Sentences with phrase «family in the country»

The bike is the part of family in the country with reliability on the bike.
Personally, I grew up in an affluent family in a country where I had rights and many opportunities.
That is equivalent to adding another # 5,000 of debt for every working family in the country.
I grew up in an affluent family in a country where I had rights and many opportunities.
Sure brings back memories for me when we used to visit family in the country!
The service is especially useful because even low - income families in the country have at least one mobile device that they share.
Most adoptive families in these countries traditionally want to adopt only healthy, white, fair - haired children.
At the hearing, Mother testified regarding Father's alleged history of domestic violence and that he sent the children to stay with family in another country during his parenting time.
Same health benefits, or just if eating the seeds?I heard, poor families in some countries cooking soup from the fresh seeds, when done, they taking out the seeds.
Now millions of families in countries like India, Nigeria, and Peru routinely schedule one or more days each week when they will not eat at all.
The Lagos State, Nigeria Program is a wonderful new opportunity for families in the country where there are many children in need.
This DVD explains how Australian family roles and values may differ from those experienced by migrant families in the country they have come from.
«If you got rid of child benefit altogether and rolled it into the universal benefit, you would have a means testing system for every single family in the country,» he said.
Brokenness is rampant among families in this country and in the world.
Francis backed the Slovakian bishops in their commitment to promote a referendum to defend the traditional family in their country.
On the first point, Austen's novels seem to be relentlessly concerned with private life, concerned with «three or four families in a country town,» as she put it in one famous letter.
Earlier this year, a polyamorous threesome in Columbia became the first legally recognized polyamorous family in the country, in a partnership known as «trieja.»
Homebirth midwifery is supported by the government, and free to families in some countries including New Zealand, the Netherlands, and England.
Family Media produces the largest consumer shows for new and expectant families in the country — the New York, Chicago and LA Baby Shows.
But when it comes to child benefit which has gone to all families for 60 years in this country - it was a legacy of the Second World War - I think it is really important to support families in this country and I think child benefit is a good way of doing it.
One of the most powerful families in the country is that of the Rawlingses.
«It's time to wake up to new challenges that face the American family, time to see that young families in this country are never again forced to choose between the jobs they need and the children they love, time to be sure that parents are never again told that no matter how long they work or how hard their child tries, a college education is a right they can't afford.»
In 1990, Milwaukee parents were given a choice that no other families in the country had: They could send their children to private schools for free with taxpayer - funded vouchers.
The 2015 Versa Note SR brings a dash of hot - hatch excitement to what's already the best - selling subcompact family in the country, although folks should know that, despite the dynamic design upgrade, the new model does not offer a corresponding performance upgrade.On the other hand, it does enjoy fuel - economy marks of 31 mpg city / 40 mpg highway / 35 mpg combined.
Based on a true story, this novel in verse follows Odette, a young Jewish girl living in France during WWII, whose parents send her to live with a Catholic family in the country, where she is hidden in plain sight.
Even though it's hard for us to imagine what our daily life would look like without a bank account, what millions of families in this country lack is just that, a bank account.
Middle - class families, they say, are better off than ever; their income is up and the Harper government's record of tax reductions has helped «every single Canadian family in this country
 They chose to build an alternate, adventurous life, and to start families in the country now known as Belize.
Design a solar powered cardio de-icer that would melt the cold, cold hearts of the richest fifth of families in this country which control 84 % of the wealth.
We citizens of the world should not accept this as part of the chilling routine of murdering and killing entire families in every country.
A key part of that vision is Alexa — Amazon's AI platform — so it's no surprise that the retailer has decided to launch its Echo family in the country.
Graham writes there could «barely be an Aboriginal family in this country not touched by these tragedies, or let down by those charged to protect them».
To ensure that you're working with an adoption agency dedicated to helping children, be sure to ask each agency how much money is routed into building new orphanages or funding new foster families in that country.
One of the strongest attributes about John (and the entire PLL team), is the intense desire and passion to help the most hurting families in the country.
MIECHV expiring due to a lack of congressional action would be devastating, as it serves some of the most vulnerable families in the country.
«The bill provides crumbs and tax hikes for middle - class families in this country and a Christmas gift to major corporations and billionaire investors,» Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, said Tuesday.
Irina in Ukraine explains that families in her country gather together for dinner on Christmas Eve.
In the meantime, it's interesting how one meltdown thousands of miles away can impact the lives of under - housed families in another country,» says OMDREB.
This Grade II - listed Hampshire home was precisely the property its new owners had been looking for when they decided to leave London to bring up their growing family in the country.
This week, the Compassion Blogger team is in Ecuador, seeing first hand the work God is doing on behalf of the children and families in that country through Compassion.
«To the degree that Mr. Trump is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families in this country, I and other progressives are prepared to work with him,» Sanders wrote in conclusion.
Perhaps we would find, as these recommendations are put in place, if they go together with national distribution of baby boxes, and the full range of government support given to families in countries like Finland, we would continue to see a decline in SIDS.
Our Building Strong Families DVD explains how Australian family roles and values may differ from those experienced by migrant families in the country they have come from.
With Huck's Raft, Steven Mintz, who holds an endowed chair in history at the University of Houston, makes possible an exponential advance in the clarity with which we understand the history of families in this country.
Click or tap to count down the Top 25 richest individuals and families in the country... START»
Families in these countries are desperate to send their children away from the killing fields of gang violence.
It turns out that while they were publicly crisscrossing America, they were also privately holding meetings with some of the wealthiest individuals and families in the country, urging them to not only invest in a new fund but become partners with some of the companies that will benefit from it.
It shouldn't be a shock, then, that young parents are the most financially squeezed of any families in the country.
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