, like a chameleon, and become whatever you think each POT SD wants, it'll be hard to maintain a false image.
If we are trying to prepare our students for life in a world full of diversity and variety, our classrooms can not present a false image of homogeneity.
State monitoring of academic scores and measures are merely illusory indicators that are too easily manipulated to create a false image of success.
Walker was successful, an analyst at Slate concluded, because he «tapped into the cycle's near - universal anti-Washington sentiment» and maintained a popular «man of the people» image (a false image for sure) that eschewed big money and out - of - state interests.
However, if he declared bankruptcy just to avoid something (unlikely seeing creditors and whoever else will probably investigate) then he is a false image (rich or not).
INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY The title of one of his books, The Art of Speculation, gives the false image of a short - term trader.
The other side of the ditch is where some of the pit bull advocates are heading, promoting a false image that these dogs aren't what they are.
Another popular genre convention included in the game is the battle with Lassic's shadow, followed by the obligatory revelation that you have only defeated a false image of the dictator and not the real deal.
Because we're visual communicators, we do create maybe a false image of what it is to be a designer.
One of the original Chicago Imagist painters, Philip Hanson showed in the late»60s with Roger Brown and Christina Ramberg as part of a group known as the False Image.
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