Sentences with phrase «fast bursts of activity»

Not exact matches

How about some activities to help burn off the last bursts of energy to be sure they fall asleep fast?
As the rats were learning the task, their brain activity showed bursts of fast gamma waves.
The violent activity triggers huge bursts of star formation that can churn out new stars 100 times faster than in an undisturbed galaxy like our own Milky Way.
Slow twitch is responsible for distance and endurance at slower paces and fast twitch is responsible for the ability to achieve short bursts of very high levels of activity.
Others are more inclined to activities that require speed and intense bursts of power, traits which are equated with more fast - twitch fibers.
Muscles that are used for situations where quick bursts of activity are needed, such as fleeing from danger, are made up of fibers called fast - twitch.
The Chinese hamster is very timid and fast, often displaying short bursts of activity and speed, which can make it difficult to catch.
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