Sentences with phrase «faster than neurons»

Burrows and Sutton suspect that the gears evolved because they can synchronise the leg movements better and faster than neurons can.

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In new research, published in an article in The Journal of Neuroscience, Burger and Oline — along with Dr. Go Ashida of the University of Oldenburg in Germany — have investigated auditory brain cell membrane selectivity and observed that the neurons «tuned» to receive high - frequency sound preferentially select faster input than their low - frequency - processing counterparts — and that this preference is tolerant of changes to the inputs being received.
For example, the scientists suggest that the technique could be used to visualize myelin, the lipid layer that wraps neurons and guarantees fast transmission of electrical signals, because it has a larger refractive index than the neurons it surrounds.
The research also answers a long - standing question about why motor neurons, the nerve cells of the spinal cord that control muscle movement, form much faster than other types of neurons.
Finally, snake - responsive neurons sprang into action more quickly, activating about 15 milliseconds faster than those that responded to angry faces and about 25 milliseconds ahead of the neutral shape - detecting neurons.
The neuron mimics, Wright says, are another step toward hardware that can process information as the brain does but at speeds orders of magnitudes faster than the organ.
He also points out that the devices fire faster than actual neurons, on a nanosecond timescale compared with a millisecond one.
While the cells were getting quieter overall, there were some important variations: the firing of some neuron groups was dropping off faster than others.
Once the system includes more neurons and the kinks are worked out, it could supply data centers, autonomous cars, and national security services with neural nets that are orders of magnitude faster than existing designs, while using orders of magnitude less power, according to the study's two primary authors, Yichen Shen, a physicist, and Nicholas Harris, an electrical engineer, both at MIT.
The newfound swellings form faster in younger neurons than in older ones.
A similar argument would, however, conclude that bone is a better structural material than graphite composite, that neurons can transmit signals faster than wires, and that technology based on the wheel is impossible or useless.
If neurons are being starved of glucose by an infection, they will be seeking energy substrates wherever they can find them, and brain usage of ketones will increase more rapidly than in starvation / fasting.
The reason more mitochondria don't always mean that you run faster (instead of longer) is because (1) you may have far more mitochondria than necessary to process the maximum amount of oxygen your lungs can take in and your red blood cells transport at any given time, (2) regardless of how many mitochondria you have, the motor neurons connected to your aerobic muscle fibers are smaller than those connected to your anaerobic muscle fibers.
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