Sentences with phrase «fat in the blood»

So a skinny person eating a low carb diet can have the same level of fat in their blood as obese people do.
This helps prevent the abnormal accumulation of fat in the blood vessel walls which can contribute to hypertension.
Why do they all say it causes fat in the blood vessels to stick to the walls?
His diabetes is caused by the excess fat in his blood, coupled with the normal amount of sugar and carbs in his diet.
Researchers found no jump in the levels of saturated fat in the blood during this phase.
This excess glucose is converted into fat in the blood.
It also lowered levels of triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood that can increase heart disease risk.
This means that high levels of even chain saturated fat in the blood are associated with higher chances of diabetes.
They also showed recently in their PlosOne paper «Effects of Step-Wise Increases in Dietary Carbohydrate on Circulating Saturated Fatty Acids and Palmitoleic Acid in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome» that when you added more carbohydrates to the diet the saturated fats in the blood went up.
«Blocking a gene reduces fat: Major clinical study targeting illnesses linked to excessive fat in blood
Researchers found that children with higher blood levels of the chemicals known to be in the dust had elevated levels of artery - hardening fats in their blood.
Moreover, mice engineered to generate smaller than normal quantities of SIRT1 carried relatively little fat in their blood, indicating that their cells hung onto it.
Recent studies have examined whether some individuals with a body - mass index (BMI) that meets the criteria for obesity can maintain healthy blood pressure, cholesterol levels, blood sugar and levels of fats in the blood called triglycerides.
Since chia seeds have such high amounts of alpha - linoleic acid and dietary fiber, scientists have tried to find out how they can help with the prevention of metabolic conditions like dyslipidemia, which is the presence of extra fat in the blood and insulin resistance, the two key reasons for developing diabetes.
Many of the phytonutrients found in tomatoes play a role in regulating fats in the blood: helping to decrease cholesterol.
Healthy metabolism = efficiently burning fat in blood.
NAFLD is closely linked to metabolic syndrome — a cluster of harmful conditions such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, abdominal fat, elevated fats in the blood and low levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol.
When it came to decreasing fats in the blood and reducing harmful LDL cholesterol, the olive leaf extract outperformed the prescription drug.
The acai berry contains similar properties as red wine in controlling fats in the blood and is a fair contributor to go up against the wine diets of the Mediterranean people.
Participants who performed around five minutes of intense physical activity before consuming a meal high in fat had lower levels of fat in their blood compared to those who walked at a moderate pace for 30 minutes.
If this sugar is in the form of fructose, it gets shuttled to our liver where it will be metabolized, but if our liver is overloaded, it can turn those incoming sugars into triglycerides, which is essentially fat in the blood.3, 4, 5 This is why sugar is now being considered by some scientists as a chronic liver toxin, potentially leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and metabolic diseases.6, 7
Michael Oliver, a former professor for metabolic research in London was one of the first to demonstrate that, on average, patients with coronary heart disease more often had abnomal levels of various fats in the blood than healthy individuals did.
These include: Removing toxins from the blood Converting lactate into energy Metabolizing of alcohol Producing and excreting bile Destroying old blood cells Activating enzymes Regulating protein, carbohydrate and fat in the blood Detoxifying...
Another immediate tip - off that something's awry is the finding that participants who had the highest levels of trans fats in their blood had the lowest risk for prostate cancer... As Dr. Bowden writes in hisHuffington Post12 rebuttal:
The superseed's calcium and magnesium promote bone and dental health, while the omega - 3s help your heart by lowering triglycerides, the bad fats in your blood that can cause heart disease.
Research has shown that after a bout of interval training there is more fat in the blood (i.e. free fatty acids), which is an indication of more fat being used for energy production.
Lycopene, however, is fat - soluble, meaning that it needs certain fats in the blood for better absorption by the body, Patil said.
Basically, Schnauzers have a genetic predisposition to retaining too many triglyceride lipid fats in their blood.
High fat diets apparently cause release of pancreatic lipase in the microscopic circulation of the pancreas which digests fats in the blood causing release of damaging fatty acids, which cause inflammation and release of more lipase, which eventually starts to digest the pancreatic tissue, leading to the severe inflammation that causes the signs of pancreatitis.
The ultimate dietary goal for dogs with Cushing's disease symptoms is to lower the amount of circulating fats in the blood.
Excessive insulin can also trigger atherosclerosis, excessive fats in the blood and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
In what seems contrary to mainstream dietary advice, a small new study shows that doubling the saturated fat in a person's diet does not drive up the levels of saturated fat in the blood.
The following recommended diet modifications will help lower the amount of fat in the blood of dogs with Cushing's disease.
Triglycerides are fat in the blood, used to give energy to the body, but extras are stored in different places in case the body needs them later.
We also know people with depression have low levels of omega 3 fats in their blood.
Poor physical health in the form of obesity, metabolic syndrome and dyslipidaemia, i.e. high levels of fat in the blood, was considerably more common in patients with low cortisol levels in comparison to patients with normal or high cortisol levels.
«Our conclusions are promising in terms of the prevention of the risk associated with the accumulation of fat in blood
Hyperlipidemia, or raised levels of cholesterol and other fats in the blood, is associated with erectile dysfunction in men, because the build - up of fats in blood vessel walls can reduce blood flow to erectile tissue.
So they were a little chubbier because the fats in the blood went where they belonged — into fat.
The researchers also found women who took soy isoflavone supplements tended to have lower levels of testosterone, harmful cholesterol known as LDL and triglycerides, or fats in the blood, than their counterparts who received the placebo.
An extra two hours per day spent standing rather than sitting was associated with approximately 2 % lower average fasting blood sugar levels and 11 % lower average triglycerides (fats in the blood).
More time spent standing rather than sitting could improve your blood sugar, fats in the blood and cholesterol levels, according to a new study published in the European Heart Journal.
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