Sentences with phrase «family on a whole foods diet»

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I started looking into healing through diet, and came across a little paperback on raw food, and how it had changed a whole family's life by allowing them to regain their health.
When I was about 8 or so, my whole family went on a relatively healthy diet (we still ate animal products, but very little, and zero processed foods).
I began the journey of an elimination diet for our whole family that we are still on, eight years later, that sources the purest food and ingredients that I can find.
Includes tips on reading food labels, pleasing picky eaters, and tracking the diet's success, this essential guide provides the know - how and recipes you need to make this special diet work for the whole family.
Is there a well - developed body of studies conducted that focus on a comparison between a vegan and non-vegan diet in which the latter living mostly on a whole food plant based diet but with a very small intake of meat and / or fish (less than twice a week for example and after controlling for age, weight, alcohol, exercise, smoking, family history for disease, etc.)?
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