Sentences with phrase «fascist dictators»

Uniquely, Snyder's team clumsily and unsuccessfully tries to use Hitler's allegedly idiosyncratic ecologism to exonerate Europe's other fascist dictators (whom he treats favourably) from any guilt for Hitlerite crimes.
But since it comes on the heels of yesterday's tempest in a teapot that saw Republican Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin roundly criticized for comparing the governor to two fascist dictators — Hitler and Mussolini — it seems only fair to point out that Diaz Sr. opened his commentary thusly:
Moreover, American distrust of government has long fed on the abuses of state power abroad, whether by despotic monarchs, fascist dictators or communist tyrants.
Hitler, Mussolini, and most other fascist dictators were Catholic.
It seems like toppling three Fascist dictators would pay better than that, but what do we know.
I do not think it is healthy for adults to have an imaginary fascist dictator in the sky who watches and listens to every move they make.»
History has been the judge of an earlier murderous and bigoted doctrine from an evil fascist dictator who I will not even name.
Obama is becomming a fascist dictator.
And vote in a fascist dictator like you did?
Serie A was originally organized by the Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in 1929, who saw sport as a powerful avenue for political messaging.
Best Fascist Dictator, Adolf Hitler.»
Corbet, who co-wrote with Mona Fastvold, posits that this fraught period in Prescott's life — along with a confluence of world events — set the stage for his adult future as a fascist dictator.
There was only one side to be on, and that was the side that fought the fascist dictator who murdered six million people on his way towards trying to turn the world into the Aryan nation.
It is true, unfortunately, that Hitler, his sidekick Heinrich Himmler, and their ally, Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, deceived much of the American and British animal and habitat advocacy communities (but hardly all) into accepting their bogus claims that they were animal advocates.
Norman's political affiliations and especially his service in the Spanish Civil War (ironically, against a fascist dictator aligned with Hitler and Mussolini) marked him as a target for McCarthyist attacks on left - leaning intellectuals.
Both pieces look like the sort of ridiculous thing that an eccentric fascist dictator would really put on their mantlepiece or dining room table.

Not exact matches

This is not about religion but about a religious, FASCIST, dictator - state.
People who believe in the nice God believe he is non-authoritarian — and by «authoritarian,» they seem to envision a fascist - like dictator.
Featuring Jack Oakie and Paulette Goddard in stellar supporting turns, The Great Dictator, boldly going after the fascist leader before the U.S.'s official entry into World War II, is an audacious amalgam of politics and slapstick that culminates in Chaplin's famously impassioned speech.
It's part of a series called The Dictators: Foolish Fascists in Funny Movies (Duck Soup, Bananas, and The In - Laws also make appearances next week).
The non-reaction of the town is indicative of the nebulous hold the dictator and the Fascist movement had on rural citizenry.
Horrified by the threat to the Church - Fascist alliance, the Vatican's inner circle, including the future Pope Pius XII, struggled to restrain the headstrong pope from destroying a partnership that had served both the Church and the dictator for many years.
A. communism never existed — except in China and all other commnist leaders were closer to fascist leaders or dictators.
Today, the irony is that the very people who are calling President Trump a tyrant, dictator, and fascist are the same people trying to take away the gun rights of Americans.
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