Sentences with phrase «family home even»

However, when given a choice between a detached, single - family house that requires driving to shops and a longer commute to work and an apartment or condominium with an easy walk to shops and a shorter commute to work, a strong majority prefer the single - family home even with the longer commute (57 percent to 39 percent).
Under law, a spouse has the right to remain living at the family home even if it is owned in their partner's sole name.
Mormons reserve Monday evenings for «family home evening,» a time when families pray, study and sing together.
Someone serving in church leadership, who didn't want to be named because of the sensitivity of the subject matter, said he doubted the Romneys would observe family home evening since their kids are grown and gone.
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - Day Saints participate in fast - and - testimony Sacrament meetings, Sharing Time in Primary, sharing - oriented teaching methods, family history networks, Family Home Evenings, date nights, and husband - wife councils.

Not exact matches

If you work from home and have family constantly barging into your office, you could instate a similar rule, even with a good old fashioned door hanger, like the kind you leave for hotel housekeeping.
Then, the company can give you data such as average and range of ages and income, how large the families are, what kind of home they live in, what hobbies they have and maybe even where they make charitable donations.
Born roughly between 1960 and 1980 (the precise years are the subject of endless hairsplitting), they're now at an age when they have families, homes, mortgages, cars and maybe even investments, with the oldest of them in their peak earning years.
Even before prices fell, Edmonton was considered a fairly affordable place to buy a home, with the average detached single family home going for a little over $ 410,000.
Even during busy times, it's a good idea to schedule commitments with family and friends that you treat as unbreakable, whether family dinners at home every night or a night out with friends once a week.
Even when people do sell the family home to downsize to a smaller townhouse or condo, they tend to make up for it by opting for a more upscale property with high condo fees.
But this time, the ripples aren't getting beyond city limits, even though in Vancouver prices for single - family homes rose 11 % over the past year and now average around $ 2 million on the city's west side.
To have the respect of your family and co-workers, to be well liked, to be trusted by all, to make your workplace and home a better place to be, and maybe even leave the world a better place when you are no longer here?
It changed the second time when, as a police officer, he returned home one evening to find his family murdered.
Even factoring in men's tendency to log more hours than women — a reality caused largely by the disproportionate share of home and family responsibilities women bear — women still earn only 87.9 cents for every dollar earned by men.
«Many teens are placed in locations far from their homes and families, making availability of electronic communication to maintain supportive relationships even more important,» she wrote, according to CNN.
Even today, he runs his practice out of the Zuckerberg family home at 2 Russell Place in Dobbs Ferry, New York.
Here's research into how music can affect collaboration at work (short answer: it's great for it), family interactions at home, and even the workings of the human body, as well as findings that suggest you should tailor your playlist to the type of work you're hoping to accomplish while listening.
I gang my own gait and have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends, or even my immediate family, with my whole heart.»
This country — where families are slightly richer, slightly better educated and definitely less battered by recession — seems even more fertile ground for Target than its home turf.
Single - family homes are being shunned, even as the price falls, while condo sales have held up and average prices even increased a little.
However, Williams says there is an even greater need for programs that address energy efficiency in single - family homes.
I would love to move to a state with enough land and a warmer climate for my sons to ride their race bikes, my daughter to have the horse she dreams of and me to finally be at peace, I also believe that there should be someone home with the kids no matter what their ages are and as a single Mom with no family support or father involvement being at home for me is even more important, especially now that they are teenagers, There are no more nap times or time outs and the things you worry about during this age are so much more dangerous than falling down and hitting their heads as toddlers.
Even before the decline in international adoptions, only a tiny number of those children were adopted by families outside of their home countries.
Even if you're a stay - at - home parent without an income, your family would feel the financial impact of your absence because the contributions you made, such as child care, would have to be outsourced.
The cost of housing is likely to rise among newer, more resilient homes, making it even harder for low - and moderate - income families to find decent homes without help from organizations like Habitat.
Even unrelated people who can prove they have a «family - type, longstanding, and substantial» relationship can finance a home together with 3.5 percent down.
That means you can still qualify even if you've experienced a reduction in family income, but still need to lower your home payment.
Unlike single family homes or even apartments, commercial buildings can command much higher rental fees.
Their 2013 cookbook, Mast Brothers Chocolate: A Family Cookbook, describes «roasting in a coffee drum roaster... three pounds of beans at a time,» «cracking cacao shells with a hand mill used for crushing barley in home brewing,» and «winnow [ing] the husks from the nibs using fans, or even hair dryers.»
You can invest $ 15,000 or $ 20,000 at a time as a down payment on a single family home — such a small deal sophisticated Wall Street doesn't even bother (if fact, Warren Buffett once said he would buy a couple hundred thousand single - family homes if it were practical).
Even though rented apartments and single - family homes both should have renters insurance, they don't necessarily face all of the same perils.
You can invest $ 15,000 or $ 20,000 at a time as a down payment on a single family home — such a small deal sophisticated Wall Street doesn't even bother (if fact, Warren Buffett once
Of course, the salary chasers at the Competition Bureau likely only ever work days: Monday to Friday, perhaps 35 hours in total per week, and are home with their families every evening and weekend.
Thousands of people lose their homes, families and even their own lives.
A programme by a Christian organisation to find family homes for volunteers at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow to stay in has been so popular even the waiting list is full.
This is a real child ripped from home, maybe even from a family, facing horrors we can only begin to comprehend»...
On the Sunday that the story of Chad broke, I stayed in my home even when my wife, our son and her family went to the beach.
And so even when Roiphe's husband pawned her family's silver and pearls and charted a crass course of negligence — abandoning her for four days even on their honeymoon — Roiphe still diligently typed up his manuscripts and kept their home on Park Avenue, which her mother gave them.
And here is perhaps the bitterest irony: As these extreme technologies are deployed to form families, many children without homes yearn in vain to be adopted — even as the adoption process has become increasingly difficult, due to the many bureaucratic hurdles here and tightening restrictions overseas.
These are the days when I light a candle, even (or maybe especially) in the chaos and noise of family life because Brian is home from his travels and I have a buttoned - up Easter lily on my kitchen table.
Can one share them with people in the river valleys of middle America, people whose homes, property, personal possessions, and even family members have been destroyed by the flood waters of 1993?
Even as a Christian family, we found the search for a new church home in our new community daunting.
This is obviously tough land to farm, so many men leave their families behind to migrate to Santa Cruz, Argentina, or even Spain in hopes of harvesting better crops and sending some money home.
Faithful Catholic families, even more so those blessed with many children, are never average and do not fit into the average home.
[Latter we'll look at Exhibit D, in which women are advised not to work outside of the home, even if it's more practical for their family.]
In one scene, she even prays aloud, in the name of Jesus, to cast any demonic spirits from her home, tells them to stop attacking her family, and reminds Satan that Christ has already conquered him.
When Charlotte comes home miserable for the Christmas holidays, alienated from school and even from her family, she is unable to tell her mother how horrible her first semester has been.
And even that law he did not break because he made an agreement with the government (Iran) to be able to visit his family in Iran and build a Children «s Home there.Please read all of the articles and you will also find out that he (Pastor Saeed) were not even allow to be at his own Trial to defend himself and that witnesses for the government were intimidated not to attend for fear of reprises.
Students of color say that Nyquist met with them regularly to hear their concerns, and even invited them into his family's home on occasion to share meals.
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