Sentences with phrase «fast ramp rates»

... be capable of at least 2 starts per day, with fast ramp rates, able to be online and dispatchable in 10 minutes or less... have shorter minimum run, minimum down, and start - up times,... interconnect to the APS transmission system near Phoenix.
The advantage of using energy storage technologies for frequency regulation is their much faster ramp rates.

Not exact matches

Higher fiscal spending will likely ramp growth and allow the Fed to normalize key rates at a faster clip.
On a clear day, CaISO's typically ramp - rate from 9 am to noon is about 12.6 MWs per minute, so the eclipse - related ramps will be significantly faster than normal operating conditions.
We also simplify by ignoring reserve requirements, within - hourly fluctuations and ramp rates; these would be easily covered with the amount of fast storage contemplated here.
However they have limited ramp rates (how fast they can go up or down) and if shut down they have minimum down times before they can be restarted.
But according to CHP, speed enforcement needs to be ramped up because «driving too fast for the conditions is the biggest reason for the high crash rate».
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