Sentences with phrase «famous dictum»

More than 200 years ago Benjamin Franklin coined the now famous dictum that equated passing minutes and hours with shillings and pounds.
Instead, it's further proof of veteran screenwriter William Goldman's famous dictum about Hollywood: «Nobody knows anything.»
Think of it as another way to follow Ernest Hemingway's famous dictum on writing: «The best way is always to stop when you are going good.»
«Adopt Ronald Regan's famous dictum when working with your broker: «trust but verify,» Rebitzer advises.
It's like the other famous dictum: «If you point is poor, yell louder.»
In Anil Ananthaswamy's The Man Who Wasn't There, Descartes» most famous dictum not only makes an appearance, it serves as the backdrop for the entire work,...
The undiscovered territory, to my mind, is in the area of preventive law — helping clients avoid legal problems rather than responding to them after they've occurred, in the manner of Richard Susskind's famous dictum about placing a fence at the top of a cliff rather than an ambulance at the bottom.
Baldessari's now famous dictum, directed first at himself, and later to students in his post-studio class, was, «Make No More Boring Art.»
You've probably heard Malcolm Gladwell's famous dictum that to master any skill you need to put in 10,000 hours of practice.
But according to Burkeman, when the same guys who conducted the research on which Malcolm Gladwell based his famous dictum studied the schedules of violinists, they found a hard limit on each practice session.
China can be described as an extremely muscular illustration of Minsky's famous dictum that «stability is destabilizing».
William McChesney Martin's famous dictum that it is the job of central bankers «to take away the punch bowl just when the party gets going» is an early recognition of the need for monetary policy to be forward looking — and perhaps a reminder that acting in a timely fashion is not always easy.
, Gerard McKay's ongoing concern about the trustworthiness, perhaps even the orthodoxy of any text that cites Tertullian's famous dictum «the flesh is the hinge of salvation» (caro cardo salutis est) is surely misplaced (Letters, Nov - Dec 07).
Thus there is very little disagreement with Kant's famous dictum: «So act as to treat humanity, whether in thine own person or in that of any other, in every case as an end withal, never as a means only.»
Thus the two kinds of theology need each other, and we may best define their relation by adapting a famous dictum of Kant: «Without believing theology all scientific theology is empty, and without scientific theology all believing theology is blind.»
For the most part, secular commentators in the press and academy have shown themselves to be well out of their depth even when addressing their own religious traditions, and the political naivete displayed by religious commentators has only reinforced Burke's famous dictum that «politics and the pulpit are terms that have little agreement.»
Against Kant's unconditional command, Newman's magisterial dictate, and Butler's famous dictum («were its might equal to its right, it would rule the world»), the ACOG committee makes conscience a mere prima facie guide.
One should recall the famous dictum, attributed to several radical thinkers, that the goal of scientific politics is to «replace the government of men with the administration of things.»
For example, in The Christian Doctrine of Creation and Redemption, volume two of his Dogmatics, he treats the work of Christ before the person of Christ, thereby following through on the famous dictum of Melanchthon: hoc est Christum cognoscere, beneficia eius cognoscere (to know Christ is to know his benefits).
The dominant philosophy of physical science since the time of Galileo, with some wavering in the present century, has been that of the famous dictum of Laplace:
In citing the famous dictum» Never changed anything ``, each teacher highlights this connection in the teacher - pupil - sequence.
During one of his sermons, he paraphrases F. Scott Fitzgerald's famous dictum about the sign of a fine mind being the ability to hold two competing ideas at the same time.
His famous dictum, «Tout le monde a ses raisons,» applies to Assayas's characters, but with a modern twist: how rapidly those reasons shift, and how rarely we know precisely what they are.
Gary's gang hilariously and wistfully learns the truth of Thomas Wolfe's famous dictum, «you can't go home again.»
In fact, the moment recalls Godard's famous dictum that every fictional film is a documentary of its actors.
Hickey issued his now - famous dictum: «Closing schools is not an option.»
If we believe William Carlos Willams» famous dictum, «No ideas but in things!»
One might just as easily say that strong character makes great schools, rather like the famous dictum «manners maketh man» (Winchester, in the l5th century).
In making work in his «own image,» he exposes the prejudices, privileges and presumptions inhabiting Frank Stella's famous dictum, «What you see is what you see,» and Andy Warhol's claim, «Just look at the surface of my paintings, and there I am.»
It is the line that precedes Stein's famous dictum «rose is a rose is a rose is a rose».
He described himself as «one of you» and declared that «every artist is also a human being», turning Beuys's famous dictum the other way.
In his complete reliance on color, scale and composition, Mr. Noland may have hewed closest longest to Frank Stella's famous dictum «what you see is what you see.»
In keeping with the spirit of the Gutai manifesto's famous dictum to «do something no one else has ever done before,» he added, «even if the form, the materials and the techniques of expression change, those two points» have always been elements of his «consistent position.»
Mr. Weiner has elevated Robert Rauschenberg's famous dictum — to the effect that «this is art if I say so» — to the more inclusive «this is art if you think so.»
Perhaps no artist took more to heart Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's famous dictum «Less is more» than Fred Sandback, who died in 2003 at age fifty - nine.
It's best captured in Martha Graham's famous dictum: the body says what
Whenever I hear Jean - Luc Godard's famous dictum, «Cinema is truth 24 times a second,» I always ask myself, «So what is it the rest of the time?
But for many, the answer was akin to the famous dictum from Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart when writing about pornography, «I know it when I see it.»
The federal Liberal government's stated intention to bring about electoral «reform» without a referendum brings to mind Lord Acton's famous dictum: «Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.»
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