Sentences with phrase «fancy new car»

I'm not into fancy new cars, clothes, or smart phones.
For one, unless you are concerned about fancy new cars, clothing, or buying food, money is pretty useless in this game.
Remember how excited you were to get that bigger TV or fancy new car?
Also, think about the fact that you OWN said used vehicle, and are not making monthly payments on the fancy new car the guy next to you is driving, and that you may have considerable less debt to net worth ratio then that person driving that brand spanking new car next to you.
Or, if you are lucky enough to have one of the fancy newer cars with a built - in hotspot be sure to connect all devices before you start your journey.
There are so many purchases cluttering up our home and our life — toys no one plays with, fancy new cars, so many clothes and books and electronic devices.
Have you ever noticed how some people just seem to have endless amounts of money — like that one friend who always has the latest iPhone, Louboutin shoes and fancy new car?
I like to focus my energy on collecting experiences as opposed to «things» and would much rather spend my money on a trip to a foreign country than on a fancy new car.
Well that's now, but you'll need to allow at least 6 — 8 weeks to get yourself a build slot and then have your fancy new car shipped to Australia.
These high - quality, high - tech, highly sought - after models are only as good as their owners allow them to be — meaning that if you don't keep up with the manufacturer's suggested maintenance schedule, you could be looking at some rapid, irreversible aging to your fancy new car.
I went out and bought myself a fancy new car — the most money I've ever spent in my entire life.
If it came to $ 5,000 a month than buying a fancy new car might be realistic.
This shows just how quickly a fancy new car can depreciate in value — and how quickly it can become worth a lot less than what you owe.
The payments on my student loan prevent me from owning a fancy new car and it limits my life in a variety of other ways.
However, 3 months into the lease, after that fancy new car has just become your method of point - A to point - B, the downsides of leasing will still be painfully real.
I often wonder what it's like to drive those fancy new cars.
Then there is the alternative to the fancy new car of the future, and that is adapting our cities to make them really comfortable and safe for bikes.
Most of us are keen on investing in vacations or buying a fancy new car in the near future.
«We don't need redundant brakes & steering, or a fancy new car, we need better software,» then - Google engineer Anthony Levandowski wrote in an email to Larry Page in January 2016.
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