Sentences with phrase «family forest owners»

Financial objectives, such as land investment and timber production, are dominant objectives for far fewer family forest owners.
Yet, adoption of certification among family forest owners is low.
«We hope this work will increase the public's awareness of the importance of family forest owners and be used to create educational materials and programs that allow landowners to make fully informed decisions to better meet their needs and the needs of future generations.»
The new methodology delivers enormous potential for family forest owners who manage 264 million acres, or 35 percent, of all U.S. forestland.
The pilot project will be among the first to use the ACR methodology that was developed specifically with family forest owners in mind.
Family forest owners manage 264 million acres, or 35 percent, of all U.S. forestland, offering a sizeable potential to build on the Oregon pilot and expand the FHHH initiative.
The study, «Family Forest Ownerships of the United States,» is based on responses from over 8,000 randomly selected family forest owners from across the country.
Survey results show that the benefits family forest owners most value are related to the beauty and privacy the forests provide, along with wildlife and nature protection.
«If we are interested in the future of the forests of the United States, we must be interested in those who own the land and in particular this means family forest owners who own a plurality of this vital resource,» said Tony Ferguson, Acting Director of the USDA Forest Service's Northern Research Station and the Forest Products Laboratory.
New research by the USDA Forest Service reveals the motivations, management activities, future plans, and challenges faced by the nearly 11 million families, individuals, trusts, and estates, referred to as family forest owners.
Instead of developing, selling or harvesting their forestland, the FHHH Initiative will provide family forest owners the option to implement sustainable forest management practices to store additional carbon in their forests.
«With PEFC's focus on enabling small - and family forest owners gain access to certification, Double A has brought the KHAN - NA initiative to the notice of PEFC in the last few years,» continued Mr. Leetavorn.
This does not mean they are inactive on their land; nearly half of the timber harvested in the U.S. comes from family forest lands, but only 13 percent of family forest owners have written forest management plans and only 20 percent had received professional forestry advice at the time of the survey.
Washington, DC, USA About Blog Follow the latest news from the American Forest Foundation, a forest conservation non-profit that works with family forest owners to conserve wildlife, water, and clean air.
«Family forest owners have a great, great love of their land and almost all of them want to do what is right by the land,» according to Brett Butler, a research forester with the Forest Service's Forest Inventory & Analysis Program and the study's lead author.
«Forest Service research is demonstrating the importance of family forest owners to conservation and providing information that will make programs that serve family forest owners more effective.»
While many family forest owners also rely on their forest holdings to supplement their livelihoods and family incomes, the financial benefits accruing to small family forest owners are relatively minor, given the relative small size of their forest - land holdings.
In developed countries, family forest owners have been managing forests as part of a tradition handed down for several generations.
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