Sentences with phrase «fastest warming»

The phrase "fastest warming" means that something is getting hotter more quickly compared to other things. Full definition
Thanks to smart design of this bottle warmer with a lid, you will be able to facilitate faster warming because the stream is trapped inside the chamber.
This method gives a simple and fast warming result but can impact negatively on your breastmilk as high temperature is going to destroy its nutrients.
The split or twin circuit cooling system offers the twin benefits of lowering CO2 emissions by enabling fast warm ups, and providing quick cabin heat on cold days.
The engine block is of cast iron instead of aluminium which ensures up to 50 per cent faster warm - up.
It is made from microwave safe material allowing easy and fast warming of milk.
Bottom: Reconstructed data shows faster warming in the Arctic than the rest of the world.
US secretary of state will fly to the world's fastest warming region to join ministers in a statement that could sit uncomfortably with his president's anti-climate agenda
According to a recent Climate Central analysis, Colorado was the 20th - fastest warming state between 1970 and 2011, with average temperatures increasing by about 0.5 °F per decade.
Again there's a hint of faster warming during April, and for these data of slower warming during summer months.
There is still some ambiguity in the tropics, where most measurements show the surface warming faster than the upper troposphere, whereas the models predict faster warming of the atmosphere.
Unless greenhouse gas emissions are brought under control, we will see faster warming in the future ³.
«The short - lived climate pollutants [like methane] that we emit from human activities are basically controlling how fast the warming occurs,» she said.
Studies warn climate change will bring faster warming to subtropical dry areas, making crops like wheat and potatoes unviable
The reanalyses tend to show faster warming between the pole and the Chuckchi sea - you can see it in the GISTEMP - MERRA plot above - and this is completely inaccessible to the station record.
Yet another high scoring bottles warmer is the Philips Avent Fast Warmer.
Prince Lionheart On - the - Go Bottle Warmer promises instant heat source resulting to faster warming time if your baby's bottle.
November is the second - fastest warming month for the U.S. (second only to January), with temperatures rising at the rate of 6.6 °F per century since 1970, according to NOAA.
After correcting for problems caused by the decaying orbit of satellites, as well as other factors, they have produced a new record showing 36 % faster warming since 1979 and nearly 140 % faster (i.e. 2.4 times larger) warming since 1998.
The result would be a bit faster warming than over the entire period since 1980, but probably less than the 0.29 °C per decade measured over 1992 - 2006.
But what we actually found was a surprise - our infilled record showed rather faster warming than GISTEMP.
For instance, the models simulate fast warming, and retreating sea - ice, in the sparsely observed southern high latitudes.
The paper REA16 primarily cite to support faster warming of tas over open water than SST, [6] which is also model - based, attributes this effect to the thermal inertia of the ocean causing a lag in ocean warming.
Remarkably, the Marvel et al. reworked observational estimates for TCR and ECS are, taking the averages for the three studies, substantially higher than the equivalent figures for the GISS - E2 - R model itself, despite the model exhibiting faster warming than the real climate system.
Major climate data sets have underestimated the rate of global warming in the last 15 years owing largely to poor data in the Arctic, the planet's fastest warming region.
Internal variability will begin to work against us, and lead to even faster warming in the decade ahead.
The heating chamber is covered by a lid that traps steam and thus facilitate faster warming of a bottle inside.
Higher growth scenarios are equally credible and would lead to even faster warming than shown in figure A.
But Co2 to temperature is a logarithmic diminishing return relationship, meaning we should see faster warming with earlier increases than with later increases.
«The short - lived climate pollutants [like methane] that we emit from human activities are basically controlling how fast the warming occurs,» she said.
Studies warn climate change will bring faster warming to subtropical dry areas, making crops like wheat and potatoes unviable
For faster warm ups, the Muscletrac ® performance massage rollers increases blood flow and oxygen, and flexibility while stimulating the muscles for peak performance.
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