Sentences with phrase «fast pace world»

In today's fast paced world of iPads and smart phones, sometimes pretend play is a thing of the past.
All to often we get the harsh experience of living in a very fast pace world where a simple call back to a client could make all the difference in one's life.
In today fast pace world, relationship and dating over 50 have been negatively influenced.
Dogs live in a very fast paced world, and you need to give them feedback within two seconds of a behavior or they have no idea what that feedback is for.
In today's fast paced world few people are willing to take the time to fast.
Today s dogs live in a much faster paced world, just as we do.
We have worked diligently to find a solution which is not only fair and effective but practical in today's fast paced world where you do everything on your phone, tablet or computer.
You will have the chance to slow down and escape the hectic pace of living in today's fast paced world when staying in a budget villa in Ubud, Bali.
Being single is not always enviable in the modern fast paced world; hence the internet is a great medium to... Continue Reading →
Not everything in the arcade world gets a chance to come back to the limelight in the increasingly fast paced world of modern day games.
In today's hyper technological fast paced world, the concept of the Affidavit of Service is really pointless.
In todays fast paced world of business, catching a Hiring Managers eye is 70 % presentation and 30 % skills and ability.
In today's modern and fast paced world where competition and demands are high, stress and anxiety level becomes inevitable high -LSB-...]
We delve into self acceptance, the importance of rest and community and how to feel centered in an increasingly fast paced world.
Being single is not always enviable in the modern fast paced world; hence the internet is a great medium to find «the one».
Patience can be a hard thing to come by though, especially in our fast paced world.
Even though they are slightly different from the traditional call / put option, they are still a powerful tool that you can use to your advantage in the fast paced world of binary options trading.
Ritual is something of a lost art in our society, and sitting down to food with a mindful, conscious approach is somewhat of a shock to the system in our fast paced world.
in such a fast paced world so many push their passions aside or put them on hold it's crazy and sad at the same time!
It is not uncommon for mothers to feel overwhelmed and undervalued in today's fast paced world.
In this fast paced world, its important for me to always be mindful of what matters more than any email or Facebook post, my wonderful husband and daughter.
I mean practically in this fast paced world no one writes much so these little cards with sweet messages makes it easier.
Because it is based on an outdated model that does not bear much relevance in today's fast paced world.
In the fast paced world of today, where both partners are usually working, it's often hard to tackle parenting alongside everything else.
Shared experiences benefits all of us in this fast paced world.
In today's fast paced world, it is unusual to see a high production toy still «traditionally produced» and made by hand: Sophie The Giraffe requires more than 14 manual manufacturing steps.
We live in such a fast paced world... Pregnancy is such a miraculous time and so many women these days don't take the time to connect with their bodies and babies.
As we undergo our daily work in this fast paced world, some of us may want to grab a processed tea drink.
It's a fast paced world we live in, and like it or not, I couldn't get it all done without doing multiple things at once.
We are trained in how to use nutrition, lifestyle change, and advanced diagnostic testing to help you not only overcome and prevent disease, but also thrive in today's fast paced world.
Let's face it: in today's fast paced world, who does?
Finding ways to maintain mental focus is key to success in a fast paced world that often requires this type of intense cerebral attention.
In today's fast paced world, with little rest, overloaded with toxins, and devoid of nutrients, inflammation is very common.
in such a fast paced world so many push their passions aside or put them on hold it's crazy and sad at the same time!
After working in the fast paced world of Fashion for 3 years (Assistant Buyer at Neiman Marcus, Buyer at Belk) she made the decision to follow her intuition and pursue her passion for Yoga.
Psychological Stress We live in a fast paced world with unprecedented levels of social and work - related pressures.
In any event, the world's addiction to caffeine shows no signs of easing up especially in the fast paced world in which we live.
Dr. Salna Smith, ND writes about adrenal fatigue, a problem for many in our fast paced world.
Unlike other doctors, our board certified physicians and coaches are also trained in functional medicine, meaning they are trained in how to use nutrition, lifestyle change, and cutting - edge testing to help you not only cure and prevent disease, but also thrive in today's fast paced world.
In this crazy, fast paced world, personalization goes a long way.
Finally, I look forward to showing that slow fashion can compete in the fast pace world of the fast fashion industry in terms of style.
But, in the crazy, fast paced world we live in, there is something so appealing about a simpler time.
something that every women strives for in their lives whether it's in what they wear, drive or how they live in this fast paced world.
In the hustle and bustle of today's fast paced world, it is easy to lose sight of the true beauty that surrounds us.
Maintain your privacy - In this modern, fast paced world, finding a companion of your choice who is going to behave as you wish and make you feel happier as well as younger, seems pretty next to impossible.
With the fast pace world and being busy all the time, it becomes much more difficult to meet and know about others.
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