Sentences with phrase «false view»

To many outside the industry, this looks like banning conservatives from the public square, but that's taking a very simplistic and borderline - false view of it.
I am sure that this is an entirely false view.
All Christian claims that Judaism confesses a God of law in the formal / legal sense in contrast to a «Christian God» of grace are based on false views of fulfillment; such views not only damage Christian - Jewish relations but are devastating for the life of the church itself.
Her interviews sear with passion as her subjects deconstruct false views of Islam and inaccurate readings of the Qur» an.
Many people who have not read the scriptural account will come away from this film with a very false view of what the scripture teaches.
We are good because we are made in the image of our Creator and we need to be told that and to value ourselves and each other, not to have the distorted false view of ourselves as bad confirmed.
First of all I would like to point out that in another comment you appealed to the teachings of Christ to counter other false views.
A second false view is in degenerate modes of civil religion which regard God as a patron and ally of Americanism in all its forms.
Man has responded by seeking God but, because of his sin, has reached distorted or completely false views.
Bennoune's candid interviews with Muslims who are bravely standing up to Islamist groups all around the world deconstruct false views of Islam and form a significant and compelling record of modern Muslim life.
The examples so far have been concerned with the idolizing of a false view of self and of others which leads to pride or to prejudice.
But if a false view of matter is at the heart of atheism, then might it not be worth thinking through new views of matter?
Most of us adopt the false view that the most important feature of having a job is the income it provides.
Surely you can see the wisdom of Jefferson's «false view of Jefferson's so - called «wall of separation» doctrine».
If Peter was to ever play the leadership role God wanted him to play in the kingdom community, Peter's cowardly character and false view of the messiah had to be exposed and replaced with a Christ - like character and true view of the messiah.
In other words, Job 1 - 2 is a parody of a false view of God.
The real skandalon of faith in God vis - à - vis modern technology can become clear only when we have abandoned the false view of God which that technology has exploded.
A false view of «the gods» may easily be blown away by the first breath of scientific knowledge, but a true faith in God is not destroyed but rather enhanced by every fresh discovery of the complexity of God's wisdom.
It is important to wrestle with these problems, and Ward does so most clearly and cogently, removing many misunderstandings and false views.
The second issue is a false view of Providence that assumes that whatever is, is God's will, and ought not to be changed.
In the quote above and in much of the rest of your post, you present a false view of what people here argue in favor of.
So it was that a council such as Tower Hamlets, for example, could award a grant to the Cordoba Foundation, an Islamist pressure group that offered a platform to Hizb ut - Tahrir, who also promote the false view that Islam forbids democracy.
«In addition, freezing crystals may alter the drug and enzyme, introducing a false view into the study, while room temperature studies more closely resemble the environment the drug will be used in.»
You are giving your date a false impression of you, which is never a good thing, especially when your relationship could be founded on a false view, which is not a good way to begin your Catholic dating life.
• Test - based incentive programs have not raised student achievement in the United States to the level achieved in the highest - performing countries (and) incentives / sanctions can give a false view of exactly how well students are doing.
The parent who has undermined the relationship has given the children a false view of the other parent, and only positive, first - hand experiences with the vilified parent can overcome this view.
In addition the devices act as «supervisors» which may result in a false view of adherence as the individual may no longer feel they have the autonomy to choose whether or not to adhere.11 Furthermore these devices do not easily capture the movements of therapeutic exercise.
No matter how appropriately a father corrects the child's false views, the mother and her lawyer can be guaranteed to complain to the court with exaggerated gusto.
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