Sentences with phrase «far wider issue»

There is also a far wider issue beyond the consumer protection or transactional analysis of data protection.

Not exact matches

In - depth analyses of elite and public opinion survey data from the United States and China on a wide range of security issues provide nuanced and far - reaching insights into the potential effects of these attitudes on the U.S. - China relationship.
We have ventured out a little further on the corporate side on some issues, where we believed that wider - than - deserved credit spreads could insulate us from rising rates.
Rather than confront the issue in the proscribed manner... and ironically he had brought the format that we used for conflict resolution to us... he went on a month long smear campaign that reached far and wide.
A long and engaged effort at Communion - wide consultation over the issue of women in the episcopacy gave rise to a report, endorsed by the Communion's archbishops, to maintain communion as far as possible even while various churches carried on with different practices.
A world wide common consent on all issues which cleave our new functional world - village is far off.
Nonetheless, the mindset that led the original ICEL «translators» to interpret «Mysterium Fidei» ■ in terms of a theological narrative to be recited, rather than as an acclamation addressed to a living person, does touch on some deeper theological and philosophical issues which have wider relevance and more far reaching implications.
Although the guidelines may seem extreme, this is a guy who has had issues as far back as can be remembered but who also has unbelievable wide receiver talent.
Men's Advice Line (check out their website here) offers unhurried emotional and practical support to male victims of domestic violence and can point you towards a wide range of further assistance on child contact, parenting, housing, mental health and housing, among other issues.
So far seat is good Pros: Easy to install Not too heavy My 5 year old can buckle herself in The straps are easy to adjust Cons: A little wide Design could be nicer Could be a bit lighter On the expensive side Albee shipped on time, not super fast, but the beat deal, and no issues.
Not least because wider football governance issues, in addition to further fan involvement in the running of clubs, are vital.
Farron has said the three issues he wants to own are housing, civil liberties and climate change — touchstone issues for Lib Dem activists, but there's an open question about how far they will resonate with the wider public, especially an ageing electorate, with over-55s expected to comprise a majority of voters by 2020.
But compare the political capital and resources being poured into tackling this issue with the almost total inaction on the far bigger issue of wider air pollution.
Through a wide variety of projects, SRHRL has shown its commitment to promoting high standards for the practice of science and engineering, monitoring and enhancing assessment of emerging ethical and legal issues related to science and technology, engaging scientists, engineers and their professional associations in human rights efforts, and furthering the use of science and technology in support of human rights.
Ash from deadly eruptions, like this one, can spread far and wide and cause a host of issues related to health, air transportation, and even crop failure.
My only concern with climatedebatedaily is that no attempt is made to differentiate peer reviewed science from a wide range of opinion pieces, leaving the reader with the impression that mainstream science is far less resolved on the climate change issue than is actually the case.
As far as implementation is concerned, it would seem that making soups and stews by mixing a wide variety of whole plant products would be the best bet, although interactions effects may be an issue.
Yes, it's an issue that gents far and wide often sit down to attempt solving together.
Yet new research suggests it's a far wider reaching issue that actually impacts both men and women, as almost one - third of North American couples stop having sex entirely due to VA..
McCarthy has a far wider acting range than Rodney Dangerfield in Back to School, yet eventually Life of the Party falls victim to script and tonal issues, leaving too many conflicts to be resolved in too short a period of time, which then prompts the tone to lurch unsteadily from comedy to drama.
Further research has also shown that the potential benefits of the programme go wider than pupil health, with FFL schools «consistently reporting that FFL had contributed to their school improvement agendas, helping improve attainment, behaviour and school environments» and that the experiential learning resulting from Food for Life activity «appears to have been particularly effective at helping engage or re-engage pupils with learning issues and challenges.»
The 2015 fatality data released in August 2016 by NHTSA showed further increases in pedestrian and bicycle fatalities Nation - wide, which confirms the need to continue DOT's work on this issue.
However, there are some issues: the center seats in the middle and rear rows aren't especially wide, so aren't brilliantly suited for adults, and the rear seats also don't offer that much leg room even with the middle row positioned as far forward as possible.
Update 7/11/2016: after 2 + years I find the noisy Oddyssey mentioned above a so so purchase, my appreciation is for the wide room available, and overall, besides an issue with the left side sliding door on the rear, where it stopped working but was still covered under warranty, the vehicle has taken us where we needed to go, short distances and far.
As far as I can tell, this is a Motorola - wide issue that really needs a fix.
The mission of the journal is to promote academic inquiry; to reflect the wide variety of themes and areas in new media research; to further the evolving discourses related to theory and practice; to showcase the work of new media artists and their presentation environments; and to investigate the issues surrounding education and new media.
The only way to ensure support that can span a career is to have some major issue — like climate disaster or the existence of the Higgs boson — that has enough «crowd appeal» to have a chance for multidecadal big science funding, at which point it grows coattails that reach far and wide.
The Real Issue is that this paper was trumpeted far and wide in the lame stream media and the blade of the hockey stick was highlighted in the articles.
Environmentalists believe the likelihood is that Democrats in the Senate will not allow the riders to pass but it is further evidence of green issues being used along partisan lines as negotiators in wider discussions in Congress.
The excess heat in the air can be linked to increased frequency of heat waves across the globe, wider distribution of insect pests (e.g., pine beetle in the northwest U.S.), and various health - related issues such as the spread of tropical diseases further north into the U.S.
At the same time, cycling — which is the most efficient form of transportation — and energy efficiency, are by far the cheapest means of addressing a wide range of issues, from climate change, to congestion to high energy prices.Cycling is an Overlooked Solution In fact, even compared to mass transit, cycling requires less road maintenance (and hence taxpayer money), takes up less space, and results in far less emissions and noise.
I suspect that the real heavy lifting in enhancing access to justice is a matter of procedural reform — specialized decision - making bodies with extremely simplified procedural rules for specific civil law issues (something that actually already exists in certain areas such as Landlord / Tenant, but could be further improved upon), wider permissions for over-the-counter motions, fewer unnecessary court appearances, fewer procedurally - mandated appearances (e.g., going from a Case Conference to a Settlement Conference to a Trial Management Conference, and possibly further, before you can get to a family law trial), and so on.
Over 140 respondents provided us with further details, and they include a wealth of examples covering a wide array of issues and countries.55 One reported the need to consider the impact of Shari'a law on the sale of a house to a woman separated from her husband where the husband lived in a country honoring Shari'a marriage law.
Moreover, the debate should not only be limited to issues involving legal aid, as so far it has been concentrated upon, but also as to wider issues incorporated by the term access to justice.
The issue of worker status is not only relevant for «gig economy» businesses like Uber and Deliveroo — it has far wider implications, for all businesses that use consultants and contractors.
She also speaks regularly on a wide variety of law - related and professional issues in far - flung places, such as Australia, Ireland, Scotland, India, and throughout Canada.
He has recently been involved in matters raising a wide variety of EU law issues, including the implementation of the common agricultural policy; the compatibility with EU law of a residency requirement for entitlement to tuition fee support, a minimum price for alcohol, and plain - packaging for tobacco products; the designation of special areas of conservation under the Habitats Directive; and the compatibility of religious further education colleges with the Equal Treatment Directive.
This wide spectrum ranges from straightforward facts to disputed evidence about key documents and events, and from established legal tests to novel issues that are far from fully developed.
The opinion's first footnote indicates that a majority of circuit courts embraced a broader view of the federal forfeiture statute, which in turns further reinforces my long - standing view that SCOTUS these days is generally more pro-defendant on a wide range of sentencing issues than most lower federal courts.
There is a wide difference between the products life insurance companies offer, on the far left is guarantee issue life insurance and on the far right is medically underwritten life insurance.
The wider issue here is that Facebook's content moderation system remains very clearly very far from perfect.
Further, because of the nature of their work as «shepherds,» these providers know how to address a wide swath of marital issues.
A write - in question that asked what the most important issues are in real estate today resulted in a wide variety of responses, but technology and public image topped the list by far.
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