Sentences with phrase «family law field»

Right now, we're working on some initiatives in the family law field as well as other areas.
Chambers HNW 2016 describes Frances as one of the best - known names in the family law field.
These Guidelines were drafted by two respected Law Professors with the endorsement of the Department of Justice Canada, after consultation with stakeholders in the family law field.
The last twenty years have sped by, characterized by growing acceptance and use of mediation within the family law field... in no small part due to this book written in 1994 - 1995 and published in 1997.
I am... and I look forward to Section programs and conferences that will further apply the lessons and wisdom of this book to add to the competence and consumer responsiveness of the family law field.
Following our success in the family law field, we want to be the ultimate destination for all your needs as a high net worth individual.
The staff at Rise are working to share best practices with others in the family law field and find ways to responsibly implement unbundling to ensure that clients get better access to the help they desperately need.
She says the proposed cuts will make it financially unsustainable for experienced family barristers to continue to do this work and potential new entrants to the family law field will be deterred.
Our legal team is highly rated by our peers in the matrimonial and family law field in New York.
Sieglinde is an attorney with over 27 years of experience in the family law field now engaged in both family law practice and mediation.
To those of us in the Family Law field, PC has recently taken on another meaning - Parenting Coordinator.
This is a question that exercises the minds of those who work in the family law field and is receiving heightened attention from policy makers in Scotland at the moment.
The firm concentrates its practice in divorce and family law litigation, arbitration, mediation of family law and matrimonial issues, and collaborative law (one of the newest areas of dispute resolution in the family law field).
But most importantly, everyone involved in the Family Law field has to realize that quality parenting time does not equate to hours, minutes and overnights with a child.
This is a cutting edge trend in the family law field that is designed to bring less adversarial conflict and emotional heartache to the process.
The last twenty years have sped by, characterized by growing acceptance and use of mediation within the family law field... in no small part due to this book written in 1994 - 1995 and published in 1997.
To become eligible to become a CDFA ™, one has to have been engaged for three years in the financial services, accounting, or family law field.
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