Sentences with phrase «far more than»

In discussing the minister's work with the mentally ill, Ernest Bruder writes pointedly that «what a minister is in himself matters far more than what he does.»
In conclusion, I emphasize that the differences between Wesley and this affirmation of evangelical essentials differentiates him from the mainstream of current evangelical teaching far more than from today's Wesleyan evangelicals.
any species requires far more than two of something to survive going extinct.
If conservative Christians continue to treat LGBT people as second - class citizens and cry persecution every time they don't get their way, they will lose far more than the culture wars.
But they do far more than believe and teach this and other views.
Far more than is usually acknowledged, the security and well - being of the human community are dependent upon that great triumph of the symbolizing mind, bookkeeping.
OVER abused and taken far more than intended by the founding fathers
Civilization is far more than organization for the efficient exploitation of nature.
I don't know if Addiction is a disease in the classical sense, but it's clear that it is far more than what you've described.
So far more than 254,000 thousand people have signed it.
It is far more than a passing emotion.
Supposing that creatures have two separate prehensions of God, one of each nature, would complicate the theory far more than viewing the one prehensive relation as relating to both natures.
Many of the teachings of Jesus still inspire me deeply... far more than the melodramas and tasteless wafers which have followed.Admittedly, as parents we've had some uneasiness — when it comes to what to tell our kids about religion.
The encyclical, however, is far more than a doomsday letter or a how - to of environmental care.
He is just... great; He loves and cares about your heart far more than he cares about your deeds (the reason for his warning against bad deeds is that they can open a door to our enemy and harm us in other ways — that «s all!
God is LOVE... and, that is far more than enough... to meet all our needs and the needs of others.
This shift intends far more than the normalization of homosexuality.
When one reads the tradition with this sensitivity, one also finds that many theologians have emphasized persuasion and the human responsibility persuasion calls into being, far more than coercion.
It was clear that their paper was substantial and reflected far more than how they felt about nuclear war after eating breakfast one morning.
The parable indicates clearly that God intends to be gracious to all, far more than any of us deserve or can imagine.
Someone who has made a study of religion and teaches them may know far more than you do about Christianity.
I have shared what I believe is far more than most everybody's business.
Knowledge is far more than facts subject to scientific method.
I believe there is far more than the simplistic dirt and concrete that atheists «believe» in.
Football fans invest a portion of their income (for some, far more than 10 %) in the club they attend.
After years of experimentation and reflection — and membership protocols that tended to err on the side of inclusiveness — our staff came to the conclusion that our membership process could and should be far more than a perfunctory series of classes.
The 11 Tradition is about far more than just protecting the anonymity of fellow AA - ers, it's about protecting AA from us.
But they are far more than just a reinterpretation of the family, and they are certainly not simply a claim that all that counts morally is the «quality» of a relationship.
Behind the dropping of the «s,» however, lay far more than a transition from plural to singular.
Also, I'm not sure if this is happening for anyone else, but on every entry it says that you have 4 comments even though you have FAR more than that.
But there is a tremendous amount of fear of athiest, far more than of people of other faiths.
y rights... in fact, «anti-» seemed to be one of the defining themes of them all — defined by what they hated and wanted to prevent or destroy far more than what they loved and actually stood for.
E.g., The poor man who receives $ 10,000 benefits far more than the rich man who receives the same amount.
The Israelis have made a desert bloom by confiscating far more than their share of the water from Palestinian lands.
The parents in the remedial program case were fined far more than $ 10.
Sometimes getting the proper spelling of a Hebrew word transliterated into English gets tricky, especially when far more than a trio of options prove technically correct.
Prosperity means far more than just money!
As an aside, the irony might be lost on you that, despite the fact that so many atheists here are so quick to note that believers do not have a monopoly on morals, you are essentially proving the point of believers that, from a historical perspective, atheists far more than believers have lacked morals vis - a-vis war and death.
This is a definite possibility, but the full implications of DP2 may force them to give up far more than that.
The «rich» pay far more than their fair share... I mean my bonuses are taxed at 38 %, that's crazy, and for what?
He also held the Reformation responsible for the rise of modern individualism and capitalism, when in fact Calvin (like Luther) looked backward to Augustine far more than forward to the Renaissance and Enlightenment.
which encompasses every cosmos, every universe (there are far more than this one!)
I was astounded at what some of the people were giving: far more than I figured they could.
A Jewish soul and a German soul had connected on an occasion of far more than individual significance.
Though my annual salary is not what one post claimed, I am blessed with far more than I need, and my sole objective and life's calling is to mobilize resources that empower under - resourced people to climb out of the poverty pit in which they were born.
Catholicism is about far more than being just a charity for the poor.
It is a Hebrew word that means far more than the absence of conflict or strife.
The protests are about far more than the abortionists» accepting payments for fetal organs — which clearly drew political blood, as Planned Parenthood just announced it will not accept such compensation going forward.
Besides, Jesus discussed hell far more than he discussed heaven, and most Christian do believe it because the bible discusses it as a real place for real people on real pages in real scripture verses.
For myself, I find that Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels taught direct access to the Father far more than the intermediary approach.
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