Sentences with phrase «fan of the story»

I'm a big fan of story based RPGs, and this game is a good addition.
2017 was a tumultuous year for fans of story - driven single - player games.
Fans of the story get more, fans of the game itself get more than that.
Its randomized narrative details may inspire fans of the story to replay the game to learn new plot points, and a bonus developer's commentary provides insight into the game's development.
I am an unabashed fan of the story of Snow White, whether I'm watching it through the gorgeous animation of Walt Disney or the reading it in the dark, bloody and horror - laced version from the Brothers Grimm.
Brought to the 3DS with better graphics this game is sure to be a hit with fans of the story.
But for avid fans of the story lines themselves, the greater emphasis in the last couple of years on bringing comics to readers in digital format has been well received,... [Read more...]
But for avid fans of the story lines themselves, the greater emphasis in the last couple of years on bringing comics to readers in digital format has been well received, especially with comic publishers who are re-releasing their back list titles or making it a policy to release the digital edition the same day that the print editions arrive in stores.
He's also a massive fan of the story and appears to reflect what the fanboys want from their adaptation.
I've never been a big fan of stories in games in general, and FFXV's story lost me pretty quickly.
I've realized that I'm not a big fan of stories about fairies.
What you are talking about is a casual fan of story and an admirer of the game - play.
«Generally I'm not a huge fan of story video games as that's the problem I have with them - I want to play.
No matter the case, fans of the story of Yu Narukami and his friends have something to look forward to.
I'd highly recommend it too, because despite its absurdity I'm a big fan of the story and pacing, which moves at a good, quick pace with little in terms of meaningless exploration.
Especially recommended for fans of stories with a variety of younger narrators.
The author admitted to fans of the story — both in written and televised form — that there may be some aspects of the novels that are spoiled by seeing the acted adaptation first, but also acknowledged how the story differs between the two mediums.
What seems to be of the utmost interest to fans of these stories is how their subjects may or may not have been victimized by the American criminal justice system.
If you are a fan of stories depicting inner struggles, enjoy wrestling with intellectual conundrums, and relish the work of a very busy Ethan Hawke (who has five movies scheduled in 2018 including a role in a TV series), this is your film.
The Man Who Invented Christmas contains enough glimpses, and nods and winks, to the tale that has been made into plays, films and television adaptations, that fans of the story will be moved to tears repeatedly.
Whether you're a fan of the story campaigns or you prefer the online multiplayer, if you've enjoyed previous Modern Combat games you should definitely give the free to play Versus a spin to see how you like it.
For fans of stories that pull you in from minute one and refuse to let go, you're not likely to do much better than Alex Garland's sci - fi adventure right now.
If you're a fan of their stories, you'd follow along, adding them to your favorites lists and perhaps sharing particularly good posts or tweets with other people on your list.
As a fan of story driven games, I am absolutely in love with this genre (albeit, a bit frustrated with it at times due to the wait time between episodes, a fact exaggerated that much more when the series is excellent).
There are some elements of the gameplay that lets it down and the whole experience is a tad short, but if you're a fan of story, tone and original gaming then I would plead for you to enter the world of Pinstripe.
Fans of Stories should buy this game today, fans of action - RPGs should buy it today, and anyone who wants a game that can be played either in short bursts or long sessions should also head on over to PSN and buy it today.
Early impressions are that the combat is great (like a much improved Parasite Eve 1) and I love all the customization options that the game gives the player with the skills, enhancers, and passives, but I'm not a fan of the story or characters.
The thing is, while I've always been a fan of the story and the characters, the gameplay?
If you are a fan of story - driven psychological horror games with an extra dose of insanity than Phantasma VR is for you.
I would strongly recommend this to any fans of story - driven psychological horror games.
If you're a fan of story - heavy games, you might end up enjoying this generation more than I did.
It's sweet, innocent, heartwarming, sincere, fun, engaging, and about as cute as they come, and if you're a fan of STORY OF SEASONS or Rune Factory, or even just looking for an RPG that'll make you feel like a kid again, taking you back to a better time in gaming history, look no further.
If you are a fan of story - driven, interesting, and innovative indie games, and want to support the industry, I highly recommend picking up
If you are a fan of story - driven, interesting, and innovative indie games, and want to support the industry, I highly recommend picking up Blackwood Crossing.
The concepts were cool, and I've always been a fan of story - driven games, but after seeing that I'd only be playing an hour and a half out of the five, I decided against it.
I was also a fan of the story, as they had said that Destiny 2 has a much bigger story and a lot more character development, which the first one lacked hardcore.
I was more a fan of the story than the combat in Infinite, and when I played through the main game I often ran away from armies of enemies rather than fight if I had the option to flee to the next area.
Also, if you're a fan of this story format, let us know.
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