Sentences with phrase «far as patterns»

As far as patterns go, I often lean towards simple and classic looks.
As far as your pattern of starting a season strong and then fading, I think it's been more that we play well at a period in the season, maybe pre-Christmas but maybe post-Christmas.

Not exact matches

As far as taking unconventional approach to problems is concerned, today's venture capitalists and mentors have shown that their investments patterns are based on actual problem - solving and innovative modelAs far as taking unconventional approach to problems is concerned, today's venture capitalists and mentors have shown that their investments patterns are based on actual problem - solving and innovative modelas taking unconventional approach to problems is concerned, today's venture capitalists and mentors have shown that their investments patterns are based on actual problem - solving and innovative models.
Dash is still trading below the short - term support / resistance level near $ 190, in a similar pattern as Litecoin, with the all - time high at $ 220 not far away from the current levels.
As further exposition of how blind compliance to authority and the «It Won't Happen to Me» belief pattern work together to prevent us from taking the protective measures we need to take right now, consider a November 2014 article in which a financial analyst stated, «it's time to ditch your golden faith, embrace the truth — and make gold a barbaric relic of your portfolio's past.»
Charts that have violent up and down swings are not considered to have solid chart structure as I like to place my stops at 10 - day highs or 10 - day lows and if the charts have a tight pattern that will allow the trader to minimize risk which is what trading is all about and if the chart has big swings your stop will be further away allowing the possibility of larger monetary loss.
The pattern is similar as we go back further: no more than one to three incidents a year.
The US Federal Reserve (Fed) looks likely to tighten monetary policy further, as inflation and unemployment move closer to its targets — underlining the strength of the domestic economy — but, while awaiting more substance on policy initiatives, we remain cautious about predictions of an end to the pattern of modest US growth seen in recent years.
3Pethaps some further explanation is needed of the manner in which a society as a unified field of activity serves as the medium for the transmission of physical feelings and conceptual patterns from one generation of occasions to another.
Or was it only an event in the lives of the disciples — a change in their outlook as they came to realize through further reflection upon their dead and buried Teacher, that his influence still lived on, that his teaching had been true, that his life must be their example and his character a pattern for themselves to follow, that although he was dead he must still be revered in their memory as their Lord whose spirit could still be recreated in themselves in so far as they dedicated themselves to the aim of following in his footsteps?
A kind of rational intuition is needed to perceive the general principles which are there ready - made in actuality.6 Or if patterned on the genetic - functional model, the generalizations have as their subject - matter «distinctions that arise in and because of inquiry into the subject - matter of experience - nature, and then they function or operate as divisions of labor in the further control and ordering of its materials and processes» (DWP 175).
I'm not arguing here that this kind of society is right and just, far less that it is the biblical pattern — although I could point to Joseph's anti-famine measures in Egypt as a parallel.
The pattern so far is for non-Romney candidates to surge and once their weaknesses are exposed to fall back as another non-Romney emerges.
But if such reshaping of national fertility patterns is to be set in motion by government action, there would obviously have to be direct, far - reaching, and even forcible state interventions into the daily lives of the overwhelming majority of the citizens of these two countries — as well as others with similar «targets.»
If we follow the patterns of thought set forth in the Bible, it must be seen as a presence in the mode of promise and not an exhaustive presence that leaves no room for further manifestations of an incalculable future.
So far I have argued three points: that persons engage in behavior patterns which can be characterized as purposive, i. e., as exhibiting a structure of aims, values, and methods of attainment; that individuals and institutions are interrelated, with each side influencing and being influenced by the purposes and activities of the other, although with neither being in any way reducible to or explicable solely in terms of the other; and that the institutional pole in this interaction shares with the individual as its opposite those characteristics that define its behavioral patterns as purposive.
Relating this ETR profile to prominent patterns in scripture is not hard: creation - fall - redemption, promised land - exile - return, «orientation - disorientation - reorientation» in the Psalms (as Walter Brueggemann has explained), the journey of the prodigal son to the far country and back again (Luke 15:11 - 24).
A few histories of local churches have examined the identifying cultural traits of their subjects, exploring the symbolic patterns that give a particular congregation its unique character, instead of the far more common topics of local church history, such as campaigns, catastrophes, and clergy.
In so far as people had private lives within the former Christendom, they were largely contained by uniform and prescribed patterns; the opportunities to develop one's unique individuality were strictly limited.
Although Paul's theology was destined to be the dominant model for all later Christian thinking, it is fortunate that the New Testament preserves for us some other embryonic theological patterns, notably the Johannine writings which go so far as to express this theology in the form of speeches attributed to Jesus.
Hardy's work thus suffers because his «idea - patterns... were held rather as rigid frames to limit experience so far as possible, and to substitute for what they could not enclose» (FVMP 3).
As Justin investigated these testimonies further, he learned that most followed a pattern in which the gay man developed attractions to men during puberty, acted on those feelings at some point (usually destructively, with anonymous sex, drugs, and other addictions), found that life to be unfulfilling, reconnected with Jesus, and walked away from their past behaviors.
Divine love gently persuades the world of occasions toward the realization of further relevant possibilities and intensity of enjoyment; but in doing so it allows scope for deviation from the patterns of ever richer harmony and intensity that are held out to it as possibilities.
On economic issues there is a broad Catholic pattern based upon the organization of producers» groups, but this is far from obligatory and it gives rise to endless differences so far as application is concerned.
Such cultures tend to value conformity to the underlying patterns of the universe far more than they value personal growth as one's own personal achievement.
The miracles recorded in the gospel follow the same general pattern as in the synoptic gospels, although the tendency of the evangelist to use them as a peg for a controversy or discourse introduces a further artificial element into his gospel.
Far from repudiating this biblical pattern of thought, a feminist denunciation of sexism as a primal expression of human fallenness can reinterpret that pattern with new power and meaning.
Holman's passes, drilled authoritatively on short - hook or sideline patterns, or lofted deep to receivers as far as 55 yards away, are impressive enough, but what may be his greatest attribute is his ability to pick up and hit alternate receivers when his original target is covered.
But as far as the playing - pattern is concerned, I don't think it was too different.
The 2016 - 17 season followed a similar pattern but the highs were never as high and the dip was far more severe.
If you are away, it's advisable to follow the same pattern as home as far as you can.
Melissa Lang Lytle: I just knew that it was about pattern and about rhythm and we would nurse before — well this is before I night - weaned — but as far as naps go we would nurse before and then go upstairs together and either read a book or he would just lay down on his tummy and I would rub his back or rub his bum.
However, if you are looking for some patterned baby products to pair with these great solid colored ones, than look no further, we have plenty choose from in brown shades there as well.
Before augmenting your labor, your practitioner will carefully assess your contraction pattern and examine you to find out how much your cervix has effaced (thinned out) and dilated, as well as how far your baby has descended.
If, however, you want to be on the safe side, or you notice something irregular as far as your infant's sleeping patterns are concerned, talk to your baby's doctor.
To take it step further, you can get other accessories in the same pattern choices as your nightwear and robes - including diaper bags.
You don't need to develop a sleeping pattern for them as far yet.
As lamps and indoor lights have allowed you to remain awake long past sunset, they've also caused you to move farther and farther away from natural sleep patterns.
Far too often at the moment he tends to come across in terms of his speech patterns and body language as Blair - lite.
The issue is far from simple as some of these land rights are legacies of traditional ownership patterns.
Now, what the paper completely fails to address is how that precondition, that essential public trust, could possibly survive a system under which the security services were empowered by law to routinely trawl through the private communications data of vast numbers of citizens suspected of no crime, simply in order, as Sir David Omand puts it, «to identify patterns of interest for further investigation».
The Guardian journalist Nick Davies described commissions from the News of the World as the «golden source» of income for Rees» «empire of corruption», which involved a network of contacts with corrupt police officers and a pattern of illegal behaviour extending far beyond phone hacking.
The loss of urban factory jobs led to the collapse of the African - American married couple family structure as far fewer men had steady good jobs that allowed them to support a wife and kids economically, (a pattern that less educated whites would follow a couple of decades later), and to the decline of Rust Belt cities across the Midwest and Northeast.
As the fate of a far - ranging congestion pricing plan to overhaul New York City commuting patterns and transit funding goes to state consideration, many questions linger.
«All we've seen here with Congress member Weiner is really a pattern of reckless behavior, an immaturity and a real disconnect from the truth,» said Quinn, who would not go so far as to call on Weiner to drop out of the race.
As it was pulled further in, the colliding debris heated up, producing X-ray flares, in the same pattern as the optical bursts, just before the debris fell into the black holAs it was pulled further in, the colliding debris heated up, producing X-ray flares, in the same pattern as the optical bursts, just before the debris fell into the black holas the optical bursts, just before the debris fell into the black hole.
The study, the researchers say, serves as a first step towards identifying best practices for MMS, as well as identifying and informing physicians who may need re-training because their practice patterns deviate far from their peers.
Even though the information of the exact species present in the monitored area and pollen release patterns of the individual species are far from complete, Peel and his colleagues conclude that the best way to explain the three concentration patterns is to look at the succession of different grass species with different diurnal flowering patterns which dominate the atmospheric pollen loads as the season progresses.
As he practiced movements, the researchers adjusted stimulation patterns to further his abilities.
The American Psychological Association defines sexual orientation as «an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic and / or sexual attractions to men, women or both sexes,» and as Hamer points out, sexual orientation is far less «ambiguous» than personality traits like «self - esteem» and «warmth» that scientists study without religious and political ramifications.
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