Sentences with phrase «far greater»

The next decades brought far greater progress toward that goal than those who were active in 1950 had dared to hope.
Christians who ACTUALLY care about sinners would be dealing with the far greater number of Christian ADULTERERS who divorce and remarry according to the Bible.
Women today are in a far greater position than they were years ago to follow the obedience of Christ and lay aside their abilities and their rights.
If we pretended that traffic didn't exist and never educated our kids about that, then kids would be getting run over by vehicles at a far greater rate.
If you REALLY cared about sin and sinners you'd be busy trying to FIX the far greater number of Christian ADULTERERS.
Totally selfless, built a company on his own, came from nothing, loving father, etc far greater man than me and he is Jewish.
If the effective income of the poor in 1994 was not far greater than it had been in 1969, a great deal of money was misspent.
Renewable resources are being used at rates far greater than they can be replaced.
There can be no doubt that what we share in common is far greater than the areas where we may disagree.
Accordingly, the educational system makes far greater provision than ever before for scientific and technical studies.
When group activity is analyzed carefully, however, it becomes apparent that some groups have achieved far greater facility in communicating in a fundamental way than others, and that, indeed, some of the groups seldom reach a point where interaction is on a meaningful level.
Only in that regular and candid encounter between ourselves and Christ in the Sacrament of Reconciliation will we grasp two essential truths of the spiritual life: the depth to which sin has a hold over our fallen nature, and the far greater power of the grace of Christ ministered to us through his Church.
As the tiny microbe adapting itself into a human space traveler over the billions of years on this planet we have a far greater responsibility to keep this life moving than we would if it was just some supernatural beings universe where the deity already knows everything that is ever going to happen.
Although I'm sure the sense of loss you and those at Rothesay feel at David leaving is far greater than for those of us who watch at a distance, know that you are not alone.
In a world so painfully divided between rich and poor, black and white, Moslem, Christian and Jew, that sign of reconciling love which is within your power could have a meaning far greater than the immediate context of controversy.
We have the miracle of consciousness and if we have it, something far greater than us also has it.
The risks are far greater.
However, I agree with Rachel that the evangelical approach is a huge turn off, far greater than Catholicism ever was.
If you are really concerned about s - xual sins, why aren't you trashing the FAR GREATER number of Christian adulterers?
On the whole, if poetry were to pay attention to the religious and to the inwardness of personalities, it would find themes of far greater importance than those with which it now busies itself.
Sociologically, the losses have seemed far greater than the gains.
Or begin with your own inspired hours, when you experienced what Hugh Walpole, the novelist, once described: «I affirm that I have become aware, not by my own wish, almost against my will, of an existence of another life of far, far greater importance and beauty than this physical one.»
A bow could release 12 arrows in the time it took to reload a musket, and had far greater range and accuracy.
Some other dating methods that have confirmed the age of the earth as being far greater than 10,000 yeras include: Stratigraphy, Dendrochronology, Obsidian Hydration Dating, Paleomagnetic / Archaeomagnetic, Luminescence Dating, Amino Acid Racemization, Fission - track Dating, Ice Cores, Cation Ratio, Fluorine Dating, Patination, oxidizable Carbon Ratio, Electron Spin Resonance, and Cosmic - ray Exposure Dating.
For mothers and fathers alike, the demands of having a child are far greater than could ever be anticipated.
Worship requires that we be still in the presence of something far greater than ourselves.
But although the resigned attitude toward fate thrusts these claims of man into the background, Jesus has a far greater right to do so, since to him God is not merely fate but at the same time the holy Will which claims the will of man, requires his obedience.
Also a far greater degree of unity and friendship has come, largely replacing hostility, distrust and suspicion which formerly seemed to characterise inter-church relationships.
As Jones says, even while the Church must make use of coercion, it does so with far greater caution than the secular state, and always with the aim of surpassing and fulfilling justice as reconciliation.
Such concentration of power, which is meant to shield the powerful from the vulnerability of accountability, actually creates far greater vulnerabilities, putting both the leader and the community in greater danger.
I think the risks of that are far greater.
It is about how people are doing on the inside, that is far greater than any amount of money...... That is why God said LOVE not money (the love of money is the root of all evil)..
But by far the greater factor in the transmission of sin is our embeddedness within a ready - made social system.
The Bible says that a man's death is far greater than his birth, why, because at birth no one knows what kind of person they will turn out to be.
The great persecutions of the third and the first part of the fourth century, if they had persisted, would probably have wrought far greater damage than they did.
God's story is a far greater story, one able to hold all the stories and characters.
It is indeed unfortunate that many students who are expected to get some knowledge of the Iliad, the Odyssey, the Aeneid, and of Shakespeare's plays have no acquaintance with a classic far greater and more influential than any of these.
Although I agree with the basic premise of this argument, I would be remiss if I did not point out that the inroads science has made into those realms previously occupied by religion is far greater than just storm prediction.
All this might be summed up by saying that we have a far greater sense of the dignity and worth of personhood than was present in any earlier day.
And when we observe the church, the so called Savior center, we see, at least according to Scott Peck, a far greater concentration of evil.
Sadly new ones are being indoctrinated at a far greater rate.
Some would have far greater administrative responsibilities in their own shops than would others.
And these difficulties are far greater than our technocratic elites imagine.
I am talking like a madman - I am a better one: with far greater labors, far more imprisonments, with countless floggings, and often near death.
Personally, I find Christians that only care about preserving their moral supremacy at the cost of everyone else to be a far greater evil than same gender oriented individuals seeking equal treamtent in a country founded on the principles of freedom and equality.
Indeed, Gawande should read Gawande when he writes, «Assisted living is far harder than assisted death, but its possibilities are far greater
One of the most popular Islamic criticisms of «Christianity» is to show that the divergence in interpretation of the Bible is far greater than that concerning the Koran.
In the unconscious, on the other hand, its importance is far greater.
Moreover, for all the uncertainties of long - term population forecasting, the likely change in size and composition of a national population can be predicted over the course of the coming calendar year with far greater certainty than can changes in the harvest, the gross national product, the unemployment rate, the foreign exchange rate, or the demand for any particular product.
God being a power far greater than what we humans can comprehend and yet we judge on what we don't understand.
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