Sentences with phrase «far point toward»

Rumors so far point toward a name beginning with «M» like Malibu.
But the general comments made thus far point toward other features of Enlightenment thought that are fully adopted by the academic discipline of economics, especially in its neo-liberal form.

Not exact matches

Gawker pointed out that Zuckerberg's donation is going toward furthering the things that he thinks would help the world, which are not necessarily the things that other people think would help the world.
The great expectations among many U.S. residential real estate watchers is that, at some point, growth will turn away from condos and toward single - family housing, the traditional choice of America's families, which accounts for a far larger share of the market.
The president has responded harshly toward Republican congresspeople whom he considers insufficiently supportive of his agenda, even going so far as to meet with their primary challengers, while a pro-Trump political action committee at one point purchased, then withdrew, campaign ads against a senator who was wavering on the Senate GOP's health - care bill.
The quality and appeal of your work is far more important than the length, but the data points toward longer posts as being more popular for link building and SEO — that is, at least several thousand words long.
He debunks what far too many marketers consider social media «vanity metrics» and points readers toward what really matters on social channels.
Among the evidence that would shift our expectations in this regard would be: material equity market deterioration, further weakness in regional Fed and purchasing managers indices, a slowing in real personal income, a spike in new claims for unemployment toward the 340,000 level, an abrupt drop in consumer confidence about 10 - 20 points below its 12 - month average, and at least some amount of slowing in employment growth and aggregate hours worked.
Not that I would dream of rehearsing the controversy again; but I will note that, at the time, I took my general point to be not that natural - law theory is inherently futile, but rather that its proponents often fail to grasp just how nihilistic the late modern view of reality has become, or how far our culture has gone toward losing any coherent sense of «nature» at all, let alone of any realm of moral meanings to which nature might afford access.
When Aristotle deliberately expresses the commonality of energeia and entelecheia, and when he further asserts that energeia, as the efficacy of the actual, strives toward entelecheia as toward its fulfillment, 19 it seems to us that the decisive point of convergence between these concepts and Whiteheadian thought has been hit upon.
Now the point toward which my remarks are intended to argue is that the canons of reason and observation within a postliberal theology must assume a far humbler role than was observed or exercised by an earlier liberalism.
But perhaps its democratization, in conjunction with the persistence of Biblical faith among many of those who retain the ideal, actually points the way toward its further ennoblement.
The total world process is far too complex and is moving toward the culminating point at far too many varying rates of speed within its innumerable subsystems.
Outka's conclusions in his careful analytic book are meagre, but they point in helpful ways toward further development of the relationship of the norm of justice.
It has hit 62 percent of its picks against the spread so far, an average all but certain to regress toward the mean at some point.
What I do is open the club face slightly (right) and grip the club with the left hand turned even farther to the left than before, so that its V now points toward my left shoulder (below).
While the vast majority of reports point toward a New Jersey victory, it's important to note that the case is far from a lay - up and anything can happen behind closed doors when the Justices deliberate in private.
Your well - considered post does say this, my point is to push us further into our own process as I believe this (and the discussions unfolding on blogs such as this are part of this evolving consciousness) helps move us toward a one - world consciousness that is secure enough to tolerate diverse opinion and at the same time wise enough to recognize, and lovingly steer away from, that which is harmful to ourselves.
Now he heads toward November with about $ 90,000 in his campaign kitty, which his backers claim is far more than any sitting comptroller has ever reported at this point.
All signs — polls, resources — point toward him winning in November, show his principal opponents in the primary and general elections are widely unknown and, in the case of the Republican, Rob Astorino, far less eager to toe the labor line.
At the far end of the chamber are the ends of eight magnetic coils, each pointing toward the center of the central chamber.
Krishna Shenoy, the Lim professor of electrical engineering, bioengineering and neurobiology at Stanford and an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, noted, «This substantial reduction in training time is remarkable as it requires the new algorithm to make very efficient use of neural data coming in for so little time, under a minute in some cases, and helps point the way toward further advances of real - world importance.»
The slow rate of improvement in postdocs» attitudes toward their professional and career development point toward the need for a culture change more profound than what has so far occurred, Mellors - Bourne says.
When Stern and the Pluto Underground were sitting down to dinner in 1989, the planet had reached its near point to the sun at about 2.7 billion miles and had begun receding toward the far end of its orbit, about 4.5 billion miles out.
The overload of activity prompted the spacecraft to temporarily put itself into safe mode, in which the spacecraft points its antenna toward Earth and awaits further instructions.
Strong evidence from a mouse model of the disease further confirms these mutations as a cause of aortic disease, and, together, the results point toward possible strategies for managing this inherited form of TAAD.
In some of these clusters, gravity will be pulling galaxies toward some central point, so that galaxies on the side of the cluster nearest Earth will move away from us; galaxies on the farther side will move toward us.
The White House report also emphasized that the ARRA funds are fueling the race toward the long - fabled «$ 1,000 genome,» a price point at which personal genome sequencing would become far more affordable and widespread, potentially transforming US healthcare and biomedical research.
Keeping both knees straight, point your toes and split your legs as far apart as you can, bringing your right leg toward your head and your left leg in the opposite direction.
Remember, it doesn't matter how far you go in any of the poses; instead, stay on the path toward effortless concentration and integration by focusing on the alignment points that are offered.
To learn how to isolate and target the lower glutes, hamstrings, and adductor magnus, stand near a wall for balance, rotate one leg far inward, and then, keeping the knee straight, lift the foot off the floor and move it back a little so its toes point toward the opposite heel.
Vertical lines, while also slimming, have the added benefit of drawing eyes up the length of you toward your face, further making your face the focal point of your look.
Pointing the way toward the psychological bent Mann would give his Westerns, especially in the Stewart films, The Furies plays up its Freudian complications and allusions to Greek tragedy, going to places far darker and disturbing than most Westerns of its time.
Before going any further, before my bias toward the Kiwi's new movie renders me a totally unreliable resource, I should point out that this is the same director who made Vertical Limit, the face - palming result of woefully apparent and inadequate research that turned the rock climbing community into the laughingstock of audiences everywhere.
But I'd be happy to point folks toward a well - made PS4 port of Gravity Rush, and Tearaway Unfolded looks great from what we've seen so far.
«Crashes and burns under the weight of its obligations to the series, packing in too many characters, too many plot points, and far too many action scenes pitched toward the sensibilities of eight - year - old boys.»
«The LEED Platinum certification of the Gutman Library is a great honor and further signifies HGSE's commitment toward sustainability,» says Director of Operations Jason Carlson, pointing out that this is HGSE's second platinum project and fourth acknowledged by USGBC.
It is not a conclusive writing on any one type of alternative; rather, it is intended to provide an initial window for seeing the similarities and differences among alternatives while pointing teachers and parents toward other resources for further exploration, making it possible to find (or create) educational alternatives in your own communities that best match your evolving beliefs and core values.
The Virginia Index of Performance (VIP) program awards points to schools and divisions based on the percentage of students achieving at the advanced level on Standards of Learning assessments and progress made toward educational goals advocated by Governor Kaine and adopted by the Board as part of its comprehensive plan for further strengthening public education in the Commonwealth.
And although their library usage patterns may often be influenced by the requirements of school assignments, their interest in the possibilities of mobile technology may also point the way toward opportunities of further engagement with libraries later in life.
But what's more interesting is that further digging into the code has revealed that there are new management options for Kindle users coming, that point toward Cloud Drive access from a new device.
As far as price points, I tend toward books that are $ 5 and under.
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Weather permitting, and depending on our camp location, we will likely proceed on a day trip further south along the Vancouver Island shoreline toward Tatchu Point, or out to secluded Grassy Island, site of some significant fossils.
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