Sentences with phrase «far reaching effects»

2008 was a significant year for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with far reaching effects, although not limited to, native title.
2008 was a significant year for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with far reaching effects, not limited to native title.
Regardless of the exact numbers, divorce is undeniably a growing trend in the United States and the consequences have far reaching effects on individuals, families and communities alike.
By focusing on the friendship aspect of a marriage we can see the far reaching effects of it.
While changing a child's custody to the rejected parent and discontinuing contact between the child and the alienating parent sounds drastic (meaning acting with force, likely to have far reaching effects), keep in mind such recommendations are intended to end child abuse.
Externships are an opportunity to build professional relationships that can have far reaching effects on your career.
Regardless, studies like the recent survey discussed above drive home the reality that domestic violence has far reaching effects.
With input from various medical and scientific specialists, the goal is to create a fairer, more consistent and accurate evaluation, of catastrophic impairment for people who must deal with the far reaching effects of their injuries.
The effects of this lack of clear positioning has far reaching effects on the other type of «clients» that law firms depend on for their sustainability: recruits.
The 20 yr period is more for inter-fuel comparison purposes; the 100 yr period is for looking out enough beyond the minimum 30 - yr climate averages for modeling; and the 500 yr period is for far reaching effects at the millennial level and beyond.
The history of the twentieth and early twenty - first centuries is one that is scarred by incomprehensibly violent events with far reaching effects.
Yet, the diversity of media in CUAC's most recent exhibition Cinematic makes evident that filmic culture has far reaching effects that spill well beyond its original parameters: it informs and -LSB-...]
The rewards also can have far reaching effects, making your choice in them quite difficult.
Hotel Florblanca continually strives to move towards sustainability and support within our own community, knowing that these efforts can have far reaching effects beyond Santa Teresa.
The tiny area still remained a bone of contention between England and Spain after the era of piracy, and wars and politics in Europe were to have far reaching effects on the West Indian colonies as well as Belize.
This is a problem that has far reaching effects.
«At Zoetis, we have long believed that the human - animal bond has far reaching effects.
Given the far reaching effects of thyroid hormones throughout the body it is likely that these as well as other mechanisms are involved in its behavioral role.
This reaction is Periodontal disease, and it can have far reaching effects.
The new ruling can have some far reaching effects in that the jailbreaking can now turn out to be a profession with jailbreakers charging a fee for their efforts.
Disruptive formatting can have far reaching effects.
A foreign element adding to the competitive spirit in the market would have far reaching effects, and the consumers are set to benefit more than anyone else.
Tea lubricated Britain's industrial revolution and had far reaching effects on Britain's foreign policy (and remembering that a goodly portion of the world was colonized by Britain at the time, its influence was substantial - even a trigger for the American Revolution).
June 7 saw an announcement from Youenn Fablet, software engineer at Apple, which the computing world has been waiting for years and which will have far reaching effects for the Online Dating industry 1
Reduced IL - 22 in both the inflammatory milieu and systemically would have far reaching effects on the effectiveness of the immune response to combat infection.
That although it did not stop the war, it did have other far reaching effects, which we show in the film, and which are being felt now.
It makes the birth of my baby have far reaching effects beyond just us, and I am so happy about that, and proud of our achievement!
This can have far reaching effects and greatly hinder sufferers» reading capabilities.
The most important decision of the Synod which had a very far reaching effect on the life of the church, was to declare the bishop of Seleucia - Ctesiphon as the primate of the Persian church; and in recognition of this preeminence he was given the title «Catholicos».
M1 (currency) has a far reaching effect on secondary M2 + (credit) currency that can increase or decrease inflation just as much as M1 can...
The knowledge that officers would personally impersonate an Obeahman for the purpose of eliciting a confession, and that the courts have upheld the practice in this instance, is likely to have far reach effects on the willingness of other adherents to engage in practice.

Not exact matches

What will happen over the next few months leading up to the election will have far - reaching effects, not just for American public policy but for global leaders, business executives and foreign policy throughout the world.
«There are a number of other significant changes to the unfair dismissal regime which will have far - reaching effects.
But the bitumen bubble's effect will reach far beyond the borders of the Wild Rose Province.
These actions have far reaching implications for the crypto industry both in the USA and abroad, as the decisions made by American lawmakers often have a rippling effect on other Western nations.
While this technical issue doesn't necessarily affect all cryptocurrencies in the same way, the forking of the Bitcoin blockchain would likely have far - reaching effects across the greater cryptoconomy.
You probably know by now that your credit score has far - reaching effects on both your financial goals and your life goals.
In - depth analyses of elite and public opinion survey data from the United States and China on a wide range of security issues provide nuanced and far - reaching insights into the potential effects of these attitudes on the U.S. - China relationship.
It may be inevitable that impersonal forces of technology and changing global economic circumstances have profound effects, but it adds insult to injury when governments reach agreements that further cede control to international tribunals.
Obviously, a 147 % increase in the broad money supply since 2008 is quite a lot and it has had far - reaching effects, particularly on asset prices.
Obviously, the effects of the downturn have been as far - reaching as they have been dramatic.
China's inclusion into MSCI's global benchmark equity index next year could have far - reaching ripple effects both inside and outside of the country.
In a culture where there was no distinction between religion and politics, such a declaration had far - reaching effects.
World Vision ACT: S, the organization's network of young people living according to the Book of Acts, now has a campaign called ACT: S to End Malaria that educates people on the far - reaching effects of the disease.
The development of modern machine technology in industrial society has wrought profound changes in the relationship between work and leisure, with correspondingly far - reaching effects on the values of civilization.
He will compare instances where religious concepts, forces, and personalities effected subtle or far - reaching changes and transformations in the cultural and social context in which they occurred.
Kuhn shows that when a major change of paradigm does occur it has such far - reaching effects that it amounts to a revolution.
The disputes centering around such passages had a far - reaching effect on the course of the development of many theological doctrines which occupied the minds of Muslims for generations.
It also becomes apparent how far - reaching the effects are of an understanding that politics are the new name for civilization, since, if we regard it as an essential task to preserve nature as a pre-condition for a rational future, then civilization will justify both its original name and its claim to be able to overcome barbarism.
With some entailment of that danger always implicit in superlatives, one may raise the question whether any other single contribution from whatever source since human culture emerged from the stone ages has had the far - reaching effect upon history that Israel in this regard has exerted both through the mediums of Christianity and Islam and directly through the world of Jewish thinkers themselves.
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