Sentences with phrase «fan of tofu»

And I'm a big fan of tofu too, so I can imagine this works very well.
I've never been a huge fan of tofu because of the texture thing, so maybe I'd like this better!
I am a huge fan of tofu, and have never tried it in a casserole.
Not a big fan of tofu, but tempeh is a whole different story.
With chicken though, as I'm not a fan of tofu.
Mikey always says he's not a fan of tofu, and he loved this soup!
If you aren't a fan of tofu (or think it's scary!)
i wrote on cadry's post that, even though i'm not a fan of tofu at all and never eat it, i would 100 % totally eat that tofu scramble.
I'm a big fan of tofu and I'm dying to try your version soon.
I'm a big fan of tofu (just see my Coconut Tofu recipe and my Tofu Parmesan recipe).
this looks amazing but I am not a fan of tofu yet haha... do you think I could sub tempeh instead of the tofu??
I personally am not a fan of tofu or avocado and this turned out to be quite tasty!
I am not a fan of tofu unfortunately: -LRB-, but I love that you used chickpea flour as well, so it probably helps to hide the taste of it!
Even though my husband isn't a big fan of tofu he liked this dish a lot as did both kids.
Not a fan of tofu because of the estrogen but pistachios are awesome.
I am not a big fan of tofu I must say although in this combination it is not bad at all, especially given the fact that the bbq sauce paired with the cheese gives these rollups a very nice and unique flavor.
I'm not a fan of tofu but loved it baked.
Not a fan of tofu in general, but this was great.
we are vegetarian, but my husband isn't the biggest fan of tofu, so when i find recipes like this i get so excited!
Not a fan of tofu, any suggested substitute?
This is a simple yet delicious meal for anyone who is a fan of tofu, and for those who are curious about trying tofu in a different way.
I am not a big fan of tofu or meat substitutes made from wheat, etc., but if those are your thing, feel free to add them to your pho.
Even though I'm a vegetarian, I'm not normally a fan of tofu, but this converted me!
I'm not a fan of tofu and want to use chicken breast instead.
Not a fan of tofu?
I am not a fan of tofu.
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