Sentences with phrase «faster than any country»

Meanwhile, student debt has reached $ 1.2 trillion, growing seven times faster than this country's mortgage debt in just the past 10 years.
Meanwhile, our national debt is rising faster than any country in Europe other than Spain.
Their economic success is remarkable, and they have surely lifted more people out of poverty faster than any country in history.
In testing, she managed to achieve download speeds of 42.8 Gbps over a distance of around 8.5 feet, which is about 2000 times faster than the country's average Wi - Fi speeds.

Not exact matches

If for no other reason, fasting will help you appreciate that we have more in this country than 95 percent of the world.
Most developing countries are growing faster than developed ones, and there's plenty of opportunities for investors to capitalize on these countries» growing middle class.
But new research shows that the hiring process for Canadians, on average, moves faster than most comparable countries.
For risks on the domestic front, look no further than the country's condominium market, where oversupply is fast becoming a concern.
But the current reality is this: While the number of U.S. companies owned by women is increasing faster than those of other groups, those companies are responsible for just 6 percent of the country's employees and 4 percent of revenue, according to a 2012 report commissioned by American Express Open.
The competitive nature of these populations and ultimately countries meant that while each was always vulnerable as societies they progresses much better and faster than the autocracies of China and Turkey.
Verizon Wireless is the country's largest cellphone carrier, and keeps growing faster than its competitors, thanks in large part to its vast, fast and highly - rated network.
«In the U.S., the value of real estate in the great cities will continue to grow much faster than in the rest of the country.
A booming energy sector means, once again, that Alberta will grow faster than the rest of the country.
One of the fastest - growing sharing - economy companies, Uber operates in 57 countries, with an estimated value of more than $ 40 billion.
How fast a country's broadband connections are is about more than just bragging rights (woo hoo, Canada is faster than Monaco!).
Delaware has the fastest connection speeds in the country, nearly 9 percent faster than our closest competitor last year.
A decade ago, residents of northern European countries such as the Netherlands and Sweden were going online at a faster rate than in just about any other area in the world, thanks in part to substantial investments in broadband infrastructure.
The perfect villages, she says, are much faster - growing markets for Unilever than other parts of the country.
Downloads in the U.S. — the fastest country in the Western Hemisphere — are 67 percent slower than in No. 1 - ranked Hong Kong.
The country's growing middle class has increasingly attracted North American fast - food chains, but many have found it a harder market to crack than they expected.
Dallas has been growing faster than any city in the country and fast growth is a factor that both it and Amazon share.
Research on kiosks in liquor stores in various countries found that kiosks increased the sale of hard - to - pronounce items, while some fast food locations saw results in customers ordering more calorie - rich dishes than they did when speaking to a cashier, apparently to avoid being judged for their dietary habits.
The country might be moving away from that model now: Consumption is growing robustly and worker compensation is rising faster than inflation, while unemployment stays at historic lows.
«We expect countries with young populations, supportive regulations and fast mobile Internet speeds and planned migration to 5G to be best positioned,» says Graseck, adding that banks serving urban populations may have more latitude to consolidate branches than those focused on rural populations.
As a group, these developing - country superstars are growing faster and more profitably than their global counterparts (see Figure 1).
Earnings growth was in some cases was one and half to two times faster for individual EAFE countries than US companies the last few years.
Such forbearance appears not to have weakened the Irish economy, which has recovered at a faster rate than those of other European countries.
But if all goes to plan, the combined company will have roughly 18,000 restaurants across more than 100 countries, creating the third - largest fast - food operator in the world.
More than 5.2 million users across 32 countries use Skuid to drive deeper customer obsession and increase pipeline 70 - 90 % faster.
The reason tax mix matters is because it explains the Nordic countries, who have much larger public sectors than does Canada, so much so that according to the usual Fraser Institute logic that lower taxes overall would lead to faster economic growth, they ought to be complete basket cases.
Spain could therefore either use the imported German capital to (a) increase domestic investment (which it did in the form of a real estate bubble)(b) binge on consumption and sharply reduce its savings as a function of GDP (which it also did)(c) accept higher unemployment (which it is now forced to do) which forces GDP to fall faster than consumption falls or (d) try to emulate Germany by passing off a trade imbalance at the expense of the rest of the world (which Europe as a whole is trying to do and which will go nowhere in the long run because only one country is even remotely capable of accepting such massive inflows, and it is increasingly unwilling to import the unemployment caused by German and Asian policies).
Google announced that the city would be the inaugural site for its «Fiber for Communities» program, which it says will be able to deliver Internet access more than 100 times faster than the home broadband connections provided by phone and cable companies across the country.
Western Canada retook its lead in the country's growth tables last year, with Alberta recording the fastest expansion among the 10 provinces and British Columbia posting its strongest pace in more than a decade.
In that case, with incentives lines up so that all the major economic agents worsen the debt problem, debt must rise faster than both GDP and the country's debt - servicing ability.
A recent analysis by researchers at the Federal Housing Finance Agency found that home values had risen faster in the heart of big cities than anywhere else in the country over the last 25 years, a sign of their turnaround and a trend Mr. Trump, as a real estate developer, is likely to be aware of.
But, he noted, the rollout is faster and more aggressive, hitting more countries more quickly than previous iPhone launches.
So the issue for the people around the world at this point especially the ones that are dealing with these currencies that are devalued faster than others is that the currency is a terrible store of value and the buying power for people of these countries just continues to disappear.
However, if China pushes too hard on this front the U.S. could retaliate with similar measures against Chinese firms in the U.S. and / or encourage U.S. firms to migrate to lower - cost countries at a faster pace than is already occurring.
Prices rose by an average of 5.2 per cent a year between 1981 and 2012 in the country as a whole, or 1.3 percentage points a year faster than average incomes.
High - saving countries created employment, and low - saving countries enjoyed faster consumption growth as cheap imports meant that living standards rose by more than the increase in production — worth around half a percentage point a year in the United Kingdom.
Since NAFTA was enacted in the 1990s, trade between the United States, Mexico and Canada has tripled, growing faster than the U.S. trade with any other country.
More than 350,000 people have now attended Fast Track events throughout the country.
Moderate rise in prices across the country, with input prices rising faster than their output counterparts.
China, Taiwan, and India are all growing significantly faster than most developed countries.
«In fact, in our most mature country, we've grown faster in the first 10 weeks of 2017 than in the first 10 weeks of 2016,» head of business in the U.S. and Canada Rachel Holt said.
The result in a number of countries, including Australia, was average credit growth over the late 1980s almost 10 percentage points faster than the growth in nominal GDP (Graph 63).
In the United States, Japan, Russia, and most countries in Europe, populations are aging, some at much faster rates than others.
The internal goods trade flows within ASEAN, the 10 - country Asian trading bloc, are growing 50 per cent faster than NAFTA's.
Faster average wage growth in Australia has been accompanied by trend growth in labour productivity which is faster than the average of the countries shown in the Faster average wage growth in Australia has been accompanied by trend growth in labour productivity which is faster than the average of the countries shown in the faster than the average of the countries shown in the table.
This rate of growth is the fastest in over a decade and is considerably higher than that being recorded in most other countries.
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