Sentences with phrase «family members who»

(the patients we see are often breastfeeding even when there is no support from family members who want them to «just give her a bottle».
I often hear of doctors or family members who encourage women to wean their babies and / or toddlers and switch them to cow's milk.
5) Fortunately, we have awesome family members who are always willing to babysit.
It's easy to get nice but inexpensive presents for friends and family members who live nearby.
Some families of babies with tongue tie are able to list family members who have tongue tie.
Babies Getaway hopes to make up for these limitations by providing safe, clean and name brand baby gear to the parents and family members who are traveling within the U.S.
So definitely having support of nurses, partners and family members who can help get her to get the baby where she needs the baby and to feel supported — lots of pillows, lots - and - lots of pillows in the beginning in the first feed.
Learn how to deal with family members who disapprove of raising a bilingual child.
I've seen the struggle firsthand with friends and family members who were soooooo verrrrrryy ready to be done nursing but their toddlers (and even preschoolers) were... definitely not.
If the caregiver is home - based, ask to meet any other family members who may have contact with the children.
There are important birth family members who Sylvia has varying contact and connection with.
Friends and family members who are no longer using their baby furnishings may allow you to use them.
Fantastic for mothers or family members who wish to know more about long term / sustained breastfeeding
Her presentation / teaching style is perfect for both the professionals and family members who attend our workshops and the participants are always fully engaged.
Finally, I talked with friends and family members who safely practiced bed sharing and I did some research.
Many adoptive families have even found that with education and experience, the family members who were once most opposed to open adoption are now some of its strongest advocates.
We all have well - meaning friends and family members who feel like it is their duty to inform us of everything we should be doing as parents.
Class cost is $ 75 per family and we encourage all parents, grandparents, siblings and / or family members who will be assisting with the babies to attend.
It is wonderful to have friends and family members who want to love and help nurture a baby.
Class cost is $ 75 USD per family and we encourage all parents, grandparents, siblings or family members who will be assisting with feeding the babies to attend.
There have been several extended family members who have told our daughter flat out that Mommy and Daddy are liars and that there is so a Santa and if we say there isn't, she shouldn't believe us.
Making sure that family members who smoke do not smoke in front of your baby can reduce the risk of ear infections.
I was frazzled but but not by the baby but by family members who kept trying to give me unwanted advice.
We have shared our Bradley experience with several friends and other family members who went on to take classes with other Bradley teachers.
I ' ll be sending this recipe to those family members who ask how they can help when baby is on her way.
Actually, there are at least three other important factors that I can think of... but those have more to do with personal psychological things... experiences of family members in hospitals not being cared for properly, and family members who ARE health care professionals, each with their own set of views.
I would recommend this course, the Bradley Method, and especially NICOLE GREEN — The Birth School — to anyone of my friends and family members who want to educate themselves, who trully care about taking control of their birth experiece, and who know they have what it takes to deliver a healthy baby without the uneccesary interventions that most hospitals needlessly love to offer to uneducated parents.
In her usual optimistic and humorous spirit, my sister put on her lipstick, and with her dimpled smile waved to the family members who accompanied her down the hospital corridor, wishing them a long, happy life, while her youngest daughter filmed her with her digital camera.
This is a great feature to share with grandparents and other family members who would love to take a peek at the baby.
Travelling with family members who have food allergies, especially children, can be stressful.
... the family members who didn't support you failed you.
In high school, many students live with family members who control their access to food and attend schools with set lunch times and menu offerings.
Or you can call those family members who you've been neglecting recently.
You might try reading segments from The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding or talking with a midwife or a lactation consultant and getting some hard facts for your family members who don't support your stand on nursing your baby.
For those family members who live farther away, surprise them with a big «hug» in the mail so they know that you love them this much.
Rogers Park District officers and major accident investigators have spoken to family members who say they are trying to contact the teen and persuade him to turn himself in, Diaz said.
These last five included witnessing domestic violence; having divorced parents; having family members who had been in jail, had mental illness, or had substance abuse problems.
No we don't - but I have to say, those family members who raid Costco and leave gifts of food for the nurses are much appreciated.
If you feel something is «off» about your child's attachment to you or her behavior, listen to your heart and not to other parents / friends or family members who are not experts in post-institutionalized children.
She may ask you about your pregnancy, other family members who have been diagnosed with ADHD, and any emotional difficulties your preschooler has gone through.
Ask around family members who have either breastfed or tried to breastfeed, but bear in mind every woman will have different experiences to share — some more helpful than others!
Class cost is $ 70 per family and we encourage all parents, grandparents, siblings and / or family members who will be assisting with the Twins to attend.
Well - meaning moms and dads reassure that every child develops at their own pace, the child will be fine, and other parents / family members who mentioned a concern need to mind their own business.
What did exist were friends and family members who a mom could reach out to if she felt she couldn't handle a specific situation.
As stressful as colic can be for both babies who have it and family members who care for them, a new study has found that one of the simplest (and free!)
Re-incarceration was associated with socializing with friends four or more times per week, the number of conflicted relationships in the family network, having family members who had been on probation or in jail, and the parolee's perceived difficulty in staying off drugs.
Being a new mom is hard work, and there are always friends and family members who are happy to lend a hand.»
Finally, women who have had other family members who suffered postpartum depression are more likely to also suffer as are women who have gone through a pregnancy which was unwanted.
Talking to friends and family members who have breastfeeding experience is always a great place to start when you need breastfeeding help.
Please take time to think of your friends and family members who have lost a baby too early.
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