Sentences with phrase «false results so»

Not exact matches

He based his theory of motion on false premises, and so the results are absurdly wrong.
If you see a fossil, it is much easier to think that it is just really old, rather than a god put it there, made it to look old, made it so carbon dating would give a false result, etc etc..
There is no reason to doubt that many genuine sayings of Jesus are embedded in this chapter, and that they include a prophecy of the destruction of the Temple, prophecies of persecution, of false Christs, and of the suddenness of the return of the Son of man; but the genuine sayings of Jesus have been so transformed and robbed of their original contexts in the process of forming a long and confused series of prophecies of the End, many of whose elements are derived from other sources, that the final result is very different in spirit from the original teaching of Jesus.
So he decides to give people false hope after a couple of decent results then the team disappears.
But the clock was running and the Cardinals didn't have any timeouts, so a false start actually would've resulted in a 10 - second runoff and no game - winning field goal.
As for whether the by - election should be happening at all, three quarters of voters in the seat (including a majority of Labour voters) think Phil Woolas «did make false statements about his opponents and this probably affected the result», so rerunning the election was the right decision.
«With so many of the cuts simply resulting in further pressure on the NHS or other statutory services, they are truly a false economy,» Mr Singer added.
So in practical terms, Bowyer's results suggest that the false match rate for a system would increase to 2.5 in 2 million after three years had elapsed.
It must be sensitive enough to highlight potential problems, but not so broad that it generates high numbers of false - positive results, said Dr. Dean Foti, a clinical assistant professor of neurology at the University of British Columbia.
But Laurie Santos, a cognitive psychologist at Yale University who has shown that rhesus macaques lack an understanding of false belief, thinks the «paper raises more questions than it provides answers,» especially because there have been «so many past results showing that chimpanzees and other primates lack this capacity.»
While the result is false, the psychological toll is real, and so are the billions of dollars spent every year on tests and procedures performed as a result of false positives.
Particularly in the case of insects, we therefore recommend the additional testing of nuclear DNA so that investigations on cryptic species do not lead to false results.
About 10 percent to 15 percent of people have so - called «false - negative» blood test results (negative blood test results but a positive biopsy) even when they're eating a gluten - filled diet, according to Dr. Alessio Fasano, head of the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Celiac Research.
See «anti-cholesterol attacks on eggs resulted in severe economic loss through a reduction in egg consumption,» so the egg industry created a «National Commission on Egg Nutrition» to combat the anti-cholesterol, anti-egg publicity with ads like this, exclaiming there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that eating eggs in any way increases the risk of heart attack,» which the U.S. Court of Appeals found patently false and misleading.
The tests suck (lots of false negatives) so take activated charcoal before hand to get better results.
A good mascara is so hard to find - but then again, I think I want my mascara to basically give me the same results as false eyelashes, ha ha!
Your communication can result in a meeting, so do not need false impressions.
There are certain circumstances in which one may present a false self in hopes of attracting attention one would otherwise not receive, tho doing so in Sugarland may result in you being labeled a «fake».
To give you a taste of what is coming in Part 2, the arguments can be summarized as: 1) Education does not lend itself to a single «best» approach, so the Gates effort to use science to discover best practices is unable to yield much productive fruit; 2) As a result, the Gates folks have mostly been falsely invoking science to advance practices and policies they prefer for which they have no scientific support; 3) Attempting to impose particular practices on the nation's education system is generating more political resistance than even the Gates Foundation can overcome, despite their focus on political influence and their devotion of significant resources to that effort; 4) The scale of the political effort required by the Gates strategy of imposing «best» practices is forcing Gates to expand its staffing to levels where it is being paralyzed by its own administrative bloat; and 5) The false invocation of science as a political tool to advance policies and practices not actually supported by scientific evidence is producing intellectual corruption among the staff and researchers associated with Gates, which will undermine their long - term credibility and influence.
Those responsible for selecting assessments will benefit from knowing that «less is more» so that type I errors (false positives) are avoided and all assessment results are reliable, valid, and useful for their intended purpose.
A type I error (false positive) occurs when the combination of tests given includes so much error that the combined test result is actually wrong.
Mr. Khouri pled guilty to criminal charges that he made materially false statements that an MRO had reviewed drug test results, when a qualified MRO had not done so.
Many people don't use turn signals consistently, so the result is a lot of alerts that drivers may perceive as false alarms.
It is not uncommon for FeLV tests to result in false positives, so McIntosh decided to re-test Lucy for the disease and it came back negative!
So dogs with few or no mature female heartworms can give false - negative results.
However, it usually takes eight to 12 weeks after infection for detectable levels of antibody to appear in the bloodstream, so testing performed during this interval may result in false negative results.
Although PCR testing methods offer promise, these techniques result in relatively high numbers of false - positive and false - negative results, so they are not routinely being recommended.
Test results are not a diagnosis and can produce false positives, so we do not recommend euthanizing cats who test positive unless they are ill beyond recovery.
Occasional false positive and negative results occur, so if an unexpected result is obtained a confirmatory test is usually performed.
«According to the complaint, defendants» Class Period statements were materially false and misleading because they failed to disclose and misrepresented the following adverse facts which were known to or recklessly disregarded by defendants: (a) Battlefield 4 was riddled with bugs and multiple other problems, including downloadable content that allowed players access to more levels of the game, a myriad of connectivity issues, server limitations, lost data and repeated sudden crashes, among other things; (b) as a result, Electronic Arts would not achieve a successful holiday season 2013 rollout of Battlefield 4; (c) the performance of the Electronic Arts unit publishing Battlefield 4 was so deficient that all other projects that unit was involved in had to be put on hold to permit it to focus its efforts on fixing Battlefield 4;»
Well, there have been a few false starts so far, but it seems like we finally know when the Smash Bros character ballot results are read out.
So, what you claim in the OP — that the warming trend increase in the adjusted data is a result from adjusting more reliable (and cooler) data to less reliable (and warmer) data — is false.
«Hence, despite Viscount Ridley's false claims, it is clear that Professor Myneni presented only preliminary results in July 2012, and so there is no justification for the allegation that he and his co-authors delayed publication in order to avoid its inclusion in the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The «false - alarm probability» is 5.1 %, which is so close to the standard cutoff of 5 %, that one should consider the result to be meaningful (but not ironclad) evidence of a genuine pattern, a dip during the 1990s followed by recent increase.
The coastal models are so flawed that Pilkey recommends dredging up a lot of sand and dumping it on the beach «willy - nilly» and he predicts you would end up with the same result, minus the «false mathematical certitude.»
By contrast, in the second study, any result will be less equivocal, i.e., the estimated a posteriori probability will be closer to 0 (so, we are quite sure the hypothesis is false) or 1 (so we are reasonably convinced it is true).
So, where a person gives a false address resulting in the search of premises, the occupier of those premises has a cause of action against the police.
The filing of false claims can lead to the Texas renters insurance company dropping the Johnson City policy and could even result in legal action so it is something that must never be considered.
He's not always right, but Kuo so often hits the mark that it's tempting to believe that the few times he's been wrong were the result of changes of plans on Apple's part rather than false information.
So it is very essential that you study the results displayed and eliminate all false positive results.
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