Sentences with phrase «fan of the character»

And there are a few nods for fans of the characters thrown in for good measure.
They do, I just wasn't a particularly big fan of their characters.
The visuals have a retro feel, but the gameplay mechanics are very modern and even contain a few RPG elements for fans of character customization.
So we read a number of the scripts, and that was one — we're huge fans of the character, I collected the comic books as a kid.
Dead pool will satisfy die - hard fans of the character but as a hack and slash game.
I'm not sure if it was missing something or if I wasn't a big enough fan of the character to begin with.
Fans of character study will not be disappointed in the fine careful details of Scottish country life.
So there will be ample opportunity for new and old fans of the character to enjoy her games while waiting for the newest release.
The visuals have a retro feel, but the gameplay mechanics are very modern and even contain a few RPG elements for fans of character customization.
He absolutely loved the design, and while I'm not the biggest fan of character designs, who am I to argue with a Threenager?!
It isn't surprising that as the audiences who first became fans of characters like The Avengers, X-Men and Deadpool get older, that their modern movie adaptations will be marketed more toward adults.
The CEO of Legendary Films said in a statement, «As a lifelong fan of these characters, I've always wanted to see the ultimate showdown, and today we're pleased to be announcing that and more.»
While I initially didn't expect much from the game, going into it being a longtime fan of the character, I am sad to admit that this game disappointed at almost every turn.
I certainly think so, and now the tracking is finally starting to line up with the expectations felt by fans of the character and the creative team assembled both in front of and behind the cameras.
The game does a really great job of playing up the relationship of these two polar opposite characters and it plays into some hilarious scenes filled with plenty of inside jokes for fans of these characters media franchises.
It's good news for those of us who have been fans of the character actor for years and were a little wary that he'd maybe try to jump into his own Taken - style franchise or something as a result of his boost in popularity.
Darkest Hour is the type of film that will engage all audiences from history buffs to fans of character driven films.
Fans of the character however, knew a more serious and darker portrayal was possible and needed, and Tim Burton's take on the legacy was certain a step in the right direction.
Fans of character work will have a lot to swept up in, while more technically minded film fans will have plenty to gawp at.
Either way, fans of the character now have a new cosplay goal forwhich to aspire.
Vexed at the outcome, the villain's henchman said that dealing with the Avengers would be «courting death itself» — a throwaway line that was in fact full of meaning and thrilled fans of the character.
And of course there are geniune fans of the character and / or Uprising.
These concepts were anathema to fans of the character depth and humor of the Sierra and LucasArts adventures.
Forgotton Anne is the type of game for fans of character development, narrative and immersion.
Roy was a disappointing loss in Brawl for many fans of the character but now he has returned and is officially available now and to confirm this you can watch the characters excellent introduction video:
Fans of characters like Miles Morales and Riri Williams have begun to question what will happen to those heroes once their co-creator, Brian Michael Bendis, departs Marvel for DC Comics.
As a lifelong fan of these characters, I've always wanted to see the ultimate showdown, and today we're pleased to be announcing that and more.»
Raimi has gone on record as being a longtime fan of the character, and it shows in the film's remarkable fidelity not only to the source material but also the spirit of it.
We found it fairly buggy and a little forgettable, but if you're a huge fan of the character you'll probably have some fun with it.
A huge chunk of both volumes are on the fighting and action side (it is a Shonen Jump manga, after all), but Oda has made sure to flesh out all the background stories, while at the same time balancing a good chunk of time highlighting all the main characters and giving fans of those characters a decent amount of time to enjoy their favorites, all while enhancing the plot.
As much as I love «Spawn», I would have to really recommend this only to the biggest fans of the character.
Muppets Most Wanted delivers enough right notes at the right times in order to justify time spent for fans of these characters, but it does sputter and drag more than it really should, and if it manages to get to the finish line with everyone still on board, it's only because our beloved characters have to push the vehicle several times with a musical number.
T moved into a toddler / junior bed a while ago (at 14 months) and I'm really not a fan of Character bedding so seeing the gorgeous Cute Babies — Bedding for Babies and Kids was a relief — I love this Japanese Dolls cot bedding and I've added it to my basket for today
Fans of the characters that just want to run amuck with them for awhile should be pleasantly diverted.
As a fan of the character you let certain thing's slip in the movie.
Fans of the characters may find the game a hollow experience.
Fans of the characters will obviously find the most joy out of this game, but as a true love letter to classic gaming by combining many of the tropes that defined the era, Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures really is a great game all by itself.
The downside is you may have to wait to find out what has happened to your favorites, and if you aren't a fan of the characters spotlighted, you could lose interest faster than a walker eats brains.
It's debatable whether the weaknesses out weight the strengths or vice versa, but at least for the fans of this character they will have a good time with the newest addition of the franchise.
All though Tom Hiddleston's character isn't exactly a good guy, it was still a traumatic moment for fans of the character.
In spite of its shortcomings, The Place Beyond the Pines is more than worth checking out for fans of character - driven, slow - burn thrillers.
This is a laughable film and it's a massive shit to the face for any fans of the characters.
There is no payoff to sitting through this movie and by the end if you find yourself unfortunate enough to be watching it, you will be angry; furious if you're a fan of these characters in the comics.
Head and shoulders above where the X-Men Origins: Wolverine left off, fans of the character will have plenty to sink their teeth into.
Kate is determined, smart and funny and one thing's for certain — mystery readers who are fans of character - driven stories in a western setting will love the landscape brought to life in the Nebraska Sandhills.
As a fan of character - driven novels, she wants to be desperate to know what happens to your hero by the time she's finished your writing sample.
Wallace and Gromit: Digital Comic # 1 is well worth a download for anyone that's a fan of the characters and their escapades.
5) Hawkeye # 1 by Matt Fraction and David Aja (Marvel)-- I'm not a fan of this character, but Matt Fraction won me over as soon as he started throwing around The Rockford Files as a comparison to what he and David Aja want to do with this series.
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