Sentences with word «falsehoods»

Clearly, an important part of the reaction to the Moynihan report was the belief that it was sinister, not because it had spread falsehoods, but because the truths it chose to examine were unfit for public discussion.
It may not contain the entire truth, but, technically, if it doesn't contain falsehoods, the story still actually happened.
Fake news is when the public are deliberately misled by falsehoods which are presented as the truth.
Doesn't the Bible warn individuals about the sin of spreading falsehoods against others?
Although you post is intriguing, I am afraid that it might contain some falsehoods.
i think among the other falsehoods you made... your a catholic... no non-catholic protestants believe that so - called theoly you spew....
So i would like to speak to each of you reading, If you have any light in you please stop spreading hate and falsehoods.
I need to clarify some of the incomplete ideas in your statements to determine the severity of your falsehoods.
I'm confident that the answers to my questions will enable you to determine who you arrived at one or more possible falsehoods, «Just Me».
It's been all quiet on the Al Gore front recently, as Climategate and the falsehoods in the IPCC report undermined the credibility of global warming hysteria — that is, the attempt to panic us into dismantling our economies, radically redistributing wealth, and empowering unelected international bureaucrats and a scientocracy to control it all.
This Mr Harry Jackson does not follow in Jesus footsteps, who exposed the religious falsehoods and greed that permeates human society.
But the thought of all those people wasting their lives on falsehoods is not so pleasant.
Why do you find it necessary to post falsehoods?
(Bob is giving opinions that I do find more harsh than necessary, but he is not among those I would include spreading falsehoods.)
The response by Christopher Tollefsen and Alexander Pruss to my piece, «Fig Leaves and Falsehoods» indicates, I hope, that the needed conversation about the morality of all false signification is underway in earnest.
But as both texts make clear, all writers currently adopting the brand name «Holocaust revisionism» defy or corrupt the recognized canons of historiographic investigation and truth; they distort and manipulate the historical record to create usable falsehoods that can advance the agenda of «an extreme right - wing that sees itself as heir to Nazism and dreams of its rehabilitation» (Vidal - Naquet).
If You are Mimicking others Falsehoods; Try reading the KJVB or even otherly «revisioned» Bibles that have been Dumbed Down for readers» benefit and welfare!
These are falsehoods.
If we say we're Christian but teach falsehoods or go into error, hopefully some Christians will have the backbone to set us back on track with Christ.
ALL religious «teachers» are teachers of falsehoods and lies regardless of their faith.
Point is, the entire article is based on falsehoods and the author is willing to bend to meet his end point.
What pet sins or prejudices or falsehoods will be revealed by this pursuit?
For de Lisle has unearthed key new facts, from ambassador reports home and love letters between key protagonists, and has corrected common falsehoods, such as significant details of the ceremonial accession of the «nine day» Queen Jane, and that she was not born in the same month as her predecessor on the throne, the boy - king Edward.
They know the alternative amounts to little more than hollow sentimentalities, sugar - coated falsehoods: sweet to taste, deadly to human happiness, fatal for the common good.
Others use warm, artful language in the service of half - truths and falsehoods.
So I can say with confidence that a true Christian would, in fact, acknowledge these «blasphemous pagan falsehoods».
A solution the pope proposes for combating fake news on an individual basis: Listen to diverse sources instead of engaging with homogenous news environments: «Praiseworthy efforts are being made to create educational programs aimed at helping people to interpret and assess information provided by the media, and teaching them to take an active part in unmasking falsehoods, rather than unwittingly contributing to the spread of disinformation.»
As a recovered Christian, indoctrinated as a child, cured upon receiving an education in science and history, I say it's time to put all religion on display in its proper place: on a shelf in the Museum of Falsehoods, Deceptions and Tragic Human History.
If not, you simply need to set up falsehoods some reason and these verses are not the problem something much deeper is eating at you.
Now obviously there are all kinds of gradations and motivations behind telling falsehoods.
There are better ways to educate people on Truth and falsehoods.
Now if one tries to destroy marriage, one would than try to deceive the rest of us with brilliant educated lies, falsehoods of your scientific, and legal theories.
We tell our falsehoods in such a way that we look better not worse.
They can't find enough christians to help themselves out of their own predicaments of falsehoods so they have to rely on the voices of atheists to help them sort it all out.
People can learn how to protect themselves from media myths that are distortions and falsehoods.
Atheists can not disprove the existence of gods, but we can prove that the holy books of the world (most especially the Bible) are loaded with inaccuracies and falsehoods.
Our own evidence pieced together as eyewitnesses was a total contradiction of the government's falsehoods.
Administrations assurances to the contrary are falsehoods.
No one said Pres Obama has to be a christian, but to call yourself one and then live contrary and going beyond that by teaching others falsehoods — IS actually mocking Christianity.
nothing based on falsehoods has any validity whatsoever.
Probably because he does not vigorously defend the falsehoods and misconceptions perpetuated against him by the conservatives and the extreme right.
The story could ruin a life, yet there is no recourse if the reporter's falsehoods resulted from mere negligence rather than from «actual malice.»
recognized that unless these were corrected, great evil could befall the monarchy, so he ordered that «the chronicles of the emperors be selected and recorded, errors and falsehoods eliminated, and the truth determined and written down for transmission to later ages.»
Said the emperor, «I hear that the chronicles of the emperors, and likewise the original words in possession of the various families, deviate from the exact truth, and are mostly amplified by empty falsehoods
William J. Brennan wrote passionately for a unanimous Court of the clear public interest they saw in protecting news reporters from libel lawsuits, even when journalists report falsehoods as facts.
faith «unable to reconcile the falsehoods from the teachings of men to the word of God» And neither can you since you have no idea if your book is the word of any «gods».
Jesus» teachings blow today's falsehoods right out of the water and expose them for what they are.
You see falsehoods because you see and hear carnally, not spiritually.
Hatred is calling the religious disgusting, judgmental hypocrites who contribute the most to the suffering of humankind, whose falsehoods and lies should be wiped clean from all societies, and who keep company with the corrupt, the pedophiles and the delusional.
Most of the atheists I have talked to feel the way they do because of the falsehoods that the world's religions have force fed them.
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