Sentences with phrase «fancy way»

The phrase "fancy way" means doing something in a more complex, decorative, or elaborate manner, instead of keeping it simple or plain. Full definition
Words like «triumph» and «hope» are just fancy ways of saying that people fight hard over the course of a lifetime, to try to realize their dreams.
Very fancy way of marriage you have done man.
Is the traditional fancy your way to go or is «casual chic» more your cup of tea?
It's a pretty fancy way to get drunk if you ask me.
These are just fancy ways of saying that the couple does not get along and that the marital relationship can not be repaired.
Great tips and very fancy way to host an evening with friends!
The final key point is the race experience (which is basically a slightly fancier way of saying «the show»).
I am talking about fancy ways how to underline your personality and make you stand out from the crowd.
And as a last minute contribution, we are also offering a less fancy way of serving this, inside a rye waffle toast (yup, you might want to scroll down to it right away).
Granted, we've only done basic newborn carries like kangaroo wrap and front wrap cross carry, but I know we have plenty of time to try all the different fancy ways of wrapping and it's actually kinda fun.
The techniques he has explored include fancy ways of growing crystals of semiconductor material — oxides of manganese, cobalt, silicon, and many other elements — that can perform the first critical tasks of photosynthesis: absorbing light and displacing electrons.
While most women today have become fashion centric and focusing on fancy ways to stylish sports activities, the Princess's life jacket has been made quickly to become a trendy outfit around the beach!
While I don't dress in a particularly fancy way (I normally wear a collared shirt with dark wash jeans and riding boots, or a tailored shirtdress with a cardigan and a pair of sandals), the things I wear look out of place amongst the hoodies and ugg boots worn by my peers.
The Dropbox universal app provides a more fancy way of organising your cloud - based files than loading the Dropbox site.
Color - blocking is really just fancy way of describing complementary or analogous colors worn next to one another.
«Cave - ins» just sounds like a really fancy way of saying «we're cutting off areas in which you can fight» — the restricted - movement catch that's made Battle Royale games so exciting and fast - paced.
Here's a slightly fancier way to preserve your tomatoes... a sweet tomato jam to enjoy with sourdough crackers, cheese, and herbs!
Teasing snaps of Mass Effect Andromeda were shown including a very fancy way to explore the new sections of the Milky Way we'll be travelling to.
There's a term in the field of human longevity known as negligible senescence, which is a fancy way of saying a thing doesn't seem to age.
This technique is known as Mnemonic Induction to Lucid Dreaming, or MILD, a fancy way of saying you're using a sleep aid.
This is really just a fancy way of saying that wealthy people have usually learned to decide what their goals are, then work backward to figure out what they have to do each year, each week — and even each day — to make it happen.
It's a fancy way of estimating how much we spend on something.
This is nothing more than a fancy way of asking the vital question, «Why will people choose to do business with you or purchase your product or service instead of doing business with a competitor and buying his product or service?»
Headout features «incredible experiences on demand,» which is a fancy way of saying it serves as a guide to finding «the best activities, events and tours happening in town.»
Many people use collusion as a fancy way to imply cooperation or collaboration.
I think that's a fancy way of saying that they disagree with things in the book, which is fine.
That may help to explain why so many businesses were slow to optimize their content for mobile (mobile optimization is just a fancy way of saying content that looks OK and functions properly on smartphone and tablet displays).
This is a fancy way of saying you're going to discuss how much money you make every month, how much you spend each month, and how much you are saving.
So for the past four years, Bailey has been using virtual PBX system 3CX, which allows him to manage his phone system via software, with features like automated call - forwarding and the ability to take calls on his mobile via VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol); a fancy way of saying that the call is relayed via an Internet connection instead of a phone line.
Enter Markowitz, who showed in his research that by building a portfolio of investments that are not perfectly positively correlated (a fancy way of saying they behave differently from one another), an investor could actually lower portfolio variability without sacrificing expected return.
Second, the good teams all had high «average social sensitivity» — a fancy way of saying they were skilled at intuiting how others felt based on their tone of voice, their expressions and other nonverbal cues.
Finally, since you're contributing each week, you'll get to take advantage of dollar - cost averaging, a fancy way of saying that you'll make sure you're not buying all your investments at their yearly peak in price.
That's a fancy way of saying, going out of business.
This is a fancy way of saying you make regular, consistent and automatic contributions to your account each month regardless of the share price.
A fancy way of saying -LSB-...]
The trailing stop is a fancy way to have a stop order.
Up - cycling is a fancy way of saying re-purposing, which quite honestly is a fancy way of saying, use the old stuff you have to make cool new stuff you want.
Sequence of returns risk is a fancy way of saying that it matters not only how much your retirement portfolio earns each year on average, but how much it earns in any given year.
That's just a fancy way of saying in months that the stock market is tanking, your money buys more shares, and in months that the market is climbing, your money buys a smaller number of shares.
Faith is a fancy way of saying wishful thinking.
Thank you for sharing this dark part of your journey (which is a fancy way of saying «wow, that dude got messed up.»)
The author doesn't know the first thing about hermeneutics or exegesis, which is basically a fancy way of saying she doesn't know how to read and interpret things in context.
At this point, you can add in the red wine and «deglaze» which is a fancy way of saying, wait until the alcohol cooks off and it all comes together.
Twist the orange peel to release oils and fragrance (is that the fancy way a bartender would say it?)
Coconut sugar also has just as much fructose as regular sugar, which is just a fancy way of saying it's still sugar in the end.
Melt the chocolate and butter over a bain - marie, which is really just a fancy way of saying dump the globs of black and yellow into a heatproof bowl and melt over simmering (not boiling) water.
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