Sentences with phrase «famous photo»

This public relations - centered approach is best demonstrated by a somewhat famous photo from the 2016 presidential campaign.
Unfortunately for Starr, given what I know about society today, this will become his most famous photo and he isn't even the star of it.
Having fun: Margot snapped a now - famous photo at a London party in 2015 alongside Harry, Suki Waterhouse, Cara Delevingne and Sienna Miller
In 2015, after just missing out at a third straight major at The Open at St. Andrews, where ZJ eventually won, a now - famous photo went around of Spieth borrowing Johnson's new jug on the flight home.
There's a more famous photo than this from the same party in which Sophia Loren (pictured here on the left) gives Jayne Mansfield the stankiest side eye ever captured.
Four World Famous photos with tasks to complete at the bottom of the page.
Both The New York Times and Life magazine were keen to cover the protest, the latter including a now famous photo portrait of the group of artists taken in 1951 by Nina Leen.
• Diane Arbus's Photography • Biography • Selected Exhibitions • Famous Photos by Diane Arbus • Other Great Photographers
There are the drawings Sue Coe made in AIDS wards, and David Wojnarowicz's famous photo of Peter Hujar right after he passed, and Keith Haring's elegiac bronze altarpiece.
Perhaps Gary's most famous photos were those of receding glaciers.
Margot snapped a now - famous photo at a London party in 2015 alongside Harry, Suki Waterhouse, Cara Delevingne and Sienna Miller.
For instance, Armstrong used Mobli to share that famous photo of himself with his Tour de France jerseys after he was banned for life by the International Cycling Union for doping.
Peter Norman (he's the man without his fist raised in the famous photo) wasn't expected to reach the final.
(By the way, in that famous photo of Lyndon Baines Johnson taking the oath after Kennedy's assassination, that's not a full Bible.
Fast - forward fifty - two years later: To celebrate it's affiliation with Denise Austin, the most well - recognized fitness expert in America, the Idaho Potato Commission decided to re-create the famous photo featuring Austin as a modern - day «role model.»
Of the five young players featured in a famous photo, Kieran Gibbs and Alex Oxlade - Chamberlain left this summer, Carl Jenkinson is on loan at Birmingham and Aaron Ramsey is, of course, Welsh.
Iwo Jima is familiar to most Americans thanks to a John Wayne movie and the famous photo of the flag - raising on Mount Suribachi, which is immortalized at the Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, Va..
This framed canvas is the famous photo of the side lining up before their last match on English soil, complete with spot - coloured red for dramatic effect.
Labour said it wanted to know how, in 2006, when David Cameron travelled to Norway for his famous photo opportunity with huskies to promote his new - look party's «green» policies, his senior colleagues were cosying up to US groups that were profoundly sceptical about global warming.
Eurographics» Sinyor had hoped to print a poster of the famous photo of Einstein with his tongue out, but with a tongue stud Photoshopped into the image.
For his latest feat, Olson has come up with an exact time and location that Ansel Adams snapped his famous photo of North America's tallest mountain, Denali, and the nearby Wonder Lake in Denali National Park, just north of Anchorage, Alaska.
Perhaps you've seen the famous photo of a python ripped apart by its efforts to ingest a large alligator.
(I had to hold it in place while walking to the train yesterday afternoon because of the strong wind current trying to replicate the famous photo.)
From her iconic panama hats to leopard print clutches that harken back to her famous photos from the 70's, Lauren Hutton's accessories find balance between being both overtly glamorous and easy going.
From our famous Photo Magazines of Single Latin women, Online Personal Ads (where Single Latin women will write to you first) or our Famous Singles Tours (meet 400 - 800 Single Latin women in 6 days,) you will clearly see why TLC Worldwide is the industry leader in helping more American men meet single Latin women!
When he showed them the famous photos of protesters being hosed and attacked by police dogs, he recalls, «you could see an understanding.
That spring the famous photo of Patty Hearst appeared.
A wonderfully located and superbly restored riad on the outskirts of Imlil, 20 minutes» walk from Kasbah du Toubkal and from where the famous photo of the Kasbah and Mount Toubkal was taken.
We started with the Photo exhibition of our dear friend and famous surf photographer Tó Mané, who presented some of his best pictures of waves in north Portugal, as well as the famous photo of Gareth McNamara's world record in 2011 at North Beach, Nazaré.
Some are done from photographs, like Henry Taylor's near - life - size 2007 painting of the famous photo of Black Panther founder Huey P. Newton seated in a throne - like wicker chair holding a spear and a shotgun.
A revelation is New York, New York by Hedda Sterne, the only woman in the famous photo of the Irascibles in 1951, tucked ignominiously in a corner but glowering with moody intensity, its palette a nod to the Murnau works of Kandinsky.
The split painting depicts a rendering of the now - famous photo of the transgendered U.S. Army soldier who was imprisoned for espionage after disclosing classified information on Wikileaks.
Sterne was the lone woman in the famous photo of the Irascibles, the definitive group portrait of the abstract expressionist movement, which appeared in The New York Times in 1951.
(His current show at the Musée de Vence features a sculpture based on a famous photo of a Jewish child surrounding to fascists in 1943 Warsaw, carved entirely out of ivory.)
A small photo on the gallery wall revealed their source: a famous photo from the Stroop Report, an album commissioned by commander of German forces that suppressed the Warsaw ghetto uprising in the spring of 1943.
That famous photo of her in the Cedar Bar is very close to how I experienced her personality.
; a Donald Judd — like Formica box that, when opened, proves to be a prefab kitchen cupboard (this was new to me and suggestive); and, finally, the famous photo of the youthful artist's smiling visage literally cheek by jowl with a corpulent, frowning decapitated head, exhibited in the form of the artwork into which Hirst retrospectively turned it (With Dead Head, 1991).
Together with other historical - based creations and his latest work, the exhibition will include: famous photo - portrait paintings (such as Betty 1988, above left); 1960s landscapes and cityscapes; and a large selection of Richter's ambitious abstract paintings on loan to Tate, including his 20 meter long Stroke (on view for the first time outside of Germany) and the six - part Cage series.
A series of drawings depict both the ingredient (lighter fluid) and the tool (a spoon) used for Robert Rauschenberg's famous photo - transfer process.
His famous photo booth truck is...
Nokia announced a few months ago that its famous photo editing app Creative Studio would be updated to version 6.0 and the update would be part of the major Lumia Cyan software update for all Lumia smartphones.
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