Sentences with phrase «fascinating field of study»

Period design is a fascinating field of study, and one that can help you do better business.

Not exact matches

He also explained that this will allow scientists to study how plant growth adjusts to different environmental conditions, adding that «this is a fascinating field of research in the era of climate change.»
Yet many questions remain opened, and the comparative, evolutionary study of spiralian development arises as one of the most fascinating research fields.
The psychology of human attraction is a fascinating field to study and it depends on all kinds of factors, including reproduction, positive association and more.
In a Dot Earth post at the time, I focused on a fascinating case study from BP's gas fields in northern New Mexico, which showed that more careful use of the plunger systems can greatly cut gas loss (and thus methane emissions)-- and do so at a profit.
The study of migration and immigration / emigration and how languages blur into one another as new linguistics form and become the norm (not just accepted but finding a path to being accepted, complete with dictionary definition) is indeed fascinating, and we, in our field of endeavour, are afforded a one on one opportunity to partake of the process in a unique manner of contribution.
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