Sentences with phrase «family perspective»

My focus includes individual, couple, group and family perspectives on clients I see for psychotherapy.
We felt that we had a great community, however decided that our educators having a greater understanding of family perspectives and more strategies for supporting families and children's stress would benefit everyone.
Hear researcher, educator and family perspectives as well as the voice of children.
Family perspectives on inclusive lifestyle issues for people with problem behavior.
An Integrated Systemic Family perspective for helping families with children with chronic conditions addresses the goals of learning to «struggle well», reduce stress and vulnerability and empower families to overcome persistent adversity.
Birthparents and Adoption: An Inside Look at the Birth Family Perspective — the findings of a major study about birthmothers, and what they're looking for in a family that's ready to adopt.
«We approach vaccine targets from a virus family perspective,» Young said.
I was also moved by how the kids stepped up nicely in the last act to provide very realistic family perspective and scale relative to their young lives when pets remind and teach us of mortality.
Use a broader family perspective to understand the injuries of bullying and start a healing process by co-constructing a narrative that fosters tolerance, positivity, and acceptance.
A psychological perspective on the development of caring in children and youth: The role of the family
«We can't expect other people to understand»: Family perspectives on problem behavior, Exceptional Children, 68 (4), 437 - 450.
This mixed - methods study will undertake the first comprehensive assessment of teens» extended - family sexuality communication and its associations with sexual behavior, and includes extended - family perspectives in order to apply quantitative findings to prevention and intervention programs.
See Kenneth R. Mitchell, «Pastor Luther From a Family Perspective,» Dialog 28 (Summer 1989): 186 - 90.
From a family perspective, I have developed a much greater interest in food since starting the diet and now enjoy doing the food shopping and cooking, much to my wife's pleasure!»
The presentation aimed to educate the Reds» squads from the U15s to the U23s about the events of April 15, 1989 from a family perspective.
Caesarian birth: the importance of a family perspective.
Robin Shreeves (@rshreeves) focuses on food from a family perspective from her home base in New Jersey.
Understanding loss and grief from a family perspective enables families to engage in the work of grief together and develop strategies for navigating grief as a family recognizing that each person's role and experience of loss is different.
«There was mention of prisoners receiving family visits, but there was no family perspective on end - of - life care in prison.»
Parents have advisory roles on all major committees and care improvement endeavors, to advocate for the patient and family perspective and help us consistently improve the quality of our care.
Through a series of flashbacks, we learn about Florence and Edward's academic and personal interests, family perspectives, and the circumstances that led them to their fateful honeymoon.
Instead of continuing to explore the violence / family perspective, screenwriter Josh Olson, working from the graphic novel by John Wagner and Vince Locke, takes the third act and deteriorates it to a black comedy with a body count.
From a family perspective there's not much here to keep teens from contributing their dollars to this production.
Having reviewed films from a family perspective for over two decades it is obvious that family entertainment doesn't receive much love from the voters who determine the biggest awards in Hollywood.
In the midst of this uncertainty, I hope to provide educators and families my perspective on how to leverage the enterprise of CCSS adoption for the benefit of students with learning disabilities (LD).
This includes creating the infrastructure and collaborative processes needed to align community partners towards mutual goals and providing scaffolded curriculum for students and families across agencies to prioritize equity challenges, participate in school governance and decision - making, provide input into site plans, and develop policies that reflect student and family perspectives, needs and solutions.
to help medical professionals view the disease from the perspective of the patient and his or her family
She enjoys all aspects of veterinary medicine and especially appreciates an integrative approach and a whole - animal, whole - family perspective.
Dan of Points With a Crew has been kind enough to dive into a series of questions I sent him about this travel - hacker world from a family perspective.
Two great things about the hotel from a family perspective: all the rooms are suites, and it's a Category 1 hotel, so it's a mere 5,000 points per night per suite.
I believe in the importance of therapy from a family perspective.
Many professional counselors find it useful to emphasize to persons diagnosed with ADHD and their families the perspective that the condition does not necessarily block, and may even facilitate, great accomplishments.
«They Treated Me Like a Real Person»: Family Perspectives on Effective Engagement Strategies (PDF - 918 KB) Fuller & Paceley (2011) University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, Children and Family Research Center Presents the results of a qualitative study of family engagement strategies used by differential response caseworkers and investigators in Illinois.
It also includes some case study examples of children ages 8 months, 17 months, 4 yrs, 9 yrs, 12 yrs and 15 yrs, and a few case studies from the family perspective.
Thus if therapy seems appropriate, it is helpful for the mediator to refer the child to a therapist who will deal with the child within the family perspective.
She has been published in «Family Perspectives» and the «Salt Lake Tribune.»
[jounal] Fox, L. / 2002 / We can't expect other people to understand: Family perspectives on problem behavior / Exceptional Children 68 (4): 437 ~ 450
However, to date most studies fail to assume a whole - family perspective, including both parents» psychological wellbeing as well as their parenting styles.
There is now a need to go beyond the parent — child dyads and to adopt a family perspective of the consequences of PPD by investigating the role of family - level relationships in the influence of maternal and paternal PPD on child development.
The experience of challenging behaviours following severe TBI: A family perspective.
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