Sentences with phrase «to fantasize about»

I have always fantasized about what it would be like to date someone with my passion and drive...
My parents and I would always fantasize about living in a house.
It's said most women fantasize about men who break some rules and live...
I just want a normal guy who likes me for me and is real and in the moment and not fantasizing about what things could be like and just focus on how things are.
If you have ever fantasized about living in the Caribbean, where the water is warm and crystal clear, the breezes are cool and balmy, and the people are friendly and inviting, then Baymen Gardens on Ambergris Caye is a retreat worth considering.
ZTDT hits on so many tips and trick that will really help you see so much more of the world and travel in ways you've only fantasized about doing — «first class here I come.»
If you've ever fantasized about doing something a bit «unconventional» to your kitchen — say, covering the backsplashes in Moroccan tiles or installing a wood - fired pizza oven — you might want to reconsider.
We found that students who fantasize about getting together with a romantic partner are less likely to get involved with that person.
Here, Sherman presents female movie stereotypes with a caustic humor that mocks the way men fantasized about women, while giving women who internalize those stereotypes a sharp poke in the ribs.
Stop obsessing over the right career move, stop pressuring the kids to be perfect, stop fantasizing about what the latest diet will do for our bodies.
Often overlooked when fantasizing about home renovations, your bathroom is one of the most important spaces in your home.
I often fantasize about getting the virus coders all in a room together, and....
An event they had literally fantasized about for over a decade, they expected a fairy tale pregnancy.
Plenty of people fantasize about what life will be like in retirement.
Jules Vernes» 1865 novel From the Earth to the Moon imagined three members of a gun club shooting themselves into space, launching decades of fantasizing about manned exploration beyond our planet's domed heavens.
For starters, it's not «emotional cheating» — it's worse, technically speaking — and yes, women fantasize about other people just as often as their male partners do.
That said, I've got the same attitude as Liz and Victoria, I want a Switch version more - was just fantasizing about what it'd be like to take the GameCube version everywhere, so I'll even take a VC version at this point!!
Who hasn't fantasized about leaving their job to pursue a passion or side business?
I stare at the pile with dread, all the while fantasizing about shredding every single document while laughing hysterically like a lunatic in a horror movie.
The Ghost at the Table by Suzanne Berne Who among us hasn't fantasized about going on a full - blown rant at the Thanksgiving table?
Are you spending time fantasizing about cool offices where the team members are best friends and go out for drinks after work?
I am of mixed heritage, a bit of European genes, and a bit of Malaysian genes have mixed with basic Khoi San genes, so if fantasize about white Caucasian and back Africa woman it should not be strange.
As someone who refuses to spend money on something I'm only going to use once, I started fantasizing about wearing this costume again.
People who fantasize about owning their own pet dragon can partially make their dream come true with these exotic pets that are dragon lookalikes.
So - called emotional cheating, for instance — i.e. fantasizing about someone other than your partner while masturbating — is a completely healthy sexual behavior, says Schnarch.
She claims to enjoy Math class because, instead of opening her textbook, she simply sits there fantasizing about sleeping with her teacher, Mr. Wicher (Ean Sheehy).
I have fantasized about putting more time into our business projects, but I couldn't find the courage to give up that extra income while still living in San Diego.
Maybe you've even fantasized about bonding with your baby, skin - to - skin, in the comfort of your own bed, or having guests over to whisper sweet nothings to your newest addition as they meet for first time.
Normally I lay in bed scrolling thru food blogs fantasizing about all that delish food that could be mine.
I always fantasized about taking photos in such gorgeous fields
Very laid back, but have been fantasizing about wearing lingerie for another cd....
Public health experts have long fantasized about giving people one jab that would safely last a lifetime and protect against all kinds of flu.
(This is funny because the most common one - sentence description of Mr. Peanut seems to be «A novel about men who fantasize about killing their wives,» although I suggest you read BookPage's review to get the bigger picture.)
Romijn - Stamos, who as a child fantasized about becoming an anchorwoman, boldly called the producer from a pay phone to petition for the job.
Rachel, who is devastated by her recent divorce, spends her daily commute fantasizing about the seemingly perfect couple who live in a house that her train passes every day.
Admit it: You've fantasized about winning a top acting award.
As an American woman, I never even considered this because the idea of the kind of maternity leave that you enjoy is something I could only fantasize about so therefore this perspective never even entered my mind.
She always fantasized about moving to a rural setting, and this patch of paradise in Langley, B.C., fit the bill.
It's a short walk from fantasizing about violence and rape to becoming someone who commits violence and rape — and even with consent, it is wrong to do so.
But I haven't seen the movie in years, and instead of morals, all I can remember is how cool HAL9000 seemed, so I'm already fantasizing about making room on my wall for this replica of...
White just can't help taking things into creepy territory though, with a phenomenally uncomfortable sequence where Brad fantasizes about running away with Ananya and her friend.
In a nutshell, I love Rockport, can't wait to visit again (we're thinking of renting a house for a week next summer), and I'm still fantasizing about owning property there!
Women fantasize about sex just as much as we do.
In the meantime, most ladies additionally fantasize about dating toughly great looking bikers, and who can point the finger at them, isn't that so?
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