Sentences with phrase «false news content»

Apart from focusing on news literacy and changing functionalities, Facebook also took steps last year to stop publishers from monetizing from adverts on false news content.

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«The most high profile of these issues is the phenomenon of «fake news,» where content on the web has contributed to the spread of blatantly misleading, low quality, offensive or downright false information.»
This work also reduces the distribution of content that violates our policies, since fake accounts often distribute deceptive material, such as false news, hoaxes, and misinformation.
Facebook plans to start ranking news sources in its feed based on user evaluations of credibility, a major step in its effort to fight false and sensationalist information that will also push the company further into a role it has long sought to avoid — content referee.
Yet even if Facebook could reliably spot not just unabashedly false news but sensationalized content, its current policy is to allow it as long as it doesn't preach violence or pure hate.
But while Facebook is willing to demote the News Feed prominence of a news story that's unequivocally established as false by third parties, it still allows this content on its platfNews Feed prominence of a news story that's unequivocally established as false by third parties, it still allows this content on its platfnews story that's unequivocally established as false by third parties, it still allows this content on its platform.
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