Sentences with phrase «false theology»

I recognize the vital need to identify and resist false theology.
Jonah is teaching false theology to these sailors.
Until quite recently, many evangelicals saw Mormonism as a dangerous cult spreading false theology and dooming its followers to hell.
I'm not trying to be mean spirited, but if you or anyone else thinks that all believers must be a Calvinist or Arminian then you are blinded by false theology.
Repudiating this lethally false theology, Sacks unfolds a genuinely inclusive and pacific Abrahamic faith by burrowing into the Hebrew Bible, beneath the surface narratives of tense sibling rivalries (Jacob versus Esau) and tribal genocide (Joshua's extermination of the Canaanites), discerning deep themes conducing both to a universal justice between all peoples and to a profound sense of God's particularizing love for diverse covenant communities.
Bass tells us that we have embraced a false theology.
Christians have a special responsibility to challenge and expose the false theology of the free market.
When this false theology sneaks into our own belief, and where it becomes dangerous, is when we seek something closer to happiness than true joy, fulfillment, a life imbued with a sense of meaning and of purpose.
In my own experiences, waiting has shown me the lies and false theologies that I had been raised to believe about God.
So now, not only is Jonah is blatant rebellion against God, he is not praying to God, he would rather die than obey God, he is now teaching heresy and false theology.
And that involves an application of God's Word to the issues which continue to erect barriers between people and nations, to the practices which alienate and oppress people, and to the false theologies which allow people to think that they are devout Christians when in fact they are not.
They are not yet able to tell the difference between good theology and false theology, or good teaching and bad teaching.
In fact, all Christians (including you and me) currently believe some false theology.
False theology?
So one could be taught a false theology right?
«Prosperity theology is a false theology,» Al Mohler Jr., president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, toldThe New York Times.
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