Sentences with phrase «familiarity breeds contempt»

Less is more: The lure of ambiguity, or why familiarity breeds contempt.
This isn't easy, and they'll forget often because familiarity breeds contempt.
Less is more: The lure of ambiguity, or why familiarity breeds contempt.
Maybe it's a case of familiarity breeding contempt — she's been in our face here in Australia since, when, BMX Bandits?
It would be incorrect to say familiarity breeds contempt in this case, but familiarity didn't make me fall in love with the Discovery Sport, either.
Ex-Liverpool manager Benitez could have won more at Stamford Bridge and still not shaken off the legacy of a time when familiarity bred contempt, and a once long - distance rivalry became intense.
Maybe familiarity breeds contempt, but over-familiarity breeds acceptance.
When it comes to good stocks, there's really no such thing as familiarity breeds contempt...
And while familiarity breeds contempt, we should remember that even if the Prius is still a gasoline car, it's a decent step forward: AT - PZEV tailpipe emissions (which means SULEV + zero evaporative emissions from the fuel system) and 50 MPG EPA make it cleaner than almost everything on the market (depends on the country).
Mark A. Lemley, Su Li and Jennifer M. Urban, Does Familiarity Breed Contempt Among Judges Deciding Patent Cases?
Perhaps familiarity breeds contempt, suggested Michael Jude, research manager at Stratecast / Frost & Sullivan.
«It is an old cliche that familiarity breeds contempt, but it is very true about work relationships.
Familiarity breeds contempt... continue jamming «gayism» down the throats of Americans, a backlash will ensue.
We were taught that familiarity bred contempt and that was why leadership had to maintain a distance.
They say that familiarity breeds contempt.
You know... it was one of those «Familiarity breeds contempt» doctrines.
It's easy enough to deal with this under the heading of «familiarity breeds contempt
Well, well, well, I said it a while ago, familiarity breeds contempt, With the Arse, Wenger seems to have this adage well kept, No criticisms, no view from different perspectives, Just the same old ass narratives, Say what, some's got ta give, oh believe that my fellow gooners, That old geezer plus his henchmen have to find a way to give in to the swelling tide, Otherwise the tide will sweep his sad self and his henchmen aside, Someday, Someway!
I suspect many here will agree, but I also suspect that falls under «familiarity breeds contempt» and grass is greener... It's easy for us to lose sight of how accomplished the guy has been.
Just so everybody remembers on here,» Familiarity Breeds Contempt»!
Familiarity breeds contempt.
It comes with the territory; familiarity breeds contempt.
I remember in the lyrics of a song (I can't remember the name but it was in the 80s so you won't either) that said «familiarity breeds contempt» and honestly it has held true for a lot of friends, where after a while you need that «space».
Familiarity breeds contempt.
Familiarity breeds contempt, as the saying goes.
There's a saying that familiarity breeds contempt.
It's the opposite of the old adage that familiarity breeds contempt.
The old saying «familiarity breeds contempt» could not be more true in most marriages and in these character's lives.
Atonement's familiarity breeds contempt, I fear; this is the most unimaginative way one could possibly have adapted the book, and in its extreme glossiness and glancing off of other awards - popular genres like War and Revenge, it places itself in the proverbial pole position in the race for self - satisfied moneymaking — profiteering without appearing to sell out.
Now Emily becomes more involved in her angst over her eternal soul or self - castigation over her plainness and unlovability, which results in to and fro that not only doesn't sparkle, it makes no real sense, as when she huffily announces that «Familiarity breeds contempt» to which Vinny fires back «Perhaps contempt breeds familiarity!»
The study's results: Familiarity breeds contempt (or at least indifference), something you probably know from experience as a dog owner.
My problem with this is that familiarity breeds contempt.
Familiarity breeds contempt, or so they say.
Then again, there's the flipside too that familiarity breeds contempt.
Familiarity breeds contempt?
It appears, at least as far as liberals and conservatives are concerned, familiarity breeds contempt.
But familiarity breeds contempt, and when you look at the front of the iPhone 8, it's hard not to feel some disappointment at just how familiar it is.
Familiarity breeds contempt, so it's no wonder that we're bored of the thick border around our glass rectangle.
With the Reyno father - and - son tandem, the old adage «familiarity breeds contempt» doesn't seem to apply.
«Familiarity breeds contempt,» or so the old proverb goes, and never has that been more topical than for the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus.
You know, familiarity breeds contempt Your house looks lovely with its temporary white blanket.
Familiarity breeds contempt and you take each other for granted.
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